909 Apollo Rd - Certificate of Occupancy Wertifica#e of Cccuoano (Citv of ?agatt T"artiacut of Zxilbixg ?x?ectioa ? 77eis Certifrcate issued pursuant ta the requirements of the Uniform Building Code cerrifyireg that at the trme of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various orcfinances of the City regulatirsg building construction or use. For the fo!lowing: u.eci,wir,csion: CdMM / I N D- MAM FREI(NT swg. Nunit No. 23()f32 Oqnup-y 7ype AM I Zoning Disaict 1IN Type Const. TT Ovoer d Buildiug KqM FRIMU Adhess ?APCIII) RD. JW euibding Addess ? APCEID ROAD Localiry ?, B3, EAGAAIDALE IAID P1C D Date: euiknug offic;a / POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE