587 Allan Lane - Certificate of Occupancy (gtr#tftrafe nf (Orrupatcry Citp of t agan ]Rrpwftnd o# %itding 3wpriinn This Certificate issuaipursuaal ta lhe requirerneirls of Savon 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying lhat at !he t*w of issuancse thirstruc[ure ms in complianae "h the ?+vious or&=ors ollhe CiO negulatin8 building carmuction or use For 1he jollowing. ux a.ncowoa SF M]GIGAR eki& %,a N,. 18635 OMW-WTrx RlMl zoo* oW= R 1 rypc n,.,g VN owm arskaaFCEYIANID FCMES Add,= 14450 B'VI,IIEE PiadY. , B'VIIIE PosT w A coNSPIcuous Puce