1422 Appaloosa Tr - Certificate of OccupancyM •, y + ? • ?A F ! Citp of (gagart W}rartmd n# ?iuild'utg .?tt?ertion This Cerli"fiaate iuuad pursuartl to 1he requ&mmts ojSadiori 306 oj[he unijorm Building Cak oa?'lyin8 that at the timr oJissumae thirstrucurre was in compliance with the various orduranoes of rhe CitY regulaAin8 bullding caoruYruaion or use For 1he following: ue aaurimfiad SF' l7WG/GAR ekk. Pa,,, rm 18654 0-p-7 T"C R3/!'11 zogiag Dhuict Rl Trat-,„. VN OWDW or owism JCE MILIF•R EMS Add= 18133 aI.IAR AVE S, PAIMEIGN &a,;,&A&h= 1422 AFPlIL6S!\ TRAM i,,Zk L 12, B I, S'EEMM D(7WNS -- POST IN A CONSFICUOUS PLACE . :_7? '