603 Allan Lane - Certificate of OccupancyI # : (Itr#i#ira#it o# (IDrrupanry Citp of (Eagari EppMl'ftriFtlf Df iWBi1tiJ JttSpPtftntl Tleis Certificute issued pursuani w the requiremenu of Section 306 of the Unijorm Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordrnances of rhe City negrtlating building construction or use. For the followfng.• USC CiLssifi,don SF DWG/GAR ??,n;, No. 15996 o-uva-Y Tyw R3/"! J z4ni,g o;shitt R I Tym co„sL VN owner oee?w' DEUT9C1-1 OCNSf. INC. Add,.. RT. 4, BC1X 245, Nh3J PRlCIE ,- euilains naaTM 603 AiIAN IANE [,=utY L I, B3, MA" LW p„m: APRIL 27, 1989 Bwlding Offiaal POST IN A COWSPICUOUS PLACE I ? . • ?b . . ,. . ?