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CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 AGAN NEWS MAY, 1988 Volume 11, No. 2 Phone: 454-8100 THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY PILOT KNOB ROAD CONSTRUCTION BEGINS Construction on the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road officially began on Wednesday, May 5, 1988, with the rerouting of some private utilities (gas, electric, cable and telephone services). Construction work on Pilot Knob Road will continue throughout the summer and fall. Pilot Knob Road is planned to be reconstructed to a five -lane urban street from Interstate 35 -E to Rebecca Lane (south of Cliff Road). Included in this project is the reconstruction of Diffley Road from Heine Strasse Lane to Blueberry Lane and the reconstruction of Cliff Road from Johnny Cake Ridge Road to Ches Mar Drive. Bike trails will also be provided on both sides of Pilot Knob Road, Diffley Road and Cliff Road in the reconstructed areas. The preliminary construction schedule is as follows: 1. On May 16, the general contractor will close Diffley Road east of Pilot Knob Road. Pilot Knob will remain open. 2. The week of May 23 (approximately), Pilot Knob Road just south of Deerwood Drive will be temporarily closed for about a week. 3. After the above section of Pilot Knob Road is opened, Pilot Knob Road will be closed for major construction purposes from Duckwood Drive south to Deerwood Drive. 4. Construction will proceed in stages south on Pilot Knob Road, going next to the intersection of Pilot Knob and Diffley Roads, then south of that in- tersection. 5. Construction is expected to reach the intersection of Pilot Knob and Cliff Roads around Labor Day. 6. At that point, Dakota County will evaluate the situation and proceed with construction in the Pilot Knob /Cliff Road intersection area this fall or delay that construction until the spring of 1989. 7. It is likely that the section of Cliff Road reaching from Pilot Knob Road to Johnny Cake Ridge Road will not be constructed until next spring. Unfortunately, because of the construction and subsequent road closures, many detours will be necessary. Some of the detours will only be very temporary and some will last a considerable length of time. Please refer to your local newspapers for updates as to how the construction is proceed- ing and where the current road closures /detours are located. Eagan Volunteer Cammuni enl ................... ............................... Fall Electi4 ; Library New Compost Cable >Corner Sll 'imer I ec ........ ............................... CITY OF EAGAN Mayor: Vic Ellison Councilmembers: Thomas Egan Dave Gustafson Pam McCrea Ted Wachter ne:::;:�a tr but `four tii es :a::year : as:' public service by the Eagan Cit Co.,uncil...., 'he._,., newsletter prepared through :the offi ce; : :. r the :City Admimstrator:;: :::::......... RESIDENT VOLUNTEERS The City of Eagan presently has seven (7) standing committees/commis - sions staffed by volunteer residents of the City of Eagan which provide recom- mendations on public service and community development related issues. In addition to these standing commissions/committees, there is one special com- mission, the Solid Waste Abatement Commission, that is analyzing methods to comply with the mandatory solid waste abatement legislation that was adopted by State law. Volunteer members of these commissions and committees donate a sig- nificant amount of their personal time to the City of Eagan. The commit- ment, time and effort spent by these residents provide the City with a unique and irreplaceable service. There were a number of volunteers appointed and reappointed in early 1988 by the City Council, all of whom are included on the following list by commission/committee. ADVISORY PLANNING COMMIS- SION Timothy Pawlenty - Chair Ron Voracek - Vice Chair Doris Wilkins - Secretary Daniel Garry Gary Graves Scott Merkley Mark Miller Lori Trygg EAGAN/BURNSVILLE JOINT CABLE COMMISSION Eagan: Patrick O'Malley - Chair Doug Dahl Ron Jensen James Unker Burnsville: Betsy Pierce - Vice Chair Roger Franke - Secretary Paul Wood Barb Puch Cheri Hanson WATER MANAGEMENT OR- GANIZATION Eagan: Tom Colbert (staff) - Chair Catherine Funk Scott Merkley Tom Walkington Mendota Heights: Jim Danielson - Secretary Miles Bredvold Klayton Eckles Inver Grove Heights: John Sachi - Vice Chair Sheila Tatone ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE Phillip Colton Terry Creegan Floyd Forsberg Victor Twadell ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREA- TION COMMISSION Richard Carroll - Chair Sandra Masin - Vice Chair George Kubick - Secretary JoAnn Alt David Hennes Bob Porter Wayne Sames Michele Swanson ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Larry Wenzel - Chair George Traynor - Vice Chair Corey Cleveland William Duggan Tom Ellingson Candace Garry Roger Huges Eldon Johnson Michelle Sewald AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMIT- TEE Lynn Fieman William Lesiecki Dustin Mirick Bruce Nauth Jeff Nietz Paul Pederson Stephen Rosenthal Katherine Shoaps SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT COMMISSION Tim Hoel & Tom Mann -Joint Chairs Darlene Bahr Del DeBilzan Cindy Ista Larry Knutson Brenda Marshall Earl Milbridge Kevin Nordby Terry Schnell 2 Cou nc i l:: proved : [he:; >:hiri chitectural firm to perform space':needs/eost:'analysis :for ±Communi Center ............................... Asseported :the: Mar; 1988:::i:Eagan;;:; News�::Decisi Resources, Inc , a nation wide polling firm completed a ran• dom sample survey of Eagann. residents. The survey was ad= ministered to ;determine resi dents' views on; a bro ra nge of issues, i clud c ponents for a Community Center Results of :the... survey,. part, said "Residents.: place a high value on recreation and leisuro activitie ugh . ••.••.•.•.•.•.• . terests :are va most dents ursue some p o r out door l e i sure oppor .' t The ::extensive report goes on to discuss issues of. impor� tance to :the community mclud- ing the: preservation::of the natural environment, expan= sion of :::park : facilities, trails +• evelopment_ and desires for ; a e •• • • Community Center On th issue of a swimming :pool, :79 % of:: the respondents said they favored ;an indoor swimming :: goo Because of the response to. the survey, and::the preliminary :: study that was ; completed by Recreation Commission,..... the..;; Council agreed to do addition- al planning for. a Community enter,..:. ;:........... . ....... ...:........................... Architectural. .selection s to :: be completed by June 1st; . Atentative time:; frame:: for coin..:. pletnon cif the work to :be per_ formed shy the architects is late October'of this.year • FALL ELECTIONS Federal, state and county of- fices will be on the ballot in this fall's primary and general elections. The primary election is scheduled for September 13, 1988 and the general election for November 8, 1988. If you are not already a registered voter, it is possible to pre - register to vote in the fall elections. By pre - registering, long waits at the polls can be avoided. Registrations will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on August 23, 1988 at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions about voter registration, please contact the Eagan Municipal Center, 454- 8100. The City of Eagan is seeking work the polls i n judges to wo at th elect o u P on elections days. If you are inter- ested in being an election judge, please contact Tina Zink at 454- 8100. OFFICE PAPER RECYCLING Office paper recycling is fast be- coming a popular way to reduce dis- posal costs for businesses. In addi- tion, Minnesota's Waste Manage- ment Act requires that high grade office paper and corrugated materials be diverted from metropolitan landfills by 1990. For these reasons, the City of Eagan has begun to distribute information about office paper recycling and the firms which offer these services. Office paper and corrugated material recycling can be tailored to fit the needs of almost any business. Many Eagan firms like Unisys, Blue Cross -Blue Shield, Coca Cola, UPS, and Northwest Airlines have recog- nized the value of recycling for a long time. If you wish to join these firms in meeting the region's goals for waste abatement, contact Eagan City Hall, 454 -8100, for a list of recy- cling vendors. You can begin help- ing out today. RESIDENTIAL: GRO `` " rmt are:1 ©w erahan in: ? is residential::bui7di ..:::::: 5 ::::::: ..............................j h ow r ev er, the recorded assessed valuation is higher.: This . m e' apse le homes and neighborhoods it the city : ? develope are. encouraging Ian rlseaping ontrols for new r divisions This is : expe cted :: to result in more natur loot hoods: amongi the' new subdivisions ::i::::: :?; L. - R WTH =: tNDU3TRIA ........ t`s 0 ...... Unisys recent opene its new computer center which l ocates: : ap • proximately 700 to 1.,000 new jobs in tic City of Eagan There are man other examples of industrial expansion including the. recent office build ing for West Publishing Company, the Flight Simulator Bwlding'?ai+d jacent:. to the Northwest Airlines Corporate: Headquatrters aod:.:th scheduled: spring construction . of buildings to lie occupied : by Cra 1klIMEl��ll4t/f��TAfL ho: ommerczai[reta>i a1sq expanding: wi th: Cliff�ake. r� : ping complex whic will include 'Target and Cub''Fo "among it ten nts and with a newly authorized?: shopping center adjace to th present Town :Centre ;: complex that will have T. reasure. Isla children's: furniture store, as its, main tenant. rate. the City of Eagan is continui g.to experi nce the rapid whic..h. : has.. : made. :. :growing:; city m the metropolitan area for.;. approximately the , paste gears; every. new development proposal is reviewed i n detail by city staff, the Mayor and City Cauncilmembers, by resident members of the Advisory Plan ning and'Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission and by one s:; of:the public at ublic hearin The City of .Eagan ::promises to +continue : to be an exciting place in which to live during the next few years Any resident who, wishes to learn more „about current or future planned development.: iii. :Eagan should: c :staff members at the Municipal Cente 4 - 110 U......... STRATEGIC PLANNING The City of Eagan recently completed a strategic planning session at- tended by members of the City Council and City staff during which they iden- tified in excess of sixty (60) objectives toward which they wished to work. These objectives include a number of both short and long term City goals. The objectives and goals vary from expanded public service to the proposed community center building, solid waste abatement, capital improve- ments and senior housing. The strategic planning session allowed the City Council and City Ad- ministrator to not only identify short and long term goals for the City, but also to develop a work program including a fiscal impact analysis for each ob- jective. 3 OFFICER'S NOTEBOO[ BY SERGEANT JOHN: STEVENSO ................................................ ............................... EAGAN POLICE, DEPARTMENT:: The Eagan Police Department wants you to Ioin:;ihc Neighborhood Watch Program ...,: The Eagan . Police Department is now promoting • the formation neighborhood watch programs Help start a group in::your neighborhood trn. • How criminals: operate in Eag . • -. at;k n of:crimes : they ace committi ..................... How to :recognize: susp cious :act v t ................................................... ............................... When you`sbauld call: the police; a How to:protect your home, fa.:mily,;or yourself For more information: contact Larry Billmeyer ofy the Department an. Polic+e?? Parents:= The Eagan l?ohce Department now provides hfe;:saver ever icy tags far your: child's protection Just fill th em out (with::a ballpoint :: a : and attach them to: your child's clothes. It's easy and it can be a _ hfe Speaking of kids Parents : remember that: has .. a:cur few >it �s to effect from 10:00 PMs until S Oil A: M for :lids under 16 years' old, :: I6 and :17 year olds :must be: home midnight Ther area few e x ceptions such as school, church or : commumty sponsored event or work. Send yciur questions or comments to "pfficer's IVotebo�k'; :cure of Ser geant John Stevenson,.. Eagan 'ol ce Department, 3830 :: Pilot 'Knob Roam Eagan, MN :55122, :454 -3900 WHERE DOES MY TAX MONEY GO? Taxpayers in the City of Eagan may be interested in a graphic presenta- tion of exactly which government agencies receive portions of their property tax payments and in the percentage each agency receives. Basically, the payments are divided between the school district, the coun- ty and the city in which the resident lives. A small portion of the funds is also diverted into other uses, such as mosquito control, Metropolitan Coun- cil, Watershed District and the Dakota County HRA. The figures below represent where the tax dollar goes for residents who live within School District 196. Figures may vary slightly for residents of the other two school districts. YOUR TAX DOLLAR: DAKOTA CTY HRA (0.3 %) ISD #196 (56.1 %) TRANSIT DIST (2.5 %) % N" - --- DAKOTA CTY (22.2 %) CITY OF EAGAN (18.0%) MET COUNCIL (0.5%) MOSQUITO CONT. (0.4 %) 4 AIRCRAFT NOISE COMPLAINTS The airport noise issue has taken on an increased metropolitan significance in recent years as noise impacted neighborhoods around the area have become active in the ef- fort to curb the noise problem. Much of this problem has come about as a result of airline deregula- tion which has led to dramatic in- creases in air traffic here and around the country. Aircraft noise is nothing new for Eagan residents. For years, the community has worked to get along with the airport by providing a flyover area of commercial and in- dustrial land use in the northern part of the City. This type of development can better absorb aircraft noise than can residential uses. Many of the businesses in Eagan depend directly on the air- port. Its convenience is important for those companies with markets, contacts and locations outside of the immediate area. Eagan's loca- tion was one of the key elements in many businesses' decisions to locate in Eagan. But the importance of the air- port to City business need not prevent Eagan residents from enjoy- ing their homes and their com- munity. The City and the airport can co -exist in a noise - controlled en- vironment. To do so, the airport must receive input from noise -af- fected areas. If you are bothered by aircraft noise events, note as much as pos- sible about the time, location, direc- tion of flight and type of aircraft and call: Aircraft Noise Complaints: 726 -9411 Airport Control Tower: 726 -9255 Address Noise Correspondence To: Metropolitan Airports Commission, 6040 28th Ave. S., Mpls, MN 55450 Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council, 6040 28th Ave. S., Mpls, MN 55450. E.D.I.T.H. (EXIT DRILL IN THE HOME) Professional athletes practice their sport daily to be the best they can be. They realize that to be the best, you must know exactly what to do when the occasion arises. EDITH is an escape route that is practiced in the home, using predetermined instructions. To set up and practice EDITH: • 1. Discuss with your family two different ways to get out of every room in your home. Start with the bedrooms first. Draw up a floor plan if needed. • 2. Agree on a meeting place out- side the home. • 3. Practice it all different times of the day. Include the whole family. • 4. Work with young children; they need the most instructing. Help give them the chance to grow up. • 5. Keep highly flammable ob- jects out of the house. Too many people fail to respect items like gasoline or paint thinner Use common sense. Don't allow them in the house and keep children away from them. IF THERE IS A FIRE: • 1. Do not panic. • 2. Arouse the family. • 3. Close doors to smoke and flames. • 4. If door is already closed, touch it near the top to see if it is hot. If it is hot, use the back- up exit. • 5. Go to the designated meeting place and wait for family mem bers. • 6. Call 911 -- and NEVER RE- ENTER THE BURNING BUILDING! • YOUR it LIBRARY CHECK IT HOORAY FOR LIBRARY KIDS Summertime can be family time and fun time -- and your library has prepared its summer schedule with you in mind. Starting in June, the tiniest family member at age two will enjoy attending story times, film showings and speical programs. Children who can already read can join their friends for a "Hooray for Library lads" summertime of fun and ac- tivity. Stephen Gammel has created the art work that will be used on posters, buttons, flyers, and bookmarks. This popular Minnesota author and illustrator has written and/or illustrated such titles as The Relatives Came, Where the Buffaloes Begin, A Net to Catch the Wince The Story of Mr. & Mrs. Vinegar, Wake up, Bear....It's Christmas, and many more. Pick up a Summer Schedule of Events which lists activities throughout the summer and join your friends for a summertime of fun. VACATION BOUND? Visit the library before heading for your vacation retreat and choose current best sellers and interest books available through the rental program. New arrivals include Man of the House by Tip O'Neill, Siblings without Rivalry by Faber & Mazlish, Icarus Agenda by Robert Ludlum, The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe, North to the Pole by Will Steger, Love, Medicine and Miracles by Bernie Siegel, Feather on the Moon by Phyllis Whitney, and Swim with the Sharks by Harold Mackay. Also visit the audio visual department for a variety of audio cassettes guaranteed to reduce the tedium of driving and provide enjoyment to the whole family. All you need to enjoy these services is a new blue plastic library card. Don't hesitate, register for your new library card and take advantage of these services and all other services offered by your library. GUARANTEED WAIT REDUCING You've watched as the changes have been introduced in your library as the automated system is put into effect. The changes made so far have been steady and subtle; bar -code labels on materials, terminals gradually replacing fiche readers, and re- registering of all library users. Re- register- ing of library users is the change that will have the greatest impact on library users. The paper library card you now carry will be out -dated when computers move into the check -out desk to record the check -out procedure. So, be prepared, join the library's wait reducing program; re- register for your new blue plastic library card. LITERACY PROJECT Coordinators for the Technology for Adult Literacy Project, library staff, and volunteers are excited and encouraged by the response shown by the community to this new program. Members of the Dakota County Library Board have endorsed this program and volunteers have been trained in the Laubach method of tutoring, and recipients have been eager to begin this new adventure. A learning/tutoring center has been set up in the library and as the needs of the students change, computer software designed for adults in conjunction with the Laubach method will be added. An Open House is planned for Saturday. May 21, from 1 -4 p.m. Plan to attend and learn more about TALP. If you are interested in knowing more about the library's volunteer programs, service to the Homebound, the Literacy Project, or Friends of the Library, call 452 -9600. The library is located at 13411 Wescott Road and is open Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to &30 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 5 COMPOST:: SITE IS LEAF DI :P O A : :::. The early warm weather caught us by surgnse, but the 1 season as begun for the City's compost program for leaf, yard waste'and 'wood disposal .The site is located south n£ the Municipal Center at : 3830 Knob Road. Weather` permitting, the site will be open three days per week through November 14 This schedule should make 1t :comvenent for ;residents to make use;of tlie;:program The Compost Program wl![ :: accept. only:;: LEAVES, GARDEN. WASTES AND GRASS CLIPPINGS NQ TRASH! The wood:;chip program operates at the: same >site and is described below Hours the site are TUESDAYS THURSDAYS :SATURDAYS : :NOON'TO 00 P M WEATHER PERMITTING WOOD CHIP PROGRAM MATERIALS: ACCEPTED As many Eagan residents know, a sirlehne of the Compost Program has;_been the Wood Chip Program operated at the sane site Due to the.: difficulty and cost involued ui disposing of ;wood products, this part of the program has been very popular ateiy, its popularity. has resulted rn ail abundance. of materials which cannot be chipped There fore; it 1s necessary to clarify the wood materials which might be :ac cepted Any material ;which is not acceptable: and :,is not suitable ; for ::. firewood should be disposed through your refuse hauler or an area landfill Thewood Chip Program may ACCEPT; • Tree limbs 1"-6" rn diameter with any attached branches. Tree trunks: °.., 6" i n diameter with roots remove The >Wood.:Chip Program WILL ACCEPT: s Twigs, construction materials, roots, non wood materials, stumps, ;: vines, .:bark, commercial loads :of any kind .or trucks over one ton Residents should cut wood materials to a length and size: which can ; be managed by hand Those :+choosing to bundle limbsshould do so with . natural twine only:: All wood materials should:: be stacked neatly at'the direction of the compost monitor The Wood Chip Program is available to reduce residents' costs: in disposing of wood: wastes and to. provide a . useable mulch The ,program:: is not: a: disposal site for: all wood products :however, and : residents should be careful :not to ::abuse: this farce service. ...... ............................... FREE COMPOST VAILABLE Compost and : wood chips are now available through the City: of Eagan Compost Program Residents may pick up compost: for spring soil: work at the City's compost site during regularly scheduled hours Material `is available on a first come first served basis Loading is the responsibility of the user, so please bring you own containers and tools Compost at the City site is made up of decomposed leaves, garden wastes and grass clippings It is a valuable, natural soil builder, iitulch and bedding material...: It is an . excellent, free ::resource for Eagan rest :' dents and;;the City strongly encourages its use. Wood chips also make an excellent mulch or bonder material and are effective in retaining moisture and SOLID WASTE ABATEMENT UPDATE r RECYCLING SITES Several groups and businesses in and around Eagan serve the community by taking a variety of recyclables. Eagan residents are encouraged to clip this list and make use of these waste abate- ment resources in the future. MULTIPLE CATEGORY St. John Neumann Catholic Church 4030 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Trailer open anytime. NEWSPAPERS - BAGGED OR BUNDLED, NO MAGAZINES OR CATALOGS Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church 3930 Rahn Road, Eagan, Noon to 2:00 P.M., Second Saturday of the Month, 452 -4182 GLASS MSD Recycle 1971 Seneca (Seneca & Hwy. 13), Eagan, Open Tues.-Sat., 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., 483 -8815, REDEMPTION OF ALUMINUM, STEEL, GLASS & PLASTIC; DROP OFF OF NEWSPRINT & CARDBOARD Knutson Recycling Center 14345 Biscayne Avenue, Rosemount, 423 -2294, Thursday: 8 A.M.-6 P.M.; Friday: 8 A.M.-3 P.M.; Saturday: 8 A.M.-1:30 P.M. ALUMINUM, GLASS, NEWSPRINT, WASTE OIL, BATTERIES, TIRES FOR FEE LEAVES, GRASS CLIPPINGS & GARDEN WASTES Eagan Compost Program 3830 Pilot Knob Road (south of City Hall), Eagan, 454 -8100 Tues., Thurs., Sat. Noon -7:00 P.M. COMPOSTIBLES & SPECIFIED WOOD PRODUCTS HOUSEHOLD GOODS Goodwill Industries, Inc. 2543 Como Avenue, St. Paul, Call for disposal information, 646- 2591 USABLE HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, CLOTHING, ` TOYS, SOME RECYCLABLES FIREWALL INTEGRITY IN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS It has come to the attention of the City's Protective Inspections Department that some homeowners may be disturbing the integrity of the common wall between house and garage. This wall is commonly referred to as a firewall which has a 1 hour rating. The 1 hour rating refers to tested burn time. There are two common methods to construct this wall: 1) the gypsum board may be placed so it continues from the floor to the underside of the roof; 2) the gypsum board may be placed so it goes from the floor to the ceiling of the garage, and then the entire garage ceiling and bear- ing walls must be covered with gyp- sum board. A problem is occurring with ap- plication #2. After moving in, a homeowner may decide to remove some of the gypsum board on the ceiling of the garage in order to utilize the attic space as storage. When the gypsum board is removed, a fire originating in the garage now has an un- hindered path to the main part of the house. If you choose to do this, you are violating the building code, but, more importantly, you are subject- ing your home and family to a greater fire hazard. If you do want the attic storage area, finish the job by applying 5/8" type 'X' gypsum board to the common wall between the house and garage, in the attic space. You should also be aware that the additional weight of storage on the roof system may be beyond the designed capacity of the roof sys- tem. Check with the manufacturer of the roof system if you have a con- cern. CABLE CORNER CITIES HIRE NEW CABLE COORDINATOR The Cities of Eagan and Burnsville have hired Mike Reardon to coor- dinate their joint cable television franchise and to assist the Burnsville- Eagan Cable Communications Commission in its management of cable is- sues. As Cable Coordinator, Mr. Reardon will work with Cable TV North Central, the cities' cable provider, to insure maintenance of the sys- tem, timely extension of service and provision of local access oppor- tunities for residents. Mr. Reardon will also be working with the Com- pany to develop various facets of the system such as the Institutional Net- work, the emergency override for severe weather information and in- creased government programming. He is currently officed at Eagan City Hall and may be reached at 454-8100. EXTENDED CABLE SERVICE Cable service will be expanded in housing subdivisions will have cable during the 1988 construction season. Blackhawk Glen 1st & 2nd Carriage Green Apts. Fawnridge 2nd Hampton Heights Lakewood Townhomes Northview Meadows 2nd & 3rd Overhill Farms Parkside Apts. Safari Estates Slaters Acres Windtree 1st - 6th Eagan this year. The following installed in their neighborhoods Blackhawk Oaks Cinnamon Ridge 4th Greensboro 1st & 2nd Lakeside Estates Lexington Hills Apts. Oakcliff Park Knoll Rose Hill Safari 2nd & 3rd South Oaks Whispering Woods This is the current list of Eagan's neighborhoods which are on Cable TV North Central's 1988 construction schedule. As the season progresses other subdivisions will be checked for eligibility. According to the City's franchise agreement with the cable company, once a neighborhood is saturated with 40 units per mile that area becomes eligible to receive cable service. Depending upon the weather and the eligibility criteria other neighborhoods, not listed above, may receive cable service before the construction season ends. As with all construction a certain mess will be made as the cable is extended through the neighborhoods. Please be patient, as the cable company is required to restore the yard to as good a condition as its former state, within a resonable amount of time. If not, then please contact the company by dialing 483 -9999. PILOT KNOB RECONSTRUCTION The Pilot Knob Road Reconstruction Project, including the widening of both Diffley and Cliff Roads, may temporarily interrupt cable service to Eagan subscribers. The easements along the roads carry the main ser- vice trunk lines which provide cable service for most of Eagan's sub- scribers. With such a magnitude of road construction there is the pos- sibility that service may be interrupted temporarily. In the event such a situation arises, the city or county staff, who will be monitoring the project, will notify the cable company, Cable TV North Central immediately. It is obviously hoped that disruption of the cable service will not happen, but in the event it does, please be patient as the cable company will restore it as soon as possible. If your service is out for a length of time longer than reasonable please call 483 -9999. A cable customer service representative will assist you. We apologize in advance for any possible inconvience this may cause. 7 SUMMER PARK CONSTRUCTION The Park & Recreation Department is presently designing and preparing the construction plans for four Eagan parks. OHMANN PARK is located south of Cliff and east of Pilot Knob Roads. The park serves as both a neighborhood and an athletic park. The proposed park facilities include four soccer fields, softball field, trails, hardcourt, playground, shelter building, horseshoe pits and parking lot. WINKLER JACKSON PARK is located in the northeast quadrant of James Street and Slater Road intersection. The park is designated as a neigh- borhood park. The proposed facilities include an open play area, playground, hardcourt, trails, picnic area, sledding hill and possibly a free skating rink. BLACKHAWK PARK, located adjacent to Blackhawk Lake, will begin first phase construction on the main park access road. BRIDLE RIDGE PARK located at Elrene Drive and Northview Road will have a sixteen car parking lot constructed. The construction within these parks will be primarily first phase develop- ment which includes: site grading, utility, trails, parking lot, road and turf es- tablishment. The installation of the playgrounds, hardcourts, landscaping and other surface facilities is typically scheduled one to two years following first phase development. If anyone has questions regarding this year's parks construction, or general park development, please call the City of Eagan, Parks and Recrea- tion Department, 454 -8100. EAGAN IS TREE CITY USA RECIPIENT In April, the City of Eagan was awarded distinction as a "Tree City USA" community by the National Arbor Day Foundation. Eagan received the award in recognition of it's comprehensive urban forestry program. To be- come a Tree City USA, a community must meet four standards: • 1. a legally constituted tree board or department; • 2. a community tree ordinance; • 3. a comprehensive community forestry program supported by a minimum of $1.00 per capita; and • 4. an Arbor Day proclamation and public tree planting ceremony. At the Second Annual Arbor Day celebration on April 23rd, City offi- cials were presented with the official Tree City USA plaque, flag, and entrance signs to the community. The Tree City USA designation is symbolic of Eagan's efforts to enhance community neighborhoods through tree preser- vation, tree planting, and maintenance. During The past five years, the Parks and Recreation Department has planted over 3,000 trees throughout the City park system. The City also requires developers to preserve and plant trees in new subdivisions to create a greener and healthier environment for future generations. Finally, homeowners are encouraged to take an active role in planting trees in the home landscape. Trees not only aid in beautifying the landscape through shade, color, and attracting wildlife, but add real economic value to residential property. For further information on selecting or maintaining trees and shrubs, resi- dents are encouraged to contact the Eagan City Forester at 454 -5220. Other sources of information are available from the University of Minnesota DIAL U INSECT & PLANT INFORMATION SERVICE (there is a charge to the calling party) 1- 976 -0200 or the Dakota County Extension Services at 463- 3302. 8 EAGAN PARK REPRESENTATIVES Eagan Parks and Recreation is : seeking to establish? an or- ganization that will include a rep -: resentative for each : of the developed parks in the City. In- terested `. individuals will repre- sent their neighborhoods and:% their neighborhood park. Mem- bers should also have an interest;:: in the development of the park system as a whole. The ::: group of : repre- sentatives, for the most part, will rely on informed communica- tion. Periodic meetings will be held in `'order that members can better understand the : goals and purpose of the organization. For additional information, or to volunteer to loan, Can the Eagan Parks and Recreation Department at 454-8100. TO RECEIVE PARKS GRANT The Parks and Recreation Department recently received word that it's grant application for Black - hawk Park had been approved. The grant program, known as Land and Water Conservation Fund (LA.W.C.O.N.), is funded by the federal government through state administration. In competition with other com- munities in the State, Eagan was able to secure partial funding for the future development of Black - hawk Community Park. It is hoped that grant contracts will be ap- proved by mid- summer. Although a time line for first phase development of the park has not been set, it is hoped that park work could begin in 1989. The City expects to receive approximately $150,000 in grant monies. PARKS & RECREATION SUMMER PROGRAMS! "DISCOVER US!" EVENING IN THE PARK Looking for entertainment for the whole famil ? We have fun and lau for kids of all ages. CCCCCCome join us at Cedar Pond Park on Wednesdays at 7:00 P.M. this summer. Bring your blanket or lawnchair; then sit back and enjoy the show! JUNE 22: TEDDY BEAR BAND - This popular band returns. Don't forget to bring teddy! JUNE 29: CINNAMON STICKS & CO. - Present 'A Holiday For No Special Holiday At All." Lots of silliness and audience participation. JULY 6: MAGICIAN /JUGGLER - Will amaze you with fantastic feats of magic and skillful juggling. JULY 13: CLIMB THEATRE - Presents "Tangled Up In Time ". A fun, pun -filled story with lots of audience participation, especially for youngsters. JULY 20: APPLE VALLEY PUPPETEERS - Our storytelling friends return for another hilarious show. JULY 27: "TREE -O" - Spend the evening with this group listening to favorite songs like "House On Pooh Comer", "Fire and Rain ", and "Annie's Song ". An enjoyable evening of good music. RECREATION HAPPENINGS 45 f., d'P7 DISCOVER US! 454 -8010 What time does the bus leave for the SUMMER IN THE PARK field trip? What is the event at EVENING IN THE PARK this week? It's rain- ing, is Rec -T -Ball going to meet? Answers to these questions and more are available to you by calling 454 -8010. Daily recreation program an- nouncements will inform you of recreation happenings. HAVE A NICE DAY! 9 Coming this : summer sports, games, f meet for 6�1 year olds. Sports Camp participants will explore all different sports including ten nis,;: soccer, basketball, :softball, baseball and more, Camp meets':. ram or shine and::will provide a : low >. competitive atmosphere. for developing : intro lucc.tory skills, positive self image and recrea = tional interests., ;Campers should?: bring a : bag lun ch each day, beverage will be provided. DATES.. AUGUST 8:12,1988 (Mondays 'riday) ;: . TIMES 930 A.M. -3 O0 P:M .;:: (Bus pack lip tntnes wi lierand:will be?deterr :;- LO ATION ';; Blue GiresslBlue Shield Park, 3590 Blue Cross Rd. `EE $30.00 (includes transpor : ?: tatron, supervision and equip- ment) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, Jul: J5, L The City of Eagan is com- mitted to the policy that all per- sons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age or handicap: PRE - SCHOOL MOVEMENT Boys and girls ages three and four will discover the fun of moving their bodies in new and different ways. The children will experience bouncing, gal- loping, hopping, skipping and other exercises set to music. An excellent program to help develop balance, coordination and flexibility. Pre- registra- tion is required. DATES: June 13 -July 28, 1988, Mondays and Wednesdays TIMES: Section I: 9:30 -10:15 A.M. Section II: 10:15 -11:00 A.M. Section III: 11:00 -11 :45 A.M. LOCATION: Community Room, Fire Administration Bldg. 3795 Pilot Knob Road FEE: $10.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10, 1988 WAGONFUL O'FUN A mobile "WagonFul O'Fun" visits neighborhood parks from June 13 - July 28, 1988. The Playwagon is an opportunity for children ages 5 - 12 to get together with friends and participate in activities designed especially for them. Among the activities planned are sports and games, crafts, relays and special events. Talent show, water days, and track and field day are among the special events planned. Children will also participate in the Summer Finale Festival, which is the highlight of the summer. It's an opportunity for all children from each site to get together for an afternoon of fun and games, and a great way to end the summer. Come and join us for fun and games led by trained staff. All sites will be the "drop in" variety with boys and girls free to come and go. DISCOVER US! DATES: June 13 - July 28,1988 TIMES AND LOCATIONS: 10:00 A.M. - Noon Monday, Vienna Woods Park, 4700 Rahn Rd. Tuesday, O'Leary Park, 3501 Lexington Ave. Wednesday, Cedar Pond Park, 2070 Garnet Ln. Thursday, Lexington Park, 1030 McKee St. TIMES AND LOCATIONS: 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. Monday, South Oaks Park, 675 N. Hay Lake Rd. Tuesday, Northview Park, 980 Northview Park Rd. Wednesday, Woodhaven Park, 1950 Gold Trail Thursday, Bur Oaks Park, Chapel Lane & Hwy 149 FEE: The program is free TO REGISTER Come to your neighborhood park as listed above on the day and time given for the park. 10 GAMES KIDS PLAY Four and five year olds will ex- perience a program of activities designed especially for them. Relays, circle games, physical fitness and game activities will be ex- perienced. The class will include ex- posure to and practice with nerf and soccer balls, baseballs, softballs, footballs, playground balls as well as parachute play. Warm up games will be played with an emphasis on basics such as dribbling, bouncing, throwing and catching. The activities will be in a progressive fashion according to the participant's ability. Bringing out non - competitive, positive play ex- periences and having fun are the aspects of emphasis for the program. Children should dress in tennis shoes and clothes for active play. Class size is limited. Child must be four or five years old by June 16, 1988. Pre - registration is re- quired. DATES: Thursdays, June 16 -July 28, 1988 (7 Weeks) TIMES: Section I: 4 year olds 10:20 -11:00 A.M. Section II: 5 year olds 11:10 A.M.-Noon LOCATION: Quarry Park 3340 Coachman Road FEE: $10.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10, 1988 TINY TOTS RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES The Tiny Tots program is designed to provide children ages 3, 4 and 5 the opportunity for social /recreational interaction and growth. Children are exposed to a variety of skills and learning experiences which include: crafts, storytelling, field trips, special events, listening and sharing skills, and singing. The emphasis is on large and small group play. Children should dress in play clothes for indoor and outdoor activities. A great way for your child to form new friendships and socialize with other children. Pre - registration is required. Group size is limited to the first 20 registered in each section. DATES: June 13 - July 28, 1988 (7 weeks) TIME: 10:00 A.M.-NOON LOCATIONS: Blue Cross/Blue Shield Park, 3590 Blue Cross Rd. Section I: Mondays & Wednesdays Section II: Tuesdays & Thursdays Goat Hill Park, 4391 Lexington Avenue Section III: Mondays & Wednesdays Section IV: Tuesdays & Thursdays Rahn Park Building, 4425 Sandstone Dr. Section V: Mondays & Wednesdays Section VI: Tuesdays & Thursdays FEE: $35.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10, 1988 CREATIVE CRAFTS FOR KIDS Rag baskets, Cross stitchery, Needlepoint! Boys and girls ages 7- 12 can learn new skills or improve their existing talents, leading to an exciting life -long hobby. Each child will make three popular projects that he /she can give as gifts or have as keepsakes. Supply costs are included in the registration fee, so all you need to bring is your creativity and a little imagination! DATE: Tuesdays, June 14 -July 26, (excluding July 5) (6 weeks) TIME: Section I: 7 -9 year olds 9:00- 10:30 A.M. Section II: 10-12 year olds 10:30 -NOON LOCATION: Quarry Park, 3340 Coachman Road FEE: $18.00 (includes all supplies and instruction) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 7, 1988 EAGANETTES -FUN WITH DANCE In Eaganettes, boys and girls ages 5 -12 will experience dance, jazz, movement and choreographed routines through music. Marching in the 4th of July Parade and a year end recital are highlights of the program. A great program for under- standing rhythm, increasing coor- dination, poise and creativity. Registration will be held at the Eagan Municipal Center and during the first week of the program at each site. DATES: June 13 -July 28, 1988 (7 weeks) TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Northview Elementary School, Mondays & Wednesdays Section I: Ages 5-7 1:00-2:00 P.M. Section II: Ages 8- 122:00 -3:30 P.M. Pilot Knob Elementary School, Tuesdays & Thursdays Section III: Ages 5-7 1:00-2:00 P.M. Section IV: Ages 8-12 2:00 -3:30 P.M. FEE: $10.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10, 1988 FITNESS & FUN FOR THREE YEAR OLDS Three year olds will experience stunts and tumbling, creative play, game activities, physical fitness and more activities designed especially for them. The class will include exposure to and practice with nerf balls, T -ball skills, playground balls, soccer balls, parachute play and more. Each class works on a progressive level according to the participant's ability. Increasing the child's motor skills, improving coordination and FUN are the aspects of emphasis for the program. Children should dress in tennis shoes and clothes for active play. Class size is limited. Child must be three years old by June 16, 1988. Pre- registra- tion is required. DATES: Thursdays, June 16 - July 28, 1988 (7 weeks) TIMES: Section I: 9:00 -9:30 A.M. Section II: 9:40 -10:10 A.M. LOCATION: Quarry Park, 3340 Coachman Road FEE: $10.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10,1988 11 BABYSITTING CLINIC The Eagan Women's Fire Auxiliary and the Department of Parks and Recreation will co -spon- sor a babysitting clinic this fall. Boys and girls ages 10 and older are encouraged to participate. The four clinic sessions will cover the basics of child care, first aid, safety concerns and the "how to" of baby sitting. Class size is limited. Pre- registration is required. DATES: Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 14, 16, 21 & 23, 1988 TIME: 1:30 - 2:30 P.M. LOCATION: Community Room, Fire Administration Bldg. 3795 Pilot Knob Road FEE: $5.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 10, 1988 KIDS' FISH STORIES Kids, tell us your best fish story and you could win a surprise. It could be about the "one that got away" or the one that was caught at the Opener. We at Eagan Parks and Recrea- tion want to read "fish tales" told in your own words. The story may be true or something you dreamed up. Write a story that we will fall for hook, line, and sinker. Please keep your stories to 100 words or less. Contest deadline is July 30th, 1988. Division 1: Division 2: Division 3: Division 4: Division 5: Preschoolers Grades 1 & 2 Grades 3 & 4 Grades 5 & 6 Grades 7 -9 syour b est : "All Ainerican?;:di Whether you :owi� a::purebr�d pooch or l= Teiirz 5'9"._ mix, Sunday, :; May 29th, is the day that?you call show Eagan?�ust hove special your clog is inter your dog in the :show for a chance to win an award; m the "Best :: All American Dog" shove Possible judging criteria includes it Dressed Dog : o Best 13og Trick_ .: Best: Mannieirs o Best Disposition :> ses will include under 20 lbs, 20-:40 lbs and greater than 40 lb Dr Ali ce Pearson, :D � M,:;;vvill speak on:::dog. care basics, and will <> answer. your questions on ipet care The:'show is open to children 14 :years;. and under. Parents, please use your judgment as to your child's need for assistance in handling the dog There `is no :entry fee However, you must register for: the event by: May 25th ::Please: phone in your registration: to the Eagan Parks: and; Recreation Department :at 454 -8100 *All dogs : must be;leashed and have a current dog PRE- REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED i nday .: ................... ...........:::................. .................. ............................... WHERE: Bhie Cross/B ue Shield Park is ......................... ............................... ........................ ............................... ......................... ............................... : ....................... ............................... ....................... ............................... ....................... ............................... No: Fee >: »: ....................... ............................... ....................... ............................... ....................... ............................... ....................... ............................... REGISTRATIONDEADLINE : RECREATIONAL T -BALL Recreational T -Ball is for boys and girls ages 6 and 7. It is the first step in the baseball/softball progression with the emphasis on FUN. Children learn the basics of the game, the correct techniques for batting, throwing and fielding. The purpose of the program is to provide children an opportunity to have fun, develop physically and socially and learn the most basic fundamentals of the sports of baseball and softball. The first four weeks are instructional; the last three weeks are run in a tournament format. Pre - registration is required. The BEGINNERS Class is for children who have no experience. ADVANCED BEGINNERS is for children with some experience, but not ready for organized baseball or softball. DISCOVER US! DATES: June 13 -July 28, 1988 (7 weeks) TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Pilot Knob Elementary School, Mondays & Wednesdays Section I: Beginners 10:00 -11:00 A.M. Section II: Advanced Beginners 11:00 A.M.-Noon Thomas Lake Elementary School, Tuesdays & Thursdays Section I: Beginners 10:00 -11:00 A.M. Section II: Advanced Beginners 11:00 A.M -Noon FEE: $15.00 includes an Eagan Parks & Recreation T -shirt REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10, 1988 12 SUMMER IN THE PARK FIELD TRIPS The following trips are for children ages 5 -12 who attend Sum- mer in the Park. The trips are su- pervised by Summer in the Park staff. Registrations may be taken at the Eagan Municipal Center or at the individual park locations during the first two weeks of the program. Bus pick -up points are at each Sum- mer in the Park location. When registering, please specify which park site your child will be attending. All trips are scheduled between 1:00 -4:00 P.M. Bus times may be earlier and will be determined after registration deadline. SKATEVILLE An afternoon of rollerskating DATE: June 23,1988 FEE: $4.00 per person (Ineludes ad- mission, skates, transportation and supervision) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 17, 1988 *Optional: bring extra money for snacks OMNI THEATRE /SCIENCE MUSEUM Feature exhibit: "Dinosaurs ", Omni: "Niagara" DATE: June 30, 1988 FEE: $5.50 (includes Omni admis- sion, supervision, museum admis- sion and transportation) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 24, 1988 CIRCUS - FOOD, FUN & GAMES West St.Paul DATE: July 7, 1988 FEE: $5.50 (includes supervision, transportation, sundae, beverage and 12 game tokens) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 1, 1988 D ISCOVER IJ y 28 1988; (Monday titer: LOCATIONS: Blackhawk. Park, Riverton Ave:.& Dentiiar E vergreen. Park 4359 Lodge Dr :esidexPark�::559::AtlanticHi T ase'Park :440 Oak;Cl 'Tar k , ::3340 Coae. ek:E jg an P*1 ::3995 ahn Park ::4425 ::Sandstone;D .idgeclf Park 1750: Covington: 'alnut Hill Park, 999 Wilderness: Run Rd ;PEE The: program is:Gee except for the five: optional field trips : :lisle TO REGISTER. Registration is at the park durir the first r eek::of t3 program Additional information will be distributed to the chi'ldren SHAKOPEE POOL/WATERSLIDE Afternoon of water fun! DATE: July 14, 1988 FEE: $5.00 includes admission to pool, 5 waterslide tickets, transpor- tation and supervision. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, July 8, 1988 *Bring swimsuit, towel and extra money for optional snacks and extra waterslide tickets. 13 SUMMER FINALE FESTIVAL (All Park Get-together) DATE: July 21, 1988 TIME: 1:30 - :30 P.M. FEE: $2.00 LOCATION: Rahn Park REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, July 15, 1988 SUMMER FUN DAY Youth and teens ages 10-15 are encouraged to participate in a fun program designed especially for them. Field trips to various locations around the Twin Cities are what make this program exciting. The program is su- pervised by trained staff and is an opportunity for friends to get together for a fun filled day. Sign up for one or all events. Registration will begin on May 21, at the Eagan Municipal Center. Pre - registration and parent or guardian permission slips are required. JONATHAN PADDELFORD Come aboard the Jonathan Paddelford as it cruises down the beautiful Mississippi River. Feel the thrill of the rhythmic swish of the paddlewheel and hear the deep - throated blast of the whistle. We'll have a picnic on Har- riet Island before the cruise, so bring a bag lunch. ALL ABOARD! DATE: Friday, June 17, 1988 TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Leave Return Lakeville - Enggren's 9:45 A.M. 3:15 P.M. Apple Valley Community Ctr 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Rosemount Mall 10:15 A.M. 2:45 P.M. Eagan - Rahn Park 10:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M. FEE: $10.00 (includes transportation, admission and supervision) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 10,1988 VALLEYFAIR Join us at Valleyfair for a fun -filled day of riding the Flume, roller coaster, bumper cars and "Thunder Canyon" white water raft ride. Test your skill at challenging games, enjoy the dolphin shows, music as well as other special attractions. DATE: Friday, June 24, 1988 TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Pick -up Return Lakeville - Engren's 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Eagan - Rahn Park 9:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. FEE: $16.00 includes admission, transportation, rides and shows (The water slide, carnival games and food are extra) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, June 14, 1988 14 LAKE NOKOMIS An afternoon of fun and sun awaits us at Lake Nokomis. Bring your swimsuit, towel and suntan oil and get ready for beach balls and frisbees! Bring a bag lunch for a picnic. DATE: Friday, July 8, 1988 TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Lakeville Enggren's 11:15 A.M: 4:15 P.M. Apple Valley Community Center 11:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. Eagan - Rahn Park 11:45 A.M: 3:45 P.M. FEE: $3.00 (includes transportation and supervision) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, July 1, 1988 CAMP SACAJAWEA Enjoy the great outdoors during this special trip. Sleep under the stars or in a tent. Trip includes: Friday supper cooked by the campers; Saturday morning break- fast, games, hikes and other camp- ing activities. Parents are asked to provide transportation to and from Camp Sacajawea located on Pilot Knob Road. We will provide the chaperones! Join us for a night of fun. Campers are asked to bring their own tent, sleeping bag and eating utensils. DATE: July 15 and 16,1988 TIME: 5:00 P.M. Friday to 10:00 A.M. Saturday FEE: $15.00 (includes meals, super- vision and campsite fees) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, July 8, 1988 JUKE BOX SATURDAY NIGHT A day of fun at Juke Box Saturday Night in Minneapolis. Juke Box will be opened, exclusively for our Teen Party. Juke Box features a '57 red chevy convertible where a disc jockey sits. A sand and beach area is also featured. Pizza will be served for lunch along with unlimited pop, popcorn and potato chips throughout the afternoon. Dance contests, hula hoop contests, video games and more await you . . Join us for a day of fun and games! DATE: Friday, July 22,1988 TIMES AND LOCATIONS: Pick -up Return Lakeville - Enggren's 8:45 A.M. 3:15 P.M. Apple Valley Community Center 9:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Rosemount Mall 9:15 A.M. 2:45 P.M. Eagan - Rahn Park 9:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M. FEE: $7.00 (includes pizza, unlimited pop, popcorn, potato chips, and transportation and supervision) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, July 15, 1988 MINNESOTA VIKINGS TRAINING CAMP Did you ever want to see the Minnesota Vikings during training camp? Now is your chance to travel to Mankato, Minnesota and see the Vikes during their third week of training. We will be stopping for lunch so bring extra money. *Bring your notebook - you might get some autographs of your favorite players. DATE: Tuesday, August 2, 1988 TIMES AND LOCATION: Pick -up Return FEE: Lakeville - Enggren's Apple Valley Community Center Rosemount Mall Eagan - Rahn Park 8:45 A.M. 4:45 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 9:15 A.M. 4:15 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. $5.00 (includes school bus transportation and supervision) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, July 26,1988 Adults may enjoy several adventures through District 194 Commu ity Education;th is summer Call Russell Fraenkel at 423 -9258 f informa- tion Hi is include g • Community Education's first bi trip for adult scheduled :for Au gust 11 through the Mississippi River Valley The cost is $149 per per son. • A : professionally guided and completely outfitted adult Boun Waters trip, planned for: July 11-17. The.cost per person is $245 • Weight training and conditioning, with classes meeting Monday Friday at 8 a.m. 12 noon or 5 9 p.m., June 13 through August 12. The fee is $46 per person. ............... .......::..............:....:.. 15 JUNIOR TEAM TENNIS A series of tennis drills and matches are planned for children ages 5 through 15. Parks and Recreation, in cooperation with Bill Henderson, Director of Tennis at Eagandale Club, has planned this exciting tennis program. Teams from each park will demonstrate their newly acquired skills in weekly matches. Each child registered is on a team and will have an oppor- tunity to "show off his/her skills ". One aspect is certain ... FUN! All you need have are tennis shoes, a racket and enthusiasm. In fact, the primary requirement is enthusiasm! Teams will meet three times each week for one hour. The first two ses- sions are at the neighborhood parks as listed. On Fridays, all participants should come to Rahn Park at their appointed hours. Pre- registration is re- quired. TEAM TIMES: 9:00 -10:00 A.M. Age 5 -9 Beginners 10:00 -11:00 A.M. Age 10 -15 Beginners 11:00 A.M.-Noon Age 10 -15 Advanced Beginners 1:30 -2:30 P.M. Age 10 -15 Beginners 2:30 -3:30 P.M. Age 10 -15 Intermediate SESSION I JUNE 13- 30,1988, DAYS & LOCATIONS: Pilot Knob M,W,F Blue Cross/Blue Shield T,Th,F O'Leary M,W,F -Rahn T,Th,F Oak Chase M,W,F Ridgecliff T,Th,F SESSION II JULY 11- 28,1988, DAYS & LOCATIONS: Pilot Knob M,W,F O'Leary M,W,F Oak Chase M,W,F FEE: $20.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Session I: June 10, 1988 Session II: July 8, 1988 Blue Cross/Blue Shield T,Th,F Woodhaven T,Th,F Ridgecliff T,Th,F ROUTH OF THE RIVER ADULT SO CCER LEAGU The Parks and :::Recreation Departments of the Cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville and Rosemount are again sponsor mg an adult recreational soccer league The league is open to: persons:. 20 years and older, men and womie�n alike. Play will be scheduled on Sunday ate afternoons and evenings, beginning in: mid June titer a team, managers are: asked :to call :the Rosemount Par: and Recreation Department at 423415 by lliay :23, 19e�; Individuals::::; who wish to have their names placed on a;:draft.list should alsocall the:::::: Ci of Rosemount :' ty .... An orgain�7ational .meeting will be held on `:Wednesday, May 25,; ;1988 700 P M. at •the Rosemount City Hall, 2875 W. 145th:St A $5� 00 down payment on tl a team entry fee is due at this meeting .......................................................................................................................... ............................... .. .................................... ........................ ..................................... ....................... 16 JUNIOR TENNIS CLINIC ATTENTION ALL 4TH, 5TH, AND 6TH GRADERS! Do you want to meet new friends? Are you looking for some summer fun? Then come to one of the free junior tennis clinics on Saturday, May 28th. This is an opportunity to learn to play tennis or to work on improv- ing your tennis skills. All skill levels are encouraged to participate. REMEMBER, YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW HOW TO PLAY! Tennis balls and rackets will be provided, so all you need to bring is enthusiasm and tennis shoes. Call to reserve a spot by phon- ing the Eagan Parks and Recreation Department at 454 -8100. ' PRE- REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED DATE: Saturday, May 28th WHERE: (Our newest tennis courts!) TIME: Ridgecliff Park 9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M. Blue Cross/Blue Shield 10:15 A.M. -11:15 A.M. O'Leary Park 11:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M. FEE: None REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, May 25th • • DOMINO'S TEAM TENNIS The South of the River recrea- tion folks are up to it once again. The sport: TENNIS - The for- mat: TEAMS - The outcome: FUN. The plan is for the cities of Eagan, Apple Valley, Rosemount, Lakeville, Farmington and Burnsville to each field adult Domino's Tennis Teams. Each team is comprised of two men and two women but frequently includes male and female alternates for a total of up to ten. A league schedule will be drawn and matches will be played in each community. Matches will be played during the months of June, July and August. A meeting date has been set for individuals interested in fielding a Domino's Tennis Team. On Wed- nesday, June 1, 1988, at 7:00 P.M., come to the Eagan Municipal Center at 3830 Pilot Knob Road. Individuals planning to come are asked to call Eagan Parks and Recreation at 454 -8100 by May 27th. At the meeting a video tape of Domino's Team Tennis in action will be shown. Discussion will cen- ter on the Domino's match format, rosters, day and locations of play, team fees, a kick -off event and a time line to proceed with match play. JOIN IN THE FUN! TENNIS LESSONS FOR ADULTS A series of tennis drills/lessons are offered to adults during the evening in June and July. Again in 1988 the drills will be conducted in cooperation with Bill Henderson, Director of Tennis at Eagandale Club. Each class meets for six (6) one -hour sessions, scheduled twice a week for three (3) weeks. Sessions cancelled due to rain will be made up. Group size is limited. Participants are to provide their own rackets. Teens ages 16- 19 are encouraged to participate in the adult classes. Beginners are individuals who have never played. Advanced beginners have taken beginner lessons previously or have played "at the game ". Inter- mediates are individuals who are ready to learn shot placement and attacking a players weakness. Pre- registration is required. LOCATIONS, DATES & TIMES SESSION I. JUNE 14 -30 Rahn T &TH ' 6:30 -7:30 P.M. Beginner , 7 :30-$:30 PT. Advanced Beginner - Oak Chase M &W Blue Cross/Blue Shield --- T&TH"" 6:30 -7:30 P.M. Advanced Beginner' 6:30 -7:30 P.M. Beginner n(7:30 -8:30 P.M. Beginner L730 P.M Int ed`iate) O'Leary M &W Ridgecliff T &G :30 -7:30 P.M. Advanced Beginner 6:30 -7:30 P.M. Beginner O -8:30 P.M. Beginner 7:30 -8:30 P.M. Beginner SB$SION II, JULY 11 -27 SESSION II, JULY 12 -28 Pilot Knob M &W Evergreen T &Th 6:30 -7:30 P.M. Advanced Beginner . 0-8:30- Mnt _ate— 7:30=E'3o Y.M. Advanc Zt&girtner Oak Chase M &W Blue Cross /Blue Shield T &Th 7:30 -8:30 P.M. Beginner 7:30 -8:30 P.M. Beginner O'Leary M &W Ridgecliff T &Th er 7:30 -8:30 P.M. Intermediate 7:5t1c8 30 13egianer FEE: $20.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SESSION I, JUNE 13 -29 Pilot Knob M &W > 6:30 -7:30 P.M. Beginner 7:30 -8:30 P.M. Intermediate Session I: June 10, 1988 Session II: July 8, 1988 a:t 17 GOLF LESSONS FOR ADULTS Check your grip! Square your stance! Head down! Slow backswing .. . Lessons for adult beginning golfers will be held this summer Each class meets for one hour, twice a week for three weeks. Class members are to furnish their own clubs. Classes will initially meet at Galaxy Driving Range on County Road 42, 1/2 mile east of Pilot Knob Road in Apple Valley. Participants will pay for their practice balls at the driving range. Ensuing classes will move to Val - leywood Golf Course. Lessons postponed due to rain will be rescheduled by the instructor. Pre - Registration is required. DATES: SESSION I - JUNE 13- 30,1988 TIMES: Section 1 M &W 5:00 -6:00 P.M. Section 2 M &W 6:00 -7:00 P.M. Section 3 M &W 7:00 -8:00 P.M. Section 4 T &TH 5:00 -6:00 P.M. Section 5 T &TH 6:00 -7:00 P.M. Section 6 T &TH 7:00 -8:00 P.M. DATES: SESSION II - JULY 11- 28,1988 TIMES: Section 1 M &W 5:00 -6:00 P.M. Section 2 M &W 6:00 -7:00 P.M. Section 3 M &W 7:00 -8:00 P.M. Section 4 T &TH -5:00 -6:00 P.M. Section 5 T &TH 6:00 -7:00 P.M. Section 6 T &TH 7:00 -8:00 P.M. FEE: $25.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINES: DATE: WHERE: TIMES: FEE: Session I June 10, 1988 Session II July 8, 1988 IMPROVE YOUR ARCHERY Whether you hit your mark like William Tell or miss the broadside of a barn, you can benefit from attending our archery session. Metro Archery Center, in conjunction with the Eagan Parks and Recrea- tion Department, is offering a session of coaching and consultation for ar- chers of all abilities. Those who are interested in learning or expanding their knowledge of archery are invited to register from either time offering on Tuesday, June 28th. Walnut Hill Archery Range, at the corner of Lexington Avenue and Wilderness Run Road, is the site for instruction. Equipment will be provided; however, you may wish to bring your own. PRE - REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Tuesday, June 28th Walnut Hill Archery Range 4:00 P.M. OR 6:00 P.M. $3.00 /person or $5.00 /family REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, June 23rd. 18 3 -MAN SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE Stay in shape, sharpen your game skills, and enjoy basketball outdoors. This newly offered league is for men who want to play basketball without calls made by referees. The refs are you, the players, and you call your own fouls. Games will be played on Mon- day evenings at Eagan Parks and Recreation Department outdoor basketball courts. Play begins June 13th and runs through the end of August. Call Parks and Recreation at 454 -8100 to receive information about the league. If you do not have a team, call to place your name on a draft list. Pre - Registration is required. EVENT: Managers Organizational Meeting DATE: Monday, May 23,1988 TIME: 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: Conference Room Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. FEE: $30.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 20, 1988 SENIOR CITIZENS Eagan Seniors meet twice each month for special activities such as pot -luck lunches followed by a variety of forms of entertainment. Polka bands, storytellers, ban - joists and magicians have per- formed. On some occasions the group plays bingo or cards or games Several outings are planned during the year. The Seniors have gone to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and The Old Log Theatre in recent months. If you are an Eagan Senior, new to the City or a life long resident, join us. Our pot lucks are tremen- dous! Call Parks and Recreation at 454 -8100 to place your name on the program mailing list. 55 ALIVE /MATURE DRIVING This two part seminar, designed by the American Association of Retired Persons, is for individuals age 55 and older. It provides a thorough review of Minnesota laws and regulations for road safety. In addition, the aging process as it re- lates to driving skills is thoroughly discussed. Call Parks and Recreation at 454 -8100 to reserve space in the class. Registration will occur at the first class session. DATES: May 31 and June 1, 1988 TIME: 1:00 - 5:00 P.M. LOCATION: Community Room Fire Administration Building 3795 Pilot Knob Road FEE: $7.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 27, 1988 . . .... ...... .................. .... t.0 ............ or wee :.aver 19 ECIEATION PROGRAM ............. ............................... REGISTRATION ............ ............................... ............ ............................... ............ ............................... ummer Pr ranr.. egistration : DATE Saturday, May 21,1488 :: TIME: ;10.00 A.M.: -:Noon LOCATION Eagan Municip Center, 3830 - Pita Knob Roadi: "In- person ":: registrations :> have first priority Registrations will continue :to be- accepted at the Municipal Center during :: regular office::: hours,:: Monday :::: ........... Friday8 :00 AM 430PM CONFIRMATION LE't I ER5: ::: Letters of confirmation arc: not sent. You.::; should::;atten l:: an activity for which you: register as scheduled unless you are notified: otherwise REFUND POLICY Registration fees for;? programs cancelled by Parks: &:: Recreation will be fully refunded A :;::$200 :service::;:fee;. will be charged for:: individual; registration cancellations: made prior to: the Start of atii::activity or> its registration deadline No refunds::: will:::be made :a€ter: ................................................ ........................... registration deadlines: or ,••• : start of an activity r Name Adress CITY OF EAGAN MAIL -IN REGISTRATION FORM Home Phone # PICNIC KITS OR WHAT DO 1 NEED TO HAVE A PICNIC? The Parks & Recreation Department will again offer Picnic Kits as a ser- vice to the community. To arrange for a Picnic Kit, call Parks & Recreation at 454 -8100 at least two weeks prior to the event. 1. The basic Picnic Kit includes portable standards, a volleyball and net, to use at a private home or at a park. A fee of $3.00 is charged. 2. A more extensive Picnic Kit that includes horseshoes, bocce ball and badminton equipment, in addition to a volleyball and net, is available. A fee of $5.00 is charged. 3. In a neighborhood park, for large group gatherings, additional picnic tables and trash barrels can be delivered to the site. The reservation fee for this service is $15.00. 4. Chuckwagon charcoal cooker: This trailer - mounted covered cooker is ideal for large group gatherings. Dozens of bratwursts, hot dogs and ham- burgers can be prepared at one time. The chuckwagon requires a 1 -7/8" ball hitch for towing. A fee of $15.00 is charged. 5. Tent canopy: Reservations for use of a 20' x 20' canopy require two weeks advance notice. A rental fee of $50.00 is charged. All fees for Picnic Kits are to be paid at the Eagan Municipal Center within five (5) days of the inquiry. This completes the reservation. Reserved Picnic Kits are to be picked up at the Public Works Building, 3501 Coachman Road between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. In prac- tice, kits are picked up on Fridays and returned on Mondays. Week -day pic- nic kits are picked up on the day of the event and returned the following day. Street City Zip Bus.Phone# Name of Activity Session# Time Child's Birth Date Enclosed $ To Cover Registration I, the undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity (ies): and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and all, liability for any in- jury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. Parent or Participant Signature J L 20 Name Adress CITY OF EAGAN MAIL -IN REGISTRATION FORM Home Phone # Parent or Participant Signature Street City Zip Bus.Phone# Name of Activity Session# Time Child's Birth Date Enclosed $ To Cover Registration I, the undersigned, parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity (ies): and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any, and alt, liability for any in- jury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. J