4628 Beacon Hill Rd - Certificate of OccupancyTtr#tftratr uf (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan ?tpttrimmt of Building Jnwppr#intt Tbit Ccrti ficatc i.rsucd pxrtuant to the reqriiremcnts of Scrtion 306 of the Uni f orm Building Codc urti fri„g that at tfx timr ef issuarut tbrr strucsurt wat in compliancc with the varios.s ordiriaxres o f the City ngulating bwldiKg conttrrrction os u.rt. For thc f ollowing: wcwMM2dM SF DWG/GAR ewe.Pomr?N0. 7841 Oampeay Ty,p R3 Typocoeswction V Fin Znna NA ywq p?A, Rl By: June 9, 1983 ro.. u. . R.a