1579 Antler Pt - Certificate of Occupancy.-. r„ W-ertificate vf cccupanc? Wit? ? pagan T**WbRcnt .? onows 3noa?rion This Centtfrcate issaed parsaant to the requinenrents of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issaance this structurr was in compliance wrth the various onfinances of the City regulating buildiieg canstruction or use. For the fo!loweng: ux ckudkeua.: SF DWG ski& rmk No. 26761 o.W.-y TYr? R3 zo.ins nmaia R3 `Ty"c.n:-°. VN o,m ?t s?aaft O0M VAiM WES Ad&MQ445 E -MCrI RAP'IDS s?.waa? 1581 ANM Pt L3' B1 , EMNa,OM 'lt[LMOES z!,/ ? Bmuftomc.i f! t" ? POST IN A CX)NSPICIJOUS PLACE . ? Wertificate of cccupanc? (AM of ftean mc"rtwmt ? Sumi% 3*Occtiox This Certificcue issued pursuant to the nquirrmerets of the Uniform Building Code certijying that at tht tinte of lssuance tltis struclune was in compliance with the various ordinaects of tlu Ciry regWating lwildi?1g constnrction or use. For the following: u%c churcafim- SF IOG swg. vwvwl nw. 76762 Ooa.p.Y lype R3 Tmie` Diseia VN lype const. R3 o.m orsuiidn GOW VALUE HM A&mm W5 E RIVE[t RD. flDOt1 RAFID6 s,,;wim Aaa= 1579 ANIIER FT Lomay I1+, B 1, DEL"RWl7m I04dBOMES i ? ? ? -? POST IN A CON.SP1ClJOltS PLACE ?