1587 Antler Pt - Certificate of Occupancy1 . I&M ficate nf cccupanc? Wi? ? ??? Tepartment of 16*MWS 3n4?vcfivn _Ibis Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating buildiRg construction or use. For the following: U. c?r?? SF DWG sa& Nnrf,;i No_ 28412 pcwpaj,cy TYpe:. R-3 U-1 z.,,,.m pje, R-3 Tya Consi. 1r-N Owncrof$wldmg GOOD VALUE H088S Addrcn 9445 E RIVSR RD., COON RAPIDS MH BWkfing Addmss 1589 ANTLER PT L-ality L!, B!, DEERWOOD TOWNHOHES 2ZID i % i Datc. ' enildiug oWwial PKJST fN A CONSPiCt10US P1ACE r. _ Wertificate of Cccu.pancv Witv of Cftgan Moartiacut o? ?uft* 3aelpectioa This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code cenifying that at the tane of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of t6e City regulating 6uilding construction or use. For the following: ._ ? t;;??ifWation: SF DFJG?GAR Bldg PemNNo 28413 ? Oc-pa-Y lYPe R-3 U-1 Zoning Disuict R-3 Type Consi. VN Owm of BWlding GOOD VALUE HOMES 1N? 9445 E R1VER RD., COON RAPIDS, MN i ?ding Add,,. 1587 ANTLER P'I L2, Bl, DEERWOQD TOWNHOMES 2ND ? oaw. , Budding arcial ,?- POST (N A CONSPICUOIlS PLACE ? ?