WinterTHE LONE OAK TREE A SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH EAGAN NEWS CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: 454 -8100 CAR -RT BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. PAUL, MN. PERMIT N0.4902 POSTAL CUSTOMER EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 1982 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3 "911" TELEPHONE SYSTEM Since December 1, 1982, the City of Eagan has been part of the Metro Emergency Telephone Calling System "911 ". 911 should be used to: SAVE A LIFE - REPORT A CRIME - PREVENT A CRIME - REPORT A FIRE - OR ANY OTHER RGENCY. illgr all other police or fire non -emer- gency business, calls should be made to 454 -3700. This number will remain the police department non - emergency phone number. Also, the Police Department would like to remind the public and business com- munity that automatic dialer systems are prohibited from using the 911 emer- gency number. State Statute #237.47 prohibits an automatic dialer from using 911. The City of Eagan has provided exten- sive equipment and training of profes- sional police and fire emergency dis- patchers to use the 911 system. How- ever, the emergency dispatcher must be able to ask the caller certain infor- mation to insure the appropriate police, fire or ambulance unit will be sent to the scene in the shortest possible time. e Eagan City Newsletter is distri- ted three times a year as a pub- is service by the Eagan City Coun- cil. The Newsletter is sponsored by the Public Relations Committee and prepared through the office of the City Administrator. C I T Y HALL UPDATE The Cable Service Territory of Burns- ville -Eagan has sent out requests for proposals to all cable companies in- terested in providing service to the area. In the request, the Cable Com- mission told the cable industry they wanted a communications system which would provide a variety of entertain- ment. In addition, they requested the opportunity for access to information, to share messages, to increase security, to save energy and to share in any other benefits made possible by ad- vancing communications technology. The Cable Commission expects all pro- posals to be in by January, 1983. A review and selection process will follow over a four -five month period. The successful bidder will be required to construct the subscriber distribution system and the institutional network in the initial service area within two years of receiving the franchise. A map of the initial service area is posted at the Eagan City Hall. INSIDE 1983 Budget Page 2 On Street • Parking Ban Page 3 Snowmobile Riding Page 3 Winter Recreation Programs . . Page 5 General Fund REVENUE General Property Taxes Licenses Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Recreation Charges Fines & Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenues Refunds & Reimbursements EXPENDITURES General Government Mayor & Council Administration Finance /Clerk /Elections Legal Planning & Zoning General Government Public Safety Police Fire Protective Inspections Animal Control Civil Defense Ambulance Service Public Works Public Works /Engineering Streets & Highways Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Tree Conservation Other Contingency 1983 BUDGET Buildings $2,099,210 48,440 206,400 838,650 93,900 33,410 40,000 32,600 339,340 $3,732,950 $ 30,020 138,370 277,170 73,500 78,400 47,260 $ 644,720 $1,374,370 237,320 155,500 28,100 2,390 26,400 $1,824,080 $ 249,710 504,270 $753,980 $ 433,150 42,020 $ 475,170 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Total $3,732,950 The 1983 General Fund Budget reflects operational costs for all City depart- ments, excluding Public Enterprise (Water & Sewer) and Debt Service Ob- ligations. Copies of a detailed budget, providing a breakdown for each depart- ment, are available for inspection at City Hall. It is possible that new per- sonnel and capital equipment purchases. planned for 1983 will be frozen due to the anticipated local government aid cutbacks proposed by the State of Minnesota. 2 HISTORY OF EAGAN The City Council has approved the manuscript for an Eagan commun. history book. Final additions are n being prepared before a publisher is chosen. The Eagan History Committee has collected well over 100 photographs of early Eagan, as well as family stories, maps, area history and other interesting material. The book should be ready for sale in 1983; watch for further notices! ADVISORY AFPOINTMENTS Interested residents are encouraged to apply for positions on the City's Advisory Planning Commission and Advisory Park & Recreation Committee. The Advisory Planning Commission meets . the fourth Tuesday of each month to review development plans and make recommendations to the City Council Four appointments will be made to t commission. The three year terms of David Bohne, Doris Wilkins and Michael Wold are expiring and the one year alternate position, currently held by Garrett Mulrooney, is also expiring as of December 31, 1982. The Advisory Park & Recreation Commit- tee meets the first Thursday of each month to advise the City Council re- garding park dedication by developers, purchase of additional park land, de- velopment of existing park land and City recreational programs. Four appointments are required to fill the expiring three year terms of George Kubik, Douglas McNeely, Margaret Tilley and Carolyn Thurston. Residents of Eagan who wish to apply for one of the above positions should submit a letter expressing their interest and describing their background to the City Administrator before January 1983. Appointments will be conside at the 1983 organizational meeting the City Council scheduled for January 18, 1983. T City of Eagan has an ordinance h PROHIBITS PARKING on City s ets during and immediately fol- lowing a snowfall accumulation of one or more inches. This NO PARKING ban is in effect 36 hours the full w snow idth has been p lowed to (curbs) of of the street. Vehicles found parking on a City street during this snowfall period will be issued a citation. If the vehicle is not removed within 24 hours, it will then be towed, impounded and incur additional costs which will be the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle. If you have a vehicle that has had frequent problems with starting or being driven during extended cold or snowy periods, it is advisable not to park it on City streets during the win- ter months. If it is at all possible, please wait until the street has been plowed before cleaning your driveway. There is no way the plows can plow your street 0 'thout depositing snow into your veway approach. It is also unlaw- ul to shovel or push snow from private driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, etc., onto a public street. If you have any questions pertaining to snow removal procedures, please con- SNOWMOBILE RIDING Snowmobilers are reminded that the City has an ordinance regulating the opera- tion and use of snowmobiles within the City. The operation of snowmobiles on boulevards, school grounds, private property and. City parks and fields is prohibited. Lebanon Hills Regional Park (Holland - Jensen Park) in the Dakota County Park system does maintain a groomed trail for snowmobiles. A parking lot is south of Cliff Road to the . ailable st of Pilot Knob Road which has access to the trail. Copies of snowmobile regulations are available at City Hall and the Parks Sc Recreation office. ON STREET PARKING BAN 3 tact the Superintendent of Streets at 454 -5220. Any questions pertaining to a vehicle that has been towed should be directed to the Police Department at 454 -3900. Snow removal on the following roads is the responsibility of the Dakota County Highway Department: County Road 23 (Nicols Road) County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road) County Road 28 (Yankee Doodle Rd.) County Road 30 (Diffley Road) County Road 31 (Pilot Knob Road) County Road 32 (Cliff Road) County Road 43 (Lexington Avenue) County Road 63 (Dodd Road north of Diffley) County Road 63A (West of T.H. 149 ) Any calls pertaining to snow and ice control on these County roads should be directed to the Dakota County High- way Department at 437 -0398. The City of Eagan is asking all its citizens to do their share in helping to keep the streets clear of parked vehicles until all snow removal opera- tions have been completed. During this coming winter season, every citizen's cooperation and patience is needed and appreciated. Help us to provide you with the best service possible. NEW CITY HALL UPDATE Final design plans for the new city hall are under review by the City Council. It is anticipated that bids will be let in early 1983, with con- struction to begin in late winter /early spring. Plans will be completed in the near future for remodeling the existing city hall for fire administra- tion offices, fire department training and a new location for the paramedics and ambulance. Drawings and a model of the new city hall are available for public inspection at the existing city hall. CRIME PREVENTION WORKS! The Eagan Police Department would like to thank residents who have been co- operating with our past program of notifying the police of any suspicious or strange automobiles, persons or things in neighborhoods. In the past six months the Eagan Police Department has received informa- tion from local citizens, enabling the police to recover stoin property, arrest individuals involved in burglary and many many suspicious persons have been questioned and we are certain prevented from armitting crimes in Eagan because of alert citizens. The Eagan Police Department will be organizing more neighborhood watch programs and anyone interested in helping organize these groups should contact the Eagan Police Department, 454 - 3700. Officer Larry Billmeyer will be conducting these programs with residents. clip 'n' save TELEPHONE NUMBERS Police, Fire, Rescue 911 Police, Non- Emergency 454 - 3900 For Questions Regarding: Meeting Agendas Council Decisions Ordinances Sewer & Water Bills Building Inspection General Information .. 454 - 8100 Mayor Bea Blomquist 454 -2308 Council Members Tom Egan 452 -3957 Jim Smith 454 -1734 Jerry Thomas 454 -1464 Ted Wachter 454 -2130 City Administrator Tom Hedges 454 -8100 City Hall Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 4 DOG LICENSE RENEWALS Pet owners are reminded that dog licenses must be renewed prior February 20, 1983. A late fee of 5110 per month for each dog will be charged after this date. The rate schedule for dog licenses is as follows: Male or Female $5 Neutered or Spayed $3 Licenses can be purchased at City Hall during regular office hours. Proof of a current rabies shot is required before the license can be issued. Rabies shots must be repeated every two years. All dogs over the age of six months must be licensed. Also, City ordinance forbids dogs from running at large within Eagan. Ingredients: RABIES CLINIC A rabies clinic will be held at Cit Hall on January 29, 1983 from 10 a. to 4 p.m. Two local veterinarians wi be present during the day. Cost is $5 per pet. It will be possible to purchase dog licenses the day of the clinic. CHRISTMAS TREE SAFETY During this holiday season, the Fire Department recommends that Christmas trees be treated with a universal fire retardant solution. 9 Ounces Borax Powder 1 Gallon Warm Water 4 Ounces Boric Acid Mix entire contents well and apply to the entire tree in generous quantities. All ingredients may be purchased a a drug store at a minimum cost. Tot immersion of the tree is most effective, otherwise use a hand or electric sprayer. • R INK LOr.A I IONS Warming houses at outdoor skating rink sites in the City of Eagan will open on approximately December 18, 1982, subject to weather conditions. Warming house hours will be as follows: Saturdays & School Vacation Days: 10 AM - 9 PM Sundays: Noon - 9 PM Week Days After School: 4PM - 9 PM Christmas Eve & Days: Christmas Day: New Year's Day: New Year's 10 AM Noon Eve - 4PM Closed - 4PM Warming houses will be open during the hours listed unless one of three conditions exist: 1. The wind chill factor is -25° or colder. 2. Three or more inches of snow has fallen and rinks have not yet been cleared. 3. Warm temperatures soften the ice, making the rinks unskateable. Parking at all rink sites is to be in the parking lots provided or on the street. Cars parked on the mainte- nance roadway or on field areas next to a rink or warming house are subject to be tagged. Your cooperation is asked in order to prevent costly turf pairs to the parks in the spring and or the safety of skaters. Rinks at pond sites will be cleared when the ice is safe. EAGAN WINTER RECREATION PROGRAMS 5 OUTDOOR SKATING RINKS CLASS A RINKS RAHN PARK: On Sandstone Drive next to Rahn School WELL SITE: On Pilot Knob Road just north of Cliff Road CLASS B RINKS CARNELIAN PARK: On Carnelian Lane at Blackhawk Road WOODHAVEN PARK: On Gold Trail, southeast of Beau D' Rue Drive PILOT KNOB SCHOOL: On Lone Oak Road i mite east of Highway 13 CLASS C RINKS HIGHVIEW PARK: On Skyline Dirve, west of Pilot Knob Road LEXINGTON PARK: In the McKee Addi- tion, east of Lexington Avenue PLEASURE RINKS WITHOUT ATTENDED WARMING HOUSES CEDAR POND PARK: On Diffley Road, east of Cedar School COUNTRY HOME HEIGHTS PARK: On Beam Lane at Egan Avenue BURR OAKS PARK: Highway 149 & Chapel Lane EVERGREEN PARK: On Lodgepole Drive, west off Pilot Knob Road at Wal- frid Street Neighborhood groups or Eagan organiza- tions may reserve a rink for a special event by calling the Parks & Recreation office at 454 -7802 at least one week prior to the date of the event. Special events are to occur during the normal hours that the warming houses are open. Broomball games and practices are scheduled only at selected sites, not at all rinks. All special events must observe the posted warming house rules. TO RESERVE A RINK ADULT SKI LESSONS The Parks & Recreation Department offers BEGINNER CROSS COUNTRY SKI LESSONS FOR ADULTS. The lessons may be taken using your own equipment or rental equipment at the site. Class size is limited. Dates: Times: Saturdays, & 29 Section I Section II Section III January 15, 22, 10:00 AM -11:15 AM 11:30 AM -12:45 PM 1:00 PM- 2:15 PM All January 15 sessions will meet in- doors at the individually scheduled class time in the community room at Cedarvale Lanes. The indoor session will cover care and use of equipment, . suggested attire, safety aspects and what will be experienced during the two outdoor sessions. The outdoor sessions will originate from Diamond T Ranch located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road approximately s mile south of Cliff Road. Diamond T Ranch will reserve rental equipment for class members who register in the rental category. Class Fee: $10.00 with own equipment $19.00 with rental equipment; indicate height and shoe size Register: Deadline: In person or by mail at the Parks & Recreation office beginning December 20, 1982 January 12, 1983 CROSS COUNTRY SKI TRAILS Groomed cross country ski trails are • maintained in two City parks and at Lebanon Hills Regional Park. The beginner and the more experienced skier can equally be challenged by the trails in scenic settings. BLACKHAWK PARK has a ski trail one mile in length over hilly terrain. The trail entrance and limited parking are at the end of Palisade Way at Riverton, which is east off Blackhawk Road at Cochrane. PATRICK EAGAN PARK provides two miles of trials over varried terrain. The parking lot is located west off Lexing- ton Avenue, a mile north of Diffley Road. The trail entrance is adjacent to the parking lot. LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK operated by the Dakota County Parks Department provides groomed trails through hilly and wooded terrain. A total of 8 miles of trails, located in Eagan and Apple 0 Valley, offer loops for the beginner, intermediate and advanced skier. Parking is located off Cliff Road, 1 miles east of Pilot Knob Road. Parking and ski rental are also available nearby at the Diamond T Ranch on Pilot Knob Road. For additional information, contact the Dakota County Parks De- partment at 437 -6608. COUPLES' VOLLEYBALL Couples' volleyball will resume play on January 5, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. at Pilot Knob Elementary School. New participants may register at the Parks & Recreation office or at the school on January 5. A fee of $10.00 is charged to cover the cost of the use of the gymnasium. Couples' volleyball is recreational in(' nature; no set teams are established. DOG OBEDIENCE Two sections of dog obedience training are offered this winter. Classes meet on 10 consecutive Monday evenings be- ginning January 3, 1983. Dogs should be 9 months old or older to train effectively. Certificate of rabies vaccination must be brought to the first class session. The handler may be an adult or youth eleven years old or older; however, the same indivi- dual is to work the dog each week. Equipment needed includes a choker chain 2 inches longer than the girth of the dog's neck and a six foot leather leash. Dogs registered for the Novice Class must have taken Beginner Lessons pre- viously. Where: Basement of Police Building, 3830 Pilot Knob Road Dates: January 3 - March 7, 1983 Time: Section I Beginner 6:00- 7:OOPM Section II Novice 7:15 -8:15 PM Fee: $15.00 Register: In person or by mail at the Parks & Recreation office, beginning December 20, 1982 Deadline: December 30, 1982 SELECTION /CARE OF PLANT MATERIAL The Parks & Recreation Department will offer a seminar on the selection and care of plant materials. This two hour session will cover selection of trees and shrubs, proper pruning of plant materials and desirable fertilizer pro - grams. Where: Community Room at Cedarvale Lanes Date: Tuesday, February 8, 1983 Time: 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Cost: $2.50 Registration Deadline: February 1, 1983 The winter session of Tiny Tots Recrea- tional Activities for children ages 3, 4 and 5 will begin the week of January 10, 1983. Children will experience games, singing, stories, simple crafts and supervised play. Group size is limited. Where: Rahn Park Building on Sand- stone Drive, west of Rahn School Dates: January 10 March 3, 1983 Fee: $20.00 Days: Section I M & W 10 AM -Noon Section II M & W 1 PM -3 PM Section III T & TH 10 AM -Noon Section IV T & TH 1 PM -3 PM Register: In person Parks & beginning Deadline: December 30, 1982 ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES The City of Eagan Parks & Recreation directs the following adult softball leagues : Monday Play: Tuesday Play: Wednesday Play: Thursday Play: Friday Play: TINY TOTS or by mail at the Recreation office December 20, 1982 Eagan Women's Soft - ball League Eagan Men's tional Softball Recrea- League Indus- Eagan Men's trial League Eagan Men's Over 35 Softball League Eagan Couples' Kit - tenball League Managers of prospective new teams should contact the Parks & Recreation office at 454 -7802 prior to March 25, 1983 to receive team registration infor- mation . THE ADDRESS OUTINGS LISTED BELOW ARE Cif - SPONSORED BY THE APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN AND ROSEMOtUNT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTS. RECREATION DEPARTMENTS LISTED ABOVE. NEIL SIMON'S "CHAPTER TWO" AT OLD LOG THEATER THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1983 Enjoy lunch at the Old Log Theater and a matinee performance of Neil Simon's play "Chapter Two ". Set in the present day, Chapter Two is an autobiogra- phical comedy /drama concerning the difficulty of second marriage after one partner has died. The registration fee includes lunch, the play, and bus transportation. Bus Leaves: Hayes Community Center at 10:30 a.m. Ken Rose Shopping Cen- ter at 10:45 a.m. Cedarvale Shopping Cen- ter (west parking lot at 11:00 a.m. Bus Returns: Approximately 5 p.m. Cost: $13.50 (includes lunch) Registration: Fill out one of the Parks and Recreation registration blanks and return it to the appro- priate recreation de- partment. Please speci- fy pickup point! Deadline: January 20, 1983 EAGAN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT NAME OF ACTIVITY GO- TOGETHER /ENERGY SAVERS;:'. TO REGISTER, SIMPLY MAIL OR *RING THE APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION FORM TO ANY OF THE Bus NYLE: WORLD'S TOUGHEST RODEO AT MET CENTER SUNRAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1983 Come and see the "World's Toughest Rode&' including six championship events and featuring 300 Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association contestants, plus music and comedy. Rodeo will be held at the Met Center. Leaves: Hayes Community Center at 1 :15 p.m. Ken Rose Shopping Cen- ter at 1:30 p.m. Cedarvale Shopping Cen- ter West Parking Lot at 1 :45 p.m. Approximately 4:30 p.m. $6.75 Fill out the registration blank and return it to the appropriate de- partment. Please spe- cify pickup point! January 11, 1983 Bus Returns: Cost: Registration: Deadline: ALL REGISTRATIONS ARE TO BE MADE IN PERSON OR BY MAIL AT THE PARKS AND RECREATION OFFICE. Make check payable to: City of Eagan Send to: Parks & Recreation Department 3501 Coachman Road Eagan, MN 55122 *0 REPUWUS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE. 8 PHONE CITY OTHER ACTIVITY INFORMATION (day, time, section, # of tickets, etc.) Enclosed is $ COFFEE CONCERT AT ORCHESTRA HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1983 Join us for an action packed day as we begin with coffee and a fashion show in the lounge of Orchestra Hall. The fashion show will be sponsored by "Jackson Graves" of Minneapolis. Fol- lowing the fashion show will be a con- cert preview with Mary Ann Feldman. The Minnesota Orchestra will be per - forming with guest conductor Neville Marriner. After the performance, we will head over to the Hyatt Regency where participants will have two hours to enjoy lunch and browse through a few of the many shops. The choice of restaurant will be left up to you and the cost of lunch is on your own and is not included in the registration fee. We have excellent seats for this performance of the Minnesota Orchestra. Why not join us for a truly unique experience? Bus Leaves: Hayes Community Center at 8:45 a.m. Ken Rose Shopping Cen- ter at 9:00 a.m. Cedarvale Shopping Cen- ter West Parking Lot at 9:15 a.m. Bus Returns: Approximately 3: Cost: 511.00 includes coffee, fashion show, and Min- nesota Orchestra per- formance. Registration: Fill out the registration blank and return it to the appropriate de- partment. Please spe- cify pickup point! Deadline: January 17, 1983 Absolutely no registra- ticm acceptec'T' after this date! BUSINESS PHONE ZIP to cover registration.