988 Savannah Rd - Certificate of Occupancy I _ _ ~~r#ifirtt#~ nf (~rrix~ttnr~ ~itp of (~agan ~P}t~1'hltPtl~ itf ~1t1I~111g .~t[S}1PtfiDt[ This Certifrcale rssued pursuanl to 1he reguiremenls ojSection 306 ojthe Unijorm Buifding Code certijying that at rhe time of issuance this structure was in compliance with 1he vanous ~ ordiwnces ojthe City reguladng building construcfton or use. Forlhe folbwing.• SR U:li;/Gil"i "':`,~5 Ux Qa~fwUOn Bidg. Rmril No. ou,w~vTrx ~sw~a L I ~ya~ +i Owardeuildog = i:i :1O`L'1T_,L>:B CO P.U. BOi: 3E3, ~SS.:G + Bwldin6Addrtss %~8$ J~llf~n~:i:(~i~ Rp Lanli~Y ? ~it L'S:iT:~L'.rix~ ~~~:~~6.:~.. ~ , ,ili. H ?.3. F.:C7 o.~: BwldmB Ol6dal . POST IN A CONSPICUOU3 PLACE