SpringSPRING BREAK SPECIAL EVENTS FOR KIDS ROLLERSKATING AT BIG APPLE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20,1984 Join us for a fun day of roller - skating at the Big Apple in Apple Valley. All ages welcome, parti- cipants should be capable of skating on their own. Cost in- cludes three hours of skating, skate rental and transportation. BUS LEAVES: Eagan - Cedarvale 12:00 (west end parking lot) Eagan - Fire Admin. 12:15 Bldg. (Old City Hall) Apple Valle Scott 12:30 p.m. Highlands M. le School Apple Valley - Valley 12:45 p.m. Middle School BUS RETURNS: Valley Midd school Scott Highla>ds Middle School Fire Administration Building Cedarvale Shopping Center DEADLINE: April 13, 1984 EAGAN SPRING RECREATION PROG MS 4:10 4:20 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:40 p.m. COST: $3.00 includes skating, skate rental and trans- portation. REGISTER: Parks 8 Recreation, Municipal Center EGG COLORING FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1984 Children ages 5 -12 are invited to come to the Community Room in the Fire Administration Building, 3795 Pilot Knob Road, to color Easter Eggs. The egg coloring will occur from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. on Friday, April 20, 1984. Children are asked to bring no more than 6 hard boiled eggs. Coloring supplies will be provided. Please call Parks & Recreation, 454 -8100 if your child will attend. EASTER EGG HUNT FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1984 The Sixth Annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Eagan Parks and Recreation Department will be held on Friday, April 20, 1984 at 3:00 p.m - children ages 2 through 6. The event will be held at Rahn Park. Pre- registration is not re- quired. SENIOR CITIZENS' ACTIVITIES Wednesday, April 11, 1984 Community Room, Fire Administra- tion Building 1:30 - 4:00 PM Eagan Senior Citizens are invited to come to the Community Room in the Fire Administration Building on Wednesday, April 11, 1984, at 1:30 PM. The activity for the day will be games of 500, whist, cribbage, eucre, checkers, etc. and conversation. Refreshments will be served. Please call Parks and Recreation, 454 -8100, if you will attend in order that plans can be made. Wednesday, May 9, 1984 Bowling at Cedarvale Lanes 1:30 - 4:00 PM In cooperation with Cedarv-', Lanes, Eagan Senior Citizens w. enjoy an afternoon of bowling Wednesday, May 9, beginning 1:30 PM. The cost will be $1.00 per line; plan to bowl 3 lines. Please call Parks & Recreation, 454 -8100 by May 4 if you plan to bowl in order that the activity can be organized prior to your arrival at Cedarvale Lanes. "PICNIC KITS" Several "picnic kit" plans, at no charge or a small fee, are avail- able for neighborhood picnics. Generally, May 15- September 15 are the dates that picnic kits are programed. Specific information can be obtained at the Parks and Recreation Department, 454 -8100. YOUTH BOWLING LESSONS In cooperation with Cedarvale Lanes, lessons for 4th, 5th and 6th graders are offered. The boys and girls will learn bowling eti- quette, how to select a ball, a step by step progression for de- livery of the ball and how to keep score. The entire program con- sists of 6 lessons. The lessons are offered from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. on Mondays beginning April 23 or on Thursdays beginning April 26. Registration is to be made with the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment. The $4.00 registration fee covers the first session activi- ties. At each of the additional bowling sessions, 92.00 is to be paid to Cedarvale Lanes to cover shoe rental and 11 hours of bowling. Section Section B: Thursdays, April 26 - May 31 Cedarvale Lanes 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. $4.00 Location: Time: Cost: Registration Deadline: A: Mondays, April 23 - June 4 (No Lesson Memorial Day) April 20, 1984, at the Municipal Ctr. GARDEN PLOTS The Eagan Parks & Recreation Dept. will have a limited number of garden plots available for use by Eagan residents. Plots will be located off Towerview Road west of Pilot Knob Road. Each plot will be approximately 20'X 20'. A fee of $5.00 per plot will be charged. The City will perform an initial preparation of the plot but will not be responsible for care, watering, liability due to injury or clean up. Prospective gardeners are request- ed not to use the City plots to plant sweet corn. Interested residents may pick up information and an application form at the Parks & Recreation office in the Municipal Center. Assignments of plots will be made on a first come /first served basis beginning approximately May 1, 1984. FOR:YOUR INFORMATION CITY SOFTBALL /BASEBALL FIELDS Permits issued by the Department of Parks and Recreation are re- quired for all games played on City fields between May 1 & Sept. 1. Use of fields for practice remains on a first come /first serve basis. Teams carrying a permit for a game have priority over a practice. Permits are issued by the Parks and Recreation Department at the Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road. TOURNAMENTS AT NORTHVIEW FIELDS Reservations for a limited number of week -end tournaments will be accepted for Northview Athletic Fields. Information regarding requirements and fees is available at the Parks & Recreation Depart- ment office in the Municipal Ctr. SUMMER USE OF SOCCER FIELDS The Blue Cross soccer fields will be unavailable for either practice or games until June. One field at Northview Athletic Fields will be available for summer soccer. Permits for league games are re- quired and will be issued only for games dates. Permits are issued by the Parks and Recreation Department at the Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road. FIRE ARMS SAFETY CLASS The Eagan Police Department will conduct a Fire Arms Safety Class for youths 12 years and older this spring. Registration will be held the first night of the class. A parent or guardian must accompany his /her child to the first class session. A fee of $4.00 will be charged for materials. The Fire Arm Safety registration date is Thursday, May 10, 1984, at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Room in the Fire Administration Bldg., 3795 Pilot Knob Road. Following the registration night class, the group will meet for seven addi- tional 2 -hour sessions. Class times will be 6:30 -8:30 p.m. The specific schedule of dates will be distributed on registration night. This concentrated study on Fire Arm Safety will be com- pleted in three weeks. EAGAN PARKS & RECREATION NAME ADDRESS Make check payable to: CITY OF EAGAN The outings listed below are co- sponsored by the Apple Valley, Eagan and Rosemount Parks and Recreation Departments. To regis- ter simply mail or bring your registration blank to any of these Recreation Departments. No refunds can be issued after the registration deadlines on outings. 1984 FESTIVAL OF NATIONS FRIDAY, APRIL 27 The 1984 Festival of Nations at the St. Paul Civic Center features an international bazarre, cultural exhibits, ethnic cafe's, demon- strations and performances. Join us on the opening day of the fes- tival for an unusual and memorable afternoon. BUS LEAVES Ken Rose Shopping Center Hayes Community Center Cedarvale (west end parking lot) BUS RETURNS Approximately REGISTER $8:00 includes admission and Transportation. COST your local Recreation Depart - Specify pick up point. DEADLINE ENERGY SAVING GET TOGETHERS 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM April 18 SITES OF ROCHESTER WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 Join us as we tour some of the great sites of Rochester. Our deluxe motor coach (not a school bus) will leave early but don't fret, we will be stopping at the Edgewood Inn near Cannon Falls for coffee and rolls. Upon arri- val at Rochester, we will take a guided tour of Mayowood with its rich legacy of the Mayo family. After Mayowood, we will stop at the Holiday Inn for lunch which includes a country style meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, butter, ice cream and beverage. After lunch, it's off to the Mayo Clinic and Museum for an afternoon tour. Cost includes breakfast snack, lunch, tour admissions, and deluxe transportation. BUS LEAVES Eagan - Cedarvale (west end of parking lot) Apple Valley - Hayes Community Center Rosemount - Ken Rose Shopping Center COST DEADLINE 7:45 AM 8:00 AM 8:15 AM BUS RETURNS Approximately 5:00 PM $20.00 REGISTER Parks & Recreation Department. Minimum of 30 rticipants needed. May 1, 1984 ZIP PHONE Enclosed is $ MIXED DOUBLES TE LEAGUE A mixed doubles tennis league for adults will be offered again this spring. The league is open to advanced beginners through ad- vanced players. The objective is to organize the league to abil- ity. Following registration and an or- ganizational meeting, a weekly schedule will be drawn up. Pro set rather than match play will be used. A mid -May starting date is anticipated. The Rahn tennis courts will be the designated site for play. Cost: $10.00 per couple Register: Parks & Recreation at the Municipal Center. Deadline: May 1, 1984 ALL REGISTRATIONS SHOULD BE MADE IN PERSON OR BY MAIL AT THE PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE, 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 (454 -8100) BUSINESS PHONE NAME OF ACTIVITY Other activity info (day, time, section, # of tickets, etc.)