4621 Beacon Hill Rd - Certificate of Occupancy(?rrfiifirtt#e af (Orrupttnrg
Citp uf Cagan
Drpttrttncnt nf Builbitig lntiprriimi
Tbir Cnti/icate irtucd purtuunt to rbc nquiremenu of Sertian 306 of the Ur+i/orm BuiWing
Codr re*trf yrag that at the time of ittuancr thit Jhucturt wut in ram pliunrt witb tht variout
ordinannrofthtCity+tgulutingbuildingronttreutionoruta Forthtfollou-ing:
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7yq 'rypCmuuciian FinZan
o.,K,oceouamiJoseph M. Miller ,,aa„18133 Cedar Ave. So., Farm
Buidlft? 4621 Beacon Hill Rd,.;,yLot 9 Block l,Seacon Hill
By November 18, 1983
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