4225 Daniel Dr - Certificate of Occupancy^P. pr C. ? -...... ° wei•tificate of ccc"anO Wit? ? ?ggm 41oaetracat of eKubiag 3nOyvacNon This Cer[if:cate issued pursuant to !he requiremenrs of the Urtiform Building Code r certifyrng that ar the trme of issuance this strncture was in compiiance with the varinus - ardinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: Use Clasaificaum: CGt7.1"' Bb6. Pefmn No. Z?Q9 O.p--9.n,Pe j1111 I Zming piw:ct F134tj Type Cons[ OwnerMBuilding TTRASRRF ? Addns 'Len TAw nOC MA RACAu Bwlding AdM? 4225 ?, URM Locali7 D?: M' wmgoffical_ /k" ' POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE , .