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4312 Aries Ct - Certificate of Occupancy
titp of (Eagan , . ; ? ? ??3?rpttrttnrnt ? ??uilding J?prrtiim, ; - TbirCertificate itsueel purruant to thc reyuiremenu of Sertian 306 of tbe Uni form Buildrng . Codt cati fyrng that dt the time of ittua9ue thit ttrarture wur in compliunce witb tbe varioul .; ordinarues o f theCrty rrgulating buitding conrtrurtion ar ure. Far the follounnb: , uxa.?e?n? SSllgle FSm11Y ?/??8e eme.r.rmt NO. 635?' ?w?rTra ' R3 rywc.?uo. v F?Rz? 3 z?ao.,m?? :Fil' o„a, of a„fl,,,e Bruee' Colon naaa.5.31 i bi py MPm. Hav: =A+fAndo B„aaiagAaa-.,, 431?9 rinB Cenrt "Loodny P ; ,z?: ? : ? e?w?aorkw um=: "'Avlguet?27, 1981 .? ??- ? , ? • , , , . .. r,e . .,;:e...?.?:, . ? . . . . . . . ., umoiw . s o,