WinterE aqan 1?arks cc Xecreat/crn 3830 Pilot ,knob Road 651- 681 -4660 Eagan, 2/0V 55122 (7 VD) 6 51-454 -8535 l47inter 2000 Li) Participant's Name date of Birth (or Adult) Age Grade (current) Class # Class Name w Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ Eagan Parks and Recreation REGISTRATION ,fOR,M Please mail or deliver to: City of Eagan, 3830 'Pilot ,XXnob,X.oad, Eagan, ✓47V 55122 Make your check payable to City of Eagan Include a stamped. self-addressed envelope if you wish confirmation. Participant or Parent /Guardian Address Day Phone Home Phone City State Zip Code Change of address Q I have read and understood the registration and refund policies. I, the undersigned, parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the aforementioned activity(ies), and I further agree to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any and all liability for any injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) rising out of, or in any way connected with, his /her participation in this activity. Parent /Guardian or Participant Signature Date (clip and save) 117hat did 1 register for? A $5 processing fee will be charged on any registration canceled by the registrant. Please refer to page 4 for more registration det ils. Total Fees l $ Total Fee: $ Check 0* Cash ❑ *Make your check payable to: "City of Eagan" Charge my: Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Name on Card: Card # Expiration Date Signature Eagan Parks and Recreation periodically takes pictures of participants in our classes, during special events and in the parks. Please be aware that these photos may be used in the City's brochures, pamphlets, or cable presentations. If you or your family members do not want to be photographed or published you must give us written notice. WELCOME The &agave Parrs R.ecreatLovt, Departvu.ewt weLcowt.es you awd your favu.Lly to participate Lw a variety of recreatiowal opportuwities offered this wLwter. The foLLowiwg pages are fi.LLed with fuw activities for all ages to ewjoy. They LwcLud fawi.LLj evewts, preschool progravu.s, youth programs, Lessows, a athLetLcs, sewior activities, s12,atLwg Lessows a wd other outdoor wLwter activities. Dow't hLberwate, the wLwter brLwgs wt opportuwitLes to ewjoy the beauty of our chawge of seasows. Checlz out which outdoor slzati,wg site Ls cLosest to your house. Elikjoy Lt by stayLwg active Lw &agaw's parl2s! The Eagaw Civic Arewa Ls opevt, awd Ls a wother great pLace to recreate. Learw to slzate Lessows, opew sk-z.atiwg a Lce rewtaLs are just sovv.e of the a ctivities happevatkg. Be sure to chec{z out CabLe Tv chat/Li/1416 for the Latest IAA, program a wd facLLLty Lwforvu.atiow. `(ou caw also get Lwformatio ow Parkes awd R.ecreatiow programs awd facLLLtLes by caLLLwg the R.ecreatLow I- tappe6vtgs htotilwe at &51- 681 -4670 or vLsLt the City of Eaga we sLte at www.city for a variety of Lwforwt.atio I f you watt to speak to a staff member, call the Parkes a R.ecreatiow Departmewt at 651 - 681 -4660, durLwg regular of Tice hours Mowday- Friday 8:00 a.wt.. - 4:30 p.m. TABLE OF CONTENTS Adult Athletics 20,21,22,23 Arts and Humanities Council Youth 24,25 Adults 26 Babysitting Clinic 14 Birthday Parties 14 Community Information 6,34 Cross Country Skiing 10 Employment Opportunities 23,24 Family Fun 8,9,10,11 Hotline 27 Mens & Womens Chorus 23 Preschool Activities 12.13 Registration Information 5 Santa 7 Seniors Programs 27 Skating 16,17,18 Snow Tubing 15 CIVIC ARENA Employment Opportunities 32 Ice Show 31 Public Open Skate 32 Skating Lesson Registration 28 Skating Lessons 29,30 CASCADE BAY Information 33 eagaw Parizs awd R.ecreattow reserves the rtght to cawceL, postpowe, or covu.biwe classes awd chawge iwstructors. Progra wot vu,eetLwg the regLstratLow will be cawceLed awd full refuwds wLLL be issued. ALL parttctpawts iw cawceLed cLasses wLLL be wottfied b� ParlSs a wd 'ReGreatt staff. WHAT ARE REGISTRATION DEADLINES? Registration deadlines are established for each class to help provide a positive experience for recreation program participants by ensuring appropriate staffing, supplies and facilities to meet the registration needs. We appreciate your understanding when we are not able to accommodate cancellations, transfers or registrations after the registration deadline. HOW DO 1 KNOW IF I'M IN A CLASS? Although letters of confirmation are not sent, you can assume that you are in the class(es) you registered for. We will call you only if: • The class you have requested has reached its registration limit and you were placed on the waiting list. • Your second choice was processed. • Your registration form is incomplete. k Your class is being canceled due to insufficient registration. • HOW DO WAITLISTS WORK? Due to facility space and staff limitations, many dasses have registration limits. When classes have reached their maximum registration, a waitlist will be maintained. You will remain on the waitlist until the class begins. If an opening becomes available due to a cancellation, it will be offered to the first /next person on the waitlist until the opening is filled. Every effort will be made to create additional class sections and you will be 41 contacted if your registration is able to be accommodated. Once the lass begins, if we have been unable to accommodate you, we will return the fee(s) paid. CAN 1 CANCEL A CLASS REGISTRATION? ® Registration fees for programs canceled by Parks and Recreation will be fully refunded. No refunds on team activities. • If you cancel your class before the registration deadline, Eagan Parks and Recreation will refund your registration fee, minus a $5 processing fee. • If you cancel your class after the registration deadline, and we are able to fill your vacancy from the waitlist, Eagan Parks and Recreation will issue a rebate certificate, minus a $5 processing fee. Rebate certificates can be used for future recreation programs. If you cancel your class after the registration deadline, Eagan Parks and Recreation will issue a rebate certificate, minus a $5 processing fee and any other class costs incurred on your behalf. Rebate certificates can be used for future recreation programs. V, V CAN 1 TRANSFER TO ANOTHER CLASS? Eagan Parks and Recreation will make every effort to accommodate your request to transfer to another class, however, that may not alwaysbe possible. REGISTRATIONS IS AS EASY AS HOW TO SIGH UP I . Complete a registration form for each individual registering. Registration forms are on pages 2 and 35. 2. Registrations can be made by mail, drop box, in person or by phone. Please note the dates each will begin. 3. Attach payment to your registration form. Checks should be made payable to the City of Eagan. If paying by VISA or MasterCard, include all information requested on the registration form. 4. Include a self addressed stamped envelope if you would like a confirmation of your registration. Letters of confirmation are not sent. 5. Gasses are filled on a first come, first served basis. Activities with limited space may fill before the registration deadline. 6. Requests to change activity locations, sections or times for registrations already completed will be accommodated on a space available basis. Registration information for Civic Arena can be found on Page 28 DATA PRIVACY ACT In accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Parks and Recreation Rplrtnlenl hereby informs you that the personal information we arc requesting of you andior your child or guardian on our registration lorill IS now considered private. Private data is available to you and to City stall who need 10 have this information 10 perlorm their duties, but not to the public. While you may choose to withhold this data, the consequences could be that the City's recreation still may not be able to complete your registration and /or you may not receive updated program 111l0r such as schedule changes. 1 MAIL-111 OR DROP BOX Processing of Winter registrations will be done on a random basis . each day after 2:00 pm beginning November 15, 1999 Mailing address: Eagan Parks and Recreation 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Drop box is located on the south circular driveway near the Municipal Center main entrance WINTER ;.ono Ill-PERSON Winter registrations can be accepted beginning November 18, 1999. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. PHONE -IN Phone registrations will be accepted beginning November 22, 1999 only when charged to VISA or MasterCard. Office hours are 8:00 am -4:30 pm Telephone: 651- 681 -4660 (TDD 651 -454 -8535) tIHTE:R 2000 GIFT CERTIFICATES Gift certificates are available at the Parks g Recreation Department offices; 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. They may be used toward Recreation class fees, Learn to Skate, Cascade Bay Aquatic Facility admissions and picnic facility rentals. Certificates may be purchased in any amount and are redeemable anytime for one year from date of issue. Stop by during business hours Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. -4 :30 p.m. COMMUNITY INFORMATION EAGAN PARKS AND RECREATION Information on park development, recreation programming, Advisory Park Commission meetings and the general operation of Parks and Recreation can be obtained by calling the Parks and Recreation office Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Parks & Recreation Offices 651 -681 -4660 Happenings Hotline 651- 681 -4670 (recorded message) Cascade Bay Hotline 651- 681 -4777 (recorded message) Eagan Civic Arena 651 -686 -1 100 (recorded message) Visit our Web Site at www.cityofeagan.com YOUTH SPORTS Youth sports are handled by associations run by parent volunteers to provide fun and competitive sports opportunities to the youth of Eagan. The programs are typically designed for children in Kindergarten and older. Some of the sports offered include track, soccer,baseball, wrestling, lacrosse, softball, basketball and travel sports. Should you be looking for this experience for your child, the following recorded message may be of help. EAA (Eagan Athletic Association) EHA (Eagan Hockey Association) Mickey Sparks, President EVAA (Eastview Athletic Assoc.) EVHA ( Eastview Hockey Assoc.) Bruce Bechtold, President 651- 688 -7005 (Hotline) 651 -452 -8443 65I- 985 -3830 (Hotline) 612- 985 -3830 (Hotline) COMMUNITY EDUCATION Community Education provides diverse programming within each school district. There are three school districts within Eagan; ISD 19 I (Eagan, Burnsville, Savage), ISD 196 (Eagan, Apple Valley, Rosemount) and ISD 197 (Eagan, West St.Paul, Mendota Heights). Programs such as swimming, youth programs and adult education programs are some of their many offerings. Questions regarding their programs can be forwarded to: Community Education - 191 Community Education - 196 Community Education - 197 612-707-4110 651 -423 -7721 651 -681 -2389 DAKOTA COUNTY PARKS Dakota County has an extensive park system with lakes, trails and facilities for residents to enjoy. Lebanon Hills Regional Park and Schultz Beach are two located in Eagan. If you're planning to visit . any of Dakota County's facilities you can get specific information by calling: Dakota County Parks 651- 4384660 Santa Claus is coming to town! Eagan Parks and Recreation in cooperation with McDonald's is bringing you "Breakfast with Santa ". BREAKFAST WITH SANTA McDonald's is offering a happy meal breakfast of hot cakes and sausage, milk or orange juice for $2.49. Each breakfast includes a happy meal toy. For planning purposes, let us know which session you will be attending. Don't forget your camera! Please note: Children must be accompanied by an adult. No class number Saturday December 11, 1999 8:00 - 9:00 am 9:00 - 10:00 am $2.49 per child for breakfast (payable to McDonalds) For planning purposes, call in your registration to 681 -4660 (TDD) 454 -8535 by December 10, 1999 LETTER FROM SANTA Here is your chance to delight children with their own • special letter from Santa. This letter, written in simple, easy to read language, is a thrilling surprise for any child. It will come in an envelope with Santa's name and return address in the corner, addressed directly to your child. All orders should be placed with our Recreation Department by December 8 so your child will be assured to receive it before Christmas. We do have three different letters so each sibling can get their own letter. Please share with us one item on your child's wish list for presents or what he /she likes so we can personalize each letter. Fee: $2.00 per letter Please print dearly so Santa will have the accurate spelling of your child's name. Child's Name: Address: Christmas Wish List: or What Santa should emphasize in letter, i.e. sharing, helping at home, listening, etc. Please clip and send /deliver to Eagan Parks and Recreation 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 by December 8, 1999 52 .00 /child Join us on a brisk winter's morning to try yo ur hand at snowshoetng Them will be a beef inslrurpa pn hustory:and use of the snowshoes,tk then we'll head out to lo ots for signs of animal actmty `Maybe w ell even see same early signs o . --_ --- rwa tds, w ' up with some h o t Stop! Look Ahead! Ru : We'll explore :: sign of n with a special "s.1g hike " Then we'll p lay some nature games and have a sweet', t reat made from;something. that comes ">rom ckhawk Park Pavilion 2354 Saturday March 25, 2000 10:00 -11:30 am $5.00 pa. parent /child pair March 17, 2000 It's Winter Fun Day at Trapp Farm Park. Join us as we go tubing, build snowmen, 6 play games in the snow. We will also roast hotdogs and marshmallo over a roaring bonfire down in the Pavilion. Dress for outdoor play. We will spend as much time as possible outside. The shelter building will be open for us to warm -up. Grab your friends and join the fun. Parents —we'll supervise while you do your holiday shopping returns! Location: Tra Farm Park HOT DOGGI H FUH FOR GRADES 2 -5 2325 Tuesday December 28,1999 10:00 am -2:00 pm $ 6.00 (includes supervision and • lunch of hotdogs, It chacolate, chips and marshmallows) Tuesday, December 21, 1999 HOLIDAY HOOPLA GRADES K-5 It's almost the New Year, so let's get creative! We'll be making and tasting some holiday treats, creating some fun crafts plus a few surprises. Register early -space is limited! Location: Community Room, Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road FAMILY "SKATIH" HEW YEARS EVE It's the end of 19991 What better way to celebrate than with your family and friends. The Eagan Civic Arena will be open for Open Skating from 7:30- 9:15p.m. Skate with your family to music and enjoy fun 6 games. Skate rental is available for an additional fee. Following open skating we'll have a Party! Pizza, popcorn, pop, hot chocolate and a few surprises are on the menu. We'll have an early New Year's Eve countdown at 10:00 p.m. Join the fun as we say goodbye to 19991 Kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please list names and birthdates of all family members attending on registration form. Location: Ea : an Civic Arena, 3870 Pilot Knob Road FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Movie Night is Eagan Parks and Recreation's version of the drive —in movie. A neylt release family video will be shown. Bring a blanket, pillow or whatever will our family comfortable to watch the movies. Chairs will be provided. Don't t your flashlight. This event is free, except for the purchase of optional refreshments (pop, candy & popcorn). For planning purposes, please call in your registration by the Wednesday before the event. Thank You. Location: Community Room, Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. No class number Friday January 14, 2000 Friday March 3,2000 6.30 -8:45 pm FREE except for optimal refrc4menis Wednesday, January'12, 2000 Wednesday, March 1, 2000 FAMILY HIGHT AT TRAPP FARM PARK Our sliding hill at Trapp Farm Park will host a wonderful night of games and events that is sure to make you giggle and laugh the night away. Join our attendants as they guide you through timed events and other runs. We have about 100 tubes a this promises to be a fun night. Hot dogs, brats and pop will ailable for purchase. If weather is questionable, call Recreation Hotline at 651 -681 -4670, press I to determine if this event will still happen. Location: Trapp Farm Park, Wilderness Run Road No class number Friday February 11, 2000 6:00 -7:30 pm FREE Just come join The fun. The sliding hill will remain open to the public until 9:30 pm FAMILY HAYRIDE Spend an enjoyable winter evening with your family at the Diamond T Ranch in Eagan. The hay wagon will take us on a wonderful trip and later you can gather around the fire for roasting marshmallows, sharing family moments, or singing campfire songs. Roasting sticks and marshmallows will be provided. If weather is questionable, call Recreation Hotline at 651- 681 -4670, press I to determine if this event will still happen. Location: Diamond T Ranch, 4889 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan FAMILY FUN NIGHTS Friday is Family Fun Night in Eagan. We have lots of fun activities planned to break up the long days of winter. Bundle up the family and get out of the house this winter. Have a night out with your family without the high cost of today's entertainment. Don't hibernate —join the fun. Spend a night with your family! SKATING FUN AT CLEARWATER Saturday January 8, 2000 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. . Can you stop on a dime? Can you skate an obstacle course? How fast are you when you are skating? Join our warming house attendant at Clearwater Park on Saturday, January 8. This family event is free and requires no pre - registration. If weather is questionable, . call the Recreation Hotline at 651 -68 I -4670, press I to determine if this event will still happen. This is a free program. DOG SLED RIDES Rides for children only Be a mush master for a dayl Get a taste of the Iditirod and Johr Beargrease right here in Eagan. Skim over the frozen tundra on a sled pulled by hard - working dogs. Imported from Silver Bay, Ward and Colleen Wallin and their team of huskies will offer you the opportunity to laugh at winter and enjoy the thrill of dog sledding. There will be a limited number of rides respecting the health of the dogs. Hot dogs, brats and pop will be available for purchase from I :00 — 4:00 p.m. Location: Tra ' Farm Park, 841 Wilderness Run Road Saturday January 29, 2000 1:30 - 3:30 pm $2.00 /child Just show up and enjoy The fun. bog sled rides are for children only. If weather is questionable, call the Recreation Hotline, 651 -68 I -4670, press # I to determine if this event will still happen. FAMILY ICE FISHING Saturday, January 29, 2000 12:30 — 2:30 p.m. Schwanz Lake in Trapp Farm Park 841 Wilderness Run Road Park in the Trapp Farm Park lot. Wind your way down the hill to Schwanz Lake. Don't forget your winter fishing gear or the extra scarf and mittens, just in case. With help from members of In-Fisherman and'City Water Quality staff, fish for the swarming sunny and wily crappie. Fishing holes will be drilled and waiting for you. Plenty of free bait will be provided. If the fish are biting, the children will have a ball. Join recreation staff at the blazing bonfire and talk fishing over a cup of hot cider. The fire will warm your toes and the conversation will warm your spirits. If weather is questionable, call the Recreation Hotline, 65 I -68 I - 4670, press #1 to determine if this event will still happen. SESAME STREET LIVE Take your child or grandchild to see Sesame Street Live's performance of g Bird's Sunny Day Camp -Out" at the Target Center in downtown nneapolis. Children and adults of all ages will love this 90- minute musical performance of dazzling lights and colorful costumes. Sesame Street's abuzz with Big Bird and Snuffy's big plans to camp out. Elmo, Cookie, Bert, Ernie and all your favorite Muppet pals will be there tool Note: Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of 2 who can sit on their parent's lap during the show do not have to purchase a ticket, however, they do have to pay the bus/ chaperone fee of $ 5.50 per person. If you will be bringing a car seat for your child to use on the bus, please indicate so on the registration form. Come along — s'more's the merrier! Space is limited - register early! LOCATION: Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road 2323 Friday January 21, 2000 9:00 am 1:00 pm $13.50 (includes lower deck seating and school bus transportation) Monday, December 27,1999 Children under the age of 2 who can sit on their parent's lap during the show do not have to purchase a ticket, however, they do have to pay the bus/chaperone fee of $ 5.50 per person. Please indicate on the registration form if you will be bringing a car seat for your child to use on the bus. WINTER The Eagan Parks and Recreation Staff welcomes you and your preschooler to a wide selection of quality preschool programs. Teach- ers are experienced instruc- tors who are committed to your preschooler having a positive experience. Preschoolers participating will benefit by developing their social skills through play, art projects, games and songs. PRESCHOOL. PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY Eagan Parks & Recreation focuses on the social aspect of children ages 2 -5. Classes are offered every 3 months - September, January, March and June are the start months. Who is a preschooler? Children who are age 3, 4, or 5 and have not attended kindergarten may attend our programs Parent and child classes are offered for 2 year olds. The Me Two class is for children who are 2 and are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Children must be the appropri- ate age when the program begins. Toilet Trained Children must be com- pletely toilet trained and able to independently use the bathroom. Children are required to wear underwear, not pull -up type diapers. (This does not apply to the Me Two classes.) MINI TINY TOTS RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES For a•es 3, 4 & 5 Goat Hill 2343 Bridle Ridge 2344 Bridle Ridge 2345 Tuesday & Thursday Nov. 30 -Dec. 16,1999 Monday & Wednesday Nov. 29 -Dec. 15,1999 Tuesday & Thursday Nov. 30 -Dee. 16,1999 9:30 - 11:30 am $27.00 Monday, November 19,1999 MINI WACKY WEDNESDAYS For ages 3, 4 d1 5 LOCATION: Goat Hill MINI FRIDAY FRIENDS For ages 3, 4 & 5 Goat Hill 2347 Bridle Ridge 2348 Fridays December 3,10 417,1999 1:00 -3:30 pm 9:00 - 11:30 am $16.50 Monday, November 19,1999 MINI JUST FOR 5'S For children attending kindergarten in fall, 2000 LOCATION: Goat Hill Park, 4391 Lexington Avenue 2350 2351 Monday, Wednesday & Friday Nov. 29 - Dee. 17,1999 Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Nov. 29 - Dee. 16,1999 9:00 - 11:30 em 1:00 - 3:30 pm $50.00 Monday, November 19,1999 • Bridle Ridge 2312 Bridle Ridge 2313 Bridle Ridge 2314' Monday, December 27,1999 9:30 - 11:30 am 9:30 - 11:30 am 1:00 - 3:00 pm Goat Hil I 2317 Bridle Ridge 2315 Bridle Ridge 2316 1:00- 3:30 pm 9:00 - 11:30 am 1:00 - 3:30 pm $55.00 Monday, December 27,1999 2322 Pre - registration has occurred for participants currently enrolled in Fall, I999 classes. Please note that some classes arc tull. WINTER Monday, December 27,1999 9:00 - 10:15 am 10:30 - 11:45 am $35.00 TINY TOTS RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES The Tiny Tots program is designed to provide children ages 3, 4 and 5 the opportunity for social /recreational interaction and growth. Children exposed to a variety of skills and learning experiences, which include rojects, storytime, listening and sharing skills and singing. The e phasis is on large and small group play. Group size is limited to the first 20 in each class at Goat Hill and to the first 16 at Bridle Ridge. Please note: Participants new to the Tiny Tots program may register by mail or drop box beginning November 15. Goat Hill 2311 Tuesday & Thursday January 4 -March 9, 2000 Monday & Wednesday January 3 -March 8, 2000 9:30 - 11:30 am WACKY WEDNESDAYS Break up your week by participating in this fun class for 3, 4 and 5 year olds. This class format is similar to the Tiny Tots program. Loads of fun with art projects, stories, free play and more! 41 Please note: Registration for participants new to the Wacky Wednesdays program begins on November 15. LOCATION: Goat Hill Park, 4391 Lexington Avenue FRIDAY FRIENDS A fun class for children ages 3, 4 and 5. Classes are structured similar to the Tiny Tots program. Each week is theme based with activities centered around art projects, stories and singing. Large and small group play with an emphasis on socialization are also included. Join us for an afternoon with your friends! Please note: Registration for participants new to the Friday Fr/ends program begins on November 15. The Eagan Women's Fire Awdliary and the Department of Parks and Recreation co- sponsor babysitting /latchkey clinics. Boys and girls ages 10 or older are encouraged to participate. The clinic covers the "how to" of babysitting, including age appropriate activities. An awareness of safety concerns will be fostered. First aid will be emphasized. The latchkey portion covers safety considerations for a child being home alone. A light lunch will be served to the class participants. Space is limited. Pre - registration is required. LOCATION: Fire Administration Building, 3795 Pilot Knob Road BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR PRESCHOOLERS AHD YOUTH Birthday parties are special and we have some great ways to celebrate them. Our parties include party leader, decorations, balloons, beverage, party bags and a specia gift for the birthday child. All the things you would do at home without the messl Parties are offered on Saturdays between 10:00 and Noon and between 1:00 -3:00 p.m. Reservations must be made 2 weeks in advance. Come celebrate your special day with us. For reservations, please call 651 -681 -4660, TDD 651- 454 - 8535. Details will be confirmed by your party leader. Parties are available to schedule through December 1 1 , 1999. Party service is not available December 19, 1999 — February, 2000. Parties are available March 6, 2000 — November, 2000. LOCATION: Sky Hill Park, 3590 Blue Cross Road Party # I and #2 $65.00 for 1 -9 participants Party #3 $75.00 for 1 -9 participants (includes T-shirt) Add $ 5.00 for each additional participant. Maximum: 12 participants (including birthday child) GPAT X #1 OLD FASHIONED PARTY 4 - 5 years old (I 'A hours) Includes traditional party games like Pin the Tail, Drop the clothespin, plus a few new ones tool q , I ftry #2 TRADITIONAL PARTY 6 - 10 years old (1 '/, hours) This party allows for fladbility and fun. Your birthday child can choose traditional games that will celebrate their special day. ViftrY#3 - TTSHIR____T_P_N ' 6 - 10 years old (2 hours) This two hour party allows for flexibility and creativity. During our time together guests will design and make their own decorated T-shirts by using tye -dye. (T-shirts are provided) This can get messy so please dress accordingly. FEE: SNOW TUBING Feel the thrill of the hill as you innertube at Trapp Farm Park, 841 erness Run Road. Glide, whirl and even join other tubes as you make a some fun. A limited number of tubes are available at the park. Ab utely no sleds, toboggans or other devices are allowed. Innertubes only. Warm your toes between runs in the park shelter building by the hill. A crackling fire will get you ready to head out for more fun. The season begins, weather permitting, December 18. (Staff availability and weather may allow for pre - season open hours on weekends.) THE HOURS ARE: Monday — Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday RENTAL FEE IS: 4:00 — 8:00 p.m. 4:00 — 9:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. — 9:30 p.m. Noon — 8:00 p.m. During winter vacation weekdays, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and President's Day the shelter will be open at 10:00 a.m. HOLIDAY HOURS ARE: December 24: 10:00 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. December 25: Noon — 4:30 p.m. December 31: 10:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. January 1: Noon — 9:00 p.m. January 30: Noon — 5:00 p.m. Weather cancellations will be similar to the skating rink rules for closure. Call 651 -68 I -4670, option 1, the Recreation Hotline, to determine if the hill is open. GROUP SNOW TUBING Beginning December 19, 1999, your group has the opportunity to reserve the Trapp Farm Park tubing hill for exclusive use. Specific hours are available Sunday through Thursday. Included in the rental are: **Use of approximately 75 tubes * * Heated shelter building accommodating approximately 30 adults * *A roaring fire * *A cup of hot chocolate per person * * Restrooms **Staff to assist your tubing RESERVATION TIMES AVAILABLE: Sundays 10:00 a.m. — Noon Sundays— Thursdays 8:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. For groups of 1 — 25 people: $25 per hour plus tax for residents $50 per hour plus tax for non - residents An additional $1 per person for numbers 26 to 100 A damage deposit of $150 is returned, if groups leave the park facilities better than *found them. For more information and to make reservations, contact Eagan Parks and Recreation at 651 -681 -4660 (TDD 651- 454 - 8535). Reservations must be made at least seven days in advance during regular office hours. Class A Rinks Bridle Ridge Park: Goat Hill Park: Quarry Park: Rahn Park: The outdoor skating season begins December 17, weather permitting. Enjoy pleasure skating at all sites. Some rinks have islands to circumnavigate! You can hockey at many sites, as well. Check out a skating location near you. Schedules e posted at each warming shelter. Several rinks have reserved times for youth hockey, adult hockey, broomball, and skating lessons. WARMING SHELTER SCHEDULE • OUTDOOR SKATING RINKS • Elrene Road at Northview Park Road Lexington just north of Wilderness Run Road Coachman Road, north of Yankee Doodle Road Sandstone Drive across from Rahn School Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 4:00 — 9:00 p.m. 4:00- 9:30 10:00 a.m. — 9:30 p.m Noon — 9:00 p.m. Clearwater Park: Pilot Knob Road, just north of Cliff Road Sky Hill Park: Blue Cross Road at Blackhawk Road Monday — Friday 4:00 — 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m. Sunday Noon — 8:00 p.m. Class B Rinks Carnelian Park: Carnelian Lane at Blackhawk Road Ridgecliff Park: Covington Lane, west of Johnny Cake Ridge Rd Monday — Friday 4:00 — 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m. Sunday Noon — 8:00 p.m. two blocks east of Lexington Pilot Knob Road Monday — Friday 4:00 — 9:00 p.m. Saturday 5 Sunday Noon — 5:00 p.m. ckhawk Park: Murphy Parkway, north of Deerwood Drive Saturday 8 Sunday Noon — 5:00 p.m. WINTER SKATING AND TUBING HILL SITES YLLur Heil , ,Idwrliow(l pork shelter site ��ill lu h0»tm‘,', SOI11C sileci,il rvrnu tlurnit, vrmtrr v.uC,111011 . y01.1r sitr (Lilly trr til) iii orm, ti0n landaiseitatOt. *Moo" Station Plitt • Class A rinks 4, Class B rinks Bridle Ridge Park Clearwater Park Goat Hill Park Quarry Park Rahn Park Sky Hill Park Blackhawk Park Carnelian Park Lexington Park Pilot Knob Park Ridgecliff Park Woodhaven Park * Trapp Farm Park Tubing Hill WARM UP! REFRESH! Hot chocolate is available at seven warming shelters in Eagan. A steaming cup of cocoa is just the trick to warm you up and get you back out for more winter frolics. Ask the staff on duty for assistance. Here are the sites where refreshments are served: Trapp Farm Park Tubing Hill Bridle Ridge Park Clearwater Park Goat Hill Park Quarry Park Rahn Park Sky Hill Park Enjoy your time at the winter recreation sites throughout Eagan! OUTDOOR SKATING LESSONS Space is limited and pre - registration is required for all Basses. Skating instructors Patty Brown and Tony Van Horn both teach lessons for the indoor skating school at the Civic Arena. Parent /child class (four 30 minute lessons) For preschools along with a parent or adult participant. Learning how to fall safely and get back up, marching, stopping, swizzles, and lots of fun and games to help get comfortable on the ice with skates. Enjoy some quality ice time together. Helmets are strongly recommended. Preschoolers (four 30 minute lessons) Geared toward ages 3 — 6 years old. Basic beginner skills will be covered in a fun atmosphere. Enjoy a positive start to this lifetime sport. Helmets are strongly recommended. - Beginners (four 30 minute lessons) For the absolute beginner, ages 6 to adult. Skills covered include falling down safely, getting up, forward glide, backward glide, snowplow, stop, forward and backward skating, turning and weaving. Games and drills will keep the learning fun. Helmets are strongly recommended. Intermediates (four 30 minute lessons) For all skaters who know the basic skills and want to improve their skating experience. Skills covered are forward and backward skating, stops, controlled turns, and more. Increase your confidence and enjoyment of this great lifetime sport. Skaters will be challenged at their own level. FEE: $25.00 per student. Clearwater Park Mondays, January 3 — Class # 2330 2:30 -3:00 p.m. Class # 2331 3:15- 3:45.p.m. Class # 2332 4:00 -4:30 p.m. Rahn Park Class # Class # Class # Class # Rahn Park Class # Class # Class # Class # Tuesdays, January 4 — 2333 2:30 -3:00 p.m. 2334 3:15 -3:45 p.m. 2335 4:00 -4:30 p.m. 2336 4:45 -5:15 p.m. Thursdays, January 6 2337 2:30 -3:00 p.m. 2338 3:15 -3:45 p.m. 2339 4:00 -4:30 p.m 2340 4:45 -5:15 p.m 24,2000 Parent /child Preschool Intermediate 25, 2000 Parent/ Child Preschool Beginner Intermediate — 27, 2000 Parent/ Child Preschool . Beginner . Intermediate REGISTRATION DEADLINE Monday, December 27, 1999 • CROSS COUNTRY SKIING Cross country skiers are invited to kick and glice on the flat, herringbone up the hills, and schuss down the other side on groomed trails in Eagan parks. The beginner, novice (ore experienced skiing enthusiast will be challenged on Eagan's trails. NORTHVIEW PARK A beginner trail will loop around the pond, behind the tennis courts and back to the point of departure. The groomed trail will take advantage of gentle slopes and flat surfaces. The skier will experience warmth from the shelter of the woods and the brisk air of open space. The park is located on Northveiw Park Road, east of Lexington Avenue, I /2 mile north of Diffley Road. THOMAS LAKE PARK Groomed trails will provide cross - country skiers with the opportunity to ski the half mile Native Prairie loop which traverses gentle slopes, flat stretches, and the openness of the prairie, A second alternative is to ski the scenic, wooded lakeside trail, which is more rugged, yet skiable, even for the beginner. A circle route is formed by kicking and gliding north along the trail adjacent to Thomas Lake Road then heading east on the Highline Trail back to the park. PATRICK EAGAN PARK Two miles of trail over variable terrain await the cross country skiier. The trail begins with a steep down slope, after that the skiier will find scenic flats and rolling hills. At 0 several points on the trail you will experience being "in the woods ". This trail provides a good workout! The park is located west of Lexington Avenue, I /2 mile north of Diffley Road. The trail head is readily accessible from the parking area. ELACKNAWK PARK Blackhawk Park offers a family atmosphere for cross country skiing. Access to groomed trails can be made from the parking lot off Murph Parkway. The pavilion warming shelter will be open on weekend afternoons. Two miles of looped trails meander over variable terrain. You may elect to follow the trail around the east end of the lake, across the narrow bridge, and short cut directly back to your starting point. Or you may take the long way back, herringboning up hill toward Riverton Avenue. This trail provides an excellent workout and some breathtaking views. Ample parking is available in the Thomas Lake Park parking lot, which is located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road, 3/4 mile south of Diffley Road. i! +ear Prow to cross country ski builds onfi dence. The skills you gain wilt. therefor you ach season. Sunday .'' a ft enioori ski excursions, weekend ; ski trip and a, new outlook on Winter are benefits you coul find from learrming tow to M oss coun t .. or those why► have; never Please note that the first doss will meet from 9 - 1 1:00 a.m. on Saturday January 8 2355 2356 5ahrdWs 7anuo y 8,15, and 29, 2000 Make-up date is Fehr-wry 5,2000 9:00 - 11:00 am 11:30an -1.•30 pm 525.00 with own equipment $42.00 with rental (include height, weight ad shoe size) Wednesday, 7amiay 5, 2000 Saturdays Jan. 8- Feb.12, 2000 (weather permitting) Returning teams: November 8- 12,1999 New teams: November 15- 19,1999 CO -REC BROOMBALL Friday evenings are reserved for wild and wacky fun. Co -Rec Broomball is offered and co- sponsored by the Burnsville Recreation and Enterprises and Eagan Parks and Recreation. Your team must meet three pre- requisites in order to play: enjoyment of wintry outdoors, ability to laugh and the capacity to have a good time. Friday Jan. •7 - Feb. 4, 2000 (weather permitting) 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm North River Hills Park 19th Avenue Eagan Rahn Park 4425 Sandstone Drive $ 180.00 Returning teams November 8- 12,1999 New teams: November 15- 19,1999 Teams must consist of players who live or work within Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage. BROOMBALL Eagan Parks and Recreation offers two broomball leagues for men. Both leagues will be sanctioned and games will be played 011 Sunday or Monday evenings. There are 6 games planned for the season. Priority is given to teams consisting primarily of players who live or work in Eagan. Sundays Jan. 2 - Feb.13, 2000 and Mondays Tan. 3 - Feb. 14, 2000 (weather permitting) 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Quarry Park • 3340 Coachnan Road $235.00 Returning teams: November 8- 12,1999 New teams: November 15-19,1999 Teams must consist of players who liue or work within Eagan. 4 -011 -4 HOCKEY Before you know it winter will be upon us. Plan now for the upcoming season and organize your team. Last year, everyone enjoyed the fast paced action and superior workout of this league. A goal board is used in place of a goalie and no checking or slap shots are allowed. Wednesday Jan. 5 - Feb. 9, 2000 (weather permitting) Saturday Jan. 8 - Feb.12, 2000 (weather permliting) 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 800 pm 10:00 am 11:00 am Rahn Park 4425 Sandstone Drive Quarry Park 3340 Coachman Road $90.00 Returning teams November 8- 12,1999 New teams November 15- 19,1999 Team's must consist of players who live or work within Eagan. • CO -ED RECREATIONAL VOLLEYBALL Enjoy the fun on Friday evenings for the unofficiated, ,.creational volleyball leagues. Games will be played at elementary school gyms. Ten games are planned. League space is limited. Friday Jan. 7 - Mar. 24, 2000 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:30 pm Deerwood Elementary Oak Ridge Elementary Pinewood Elenentary Woodland Elementary $90.00 Returning teams November 8- 12,1999 New teams November 15- 19,1999 Teams must consist of players who line or work within Eagan or School District 196. There are many leagues to choose from for the winter volleyball season. The leagues that will be offered include: Co -Ed Power Officiated on Sundays, Men's and Women's Power on Tuesdays, Co -Ed Beginning Officiated and Co -Ed Power Officiated on Fridays. Games will be played at middle school gyms. League space is limited. Tuesday Jan. 4 - Mar. 21, 2000 Friday Jan. 7 - Mar. 24, 2000 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm 8:15 pm 9:15 pm Black Hawk Middle School and Dakota Hills Middle School Men's & Women's Power $ 215.00 Co -Ed Beginning Officiated $205.00 Co - Ed Power Officiated $2 25.00 Returning teams: November 8-12,1999 New teams: November 15-19,1999 Sunday n. 9 - Mar. 26, 2000 POWER VOLLEYBALL Teams must consist of players who line or work within Eagan or School District 196. MEN'S 5-011-5 BASKETBALL There are three officiated leagues offered. Wednesday evenings are sanctioned upper and lower Class B /C /D leagues. On Sundays, the,league is made up of sanctioned Class C/D teams. There are 10 games planned for Wednesday and 9 games planned for Sunday. League space is limited. 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm Black Hawk Middle School and Dakota Hills Middle School $345.00 $ 370.00 Wednesday Jan. 5 - Mar.15, 2000 Teams must consist of players who live or work within Eagan or School District 196. WINTER Sunday Jan 9 - Mar. 26, 2000 Wednesday Jan 5 - Mar. 15, 2000 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9 :00 pm Block Hawk Middle School SUMMER SOFTBALL LEAGUES It's not to early to Think Softball! Organize your team now for the 2000 season. The adult softball leagues are directed by Eagan Parks 8 Recreation. Registration materials will be available after February I , 2000. Returning teams have priority registration beginning in March. New teams register in mid -March on a firstcome, first served, space available basis. Leagues Offered: Women's C & D Men's Open Men's C Men's D/E Men's Corporate Men's 35/40 g Ouer Co-Rec 11/12" Co-Rec 14" Monday evenings Thursday mornings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings Thursday evenings Thursday evenings Sunday, Tuesday, Friday evenings and Wednesday mornings Friday evenings f SEASONAL POSITIONS SKATING RINKS AND TUBING HILL Parks and Recreation wants you. If you are an outgoing individual, 16 years or age or older, who would enjoy helping youngsters with their skates, be comfortable welcoming park visitors and have the confidence to ensure park safety rules are followed, then this is the job for you. The outdoor recreational season typically runs from mid — December through mid - February, subject to weather, of course. Hours are after school/ evenings and weekends; approximately 25 hours a week. We have a number of park locations that should be close to you. You will have a great working environment and be able to impact the families of Eagan. Why not get an application? Applications will be accepted beginning Monday October 4 and will continue until positions are filled. Application forms and job descriptions will be available at the Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. JOIN THE TEAM! The Eagan Men's Chorus (formerly the Lockheed -Martin Chorus) is busy with its fall schedule. The chorus has added several new members since its alliance with the Eagan Parks and Recreation Department. The organization is open t6 all men from the surrounding communities who enjoy singing choral music and the chorus would like to add additional members. The chorus serves as ambassador of music for Eagan and nearby communities, performing at senior citizen centers, nursing homes, churches and civic functions. They perform under the direction of Mr. Dave Campen, Choral Director in the White Bear Lake School District and is accompanied by Mrs. IvaNell Munson. The chorus rehearses at Peace Reformed Church, 2180 Glory Drive, Eagan, Monday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. INTRODUCING THE NEW EAGAN MEN'S CHORUS The Eagan Men's Chorus performed at two church functions on October 3 I . It is also preparing for a joint concert with the 3M Male Chorus and the South St. Paul Male Chorus on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. at Woodbury United Methodist Church, 7465 Steepleview Road in Woodbury. The Chorus is also making plans to participate in a Massed Chorus Event in Winnipeg in April, 2000 with 14 other men's choruses from the Midwest District of the Associated Male choruses of America. There will be about 400 singers in massed concert at this event. If you are interested in joining this group, or having the chorus perform or your function, contact one of the following persons: Roscoe Evavold, Chorus Manager Jim Gengler, Asst. Chorus Manager Dale Torgerson, Sec./Treas. Ken Coy, Engagements Chairman Tom Weyrick, Librarian Paul Carlton, Chorus Governor (651) 687 -3278 (612) 432 -5504 (651) 456-2711 (651) 456 -2678 (651) 687 -2717 (651) 456 -3166 WINTER 2000 Name(s) Address HOW TO JOIN ea LAY City State Telephone ( ) Check is enclosed in the amount of $ ! Mail to: Eagan Arts and Humanities Council 1750 Kyllo Lane Eagan, Minnesota 55 122 UHG and art are all E ss for young ifferent And a different of dragons, uilding, slab, heel and more! area s•••••••••••••••• Membership Fees /Catagories S5+or/T ed Income $10.00 • Individual 820.00 Family 835.00 • Fie $100 -199 • Partner 8200-499 • 8500-999 • $1,000+ • • • • • hp • • • • • • • • • • htsta Cady Quer • for AMaIhspsltkt • •••••••••••••••• Support Patron (made payable to EAHC). MAKE AHD TAKE CLASSES FOR AGES 8+ SOAP CARVING This is a beginner level class for children ages 6 -14. Children will be introduced to a few carving tools and techniques to make a soap carving. Instructor: Andrew Elmer LEATHER Make a pair of moccasins and a necklace. Kits are provided in the registration fee. When registering, please indicate shoe size (male or female) on the registration form. Instructor. Andrew Elmer WOOD CARVING Learn how to use a variety of woodcarving tools and techniques to create a wood carving. A carving tool set is provided in the registration cost. Instructor: Andrew Elmer The Eagan Arts and Humanities Council is a community based non-profit organization whose purpose is to develop, promote and encourage participation in and appreciation of the creative arts and Humanities. We would enjoy having you as a member. MEMBER BENEFITS INCLUDE: I096.class discount Recognition of support Invitation to Special Events Newsletter 9:00- 10:30am $65.00 $60.00 Mac.m,6ar4 4A0 - 5:30 pm Tuesday, February 10, 2000 Saturday Ja mmry 22, 2000 Saturday February 12, 2000 10:00 am - Nom 10:30 am- Nam WINTER 2000 Saturday, January 14, 2000 $10.00/ team (.dd,d 1 die) $ 2.50 far aaohaddiilond dild Friday, February 4, 2000 ART FROM AROUND THE WORLD FOR GRADES 3 -6 Celebrate and explore art from different cultures. Weave a Bambulina wall hanging, sculpt an African mask, paint an Aborigine dream painting, learn Huichol design, and paint with sand! Creative expression is universal, so come and connect with other cultures through r.. Instructor: Araela Kumaraea Dakota County Center for Arts fl Humanities PORTRAIT OF A SEASON FOR AGES 3 6 If winter were a person, what would it look like? Students will use their imaginations along with a variety of artists' materials to create a portrait of a season. They will explore characteristics such as color, length of day, temperature, animal life, holidays, what the student likes to do during the winter season, etc. Instructor: Liz Abbene A SAFARI THROUGH ART FOR AGES 3 -6 This class shows students the many ways in which animals — real and imaginary — have been portrayed in different media. Children will be provided instruction based on looking, thinking, feeling, and doing. They will have the opportunity to work with a variety of art medium including paint, pastel, and clay to create works limited only by their imagination! Class activities will include storytelling. Instructor: Liz Abbene SCULPTURE FOR GRADES 3 -6 Sculpt, bend, twist, carve, mold and paste with your hands! Learn techniques of working in 3D and have fun exploring a variety of mediums such as clay, wire, plaster, and recyclable materials. Instructor: Araela Kumaraea Tuesday Jan. 4 - Feb. 8, 2000 Thrsday Feb. 17 - Mar 23, 2000 Thrsday, February 10. 2000 Friday, February 11, 2000 Friday, January 7, 2000 6:00 - 8:00 pm 10'.00 am- 12:30 pm 12:30 - 4:30 pm e 'at"'b/ 12:30 - 4:30 pm $45.00 January 15 6 22.2000 $40.00 (EAC mmt,as) $70.00 $60.00 (EAC .e6.0 $45.00 $40.00 MAC embers) I NG ICS ou will work with ct of your choice. of painting of students. Bring inner if using oil ea discuss types planning, h batik and ption of gloves URE erit badge in BADGE n just 2 sessions! EVENING OIL AND ACRYLICS FOR ADULTS AND TEENS AGE 16+ Using oil or acrylics, learn how to mix colors from a limited palette. Bring your photos or other subject matter for your individual projects. This is a class for students with all levels of experience. Instructor: Laurie Toth Materials needed at first class: Paints for oil or acrylic: zinc or titanium white, cadmium yellow deep, cadmium red light, alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue and phthalo green Odorless thinner for oil Rags and paper towels Brushes geared for type of work you plan to do 2294 2295 Tuesday Jan 4 - Feb. 5, 2000 Tuesday Feb.15 - Mar. 21, 2000 6:30 - 9:00.pm $70.00 $60.00 mac arr.. / Tuesday, December 28, 1999 Tuesday, February 5, 2000 ADULT CERAMICS FOR ADULTS AND TEENS AGE 16+ Use wheel- thrown and hand -built techniques to make sculptural an functional objects. Emphasis will be on the expressive qualities of clay. Both beginner and experienced potters are welcome! A $ 12 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class. Instructor: Grace Pass WINTER WATERCOLOR FOR ADULTS AND TEENS AGE 16+ Explore the wonder of watercolors during winter at Patrick Eagan Park. Bring your favorite pictures or ideas to class, and translate them into keepsakes. Instructor: Kerry Kupferschmidt Materials needed at first class: Tubes of watercolor paint: cadmium or gamboge yellow, rose maddeer, cobalt blue, additional colors optional 1 40# watercolor paper Flat I " watercolor brush Round #8 brush Plastic palette (bigger is better) Rags or paper towels . 2296 2297 Monday Jan. 3 - Feb. 7, 2000 Monday Feb. 14 - Mar. 20, 2000 6:30- 9:00pm $70.00 $60.00 (EAC mmbe s) Malay, D eeanber 27,1999 Monday, February 7, 2000 RECREATION HOTLINE 651- 681 -4670 The Recreation Hotline is on line 24 hours each day. A menu of topics has been set up so that residents can quickly hear specific information. # I TODAY'S ACTIVITIES Weather related activity announcements, bus times, and other daily information is provided. This line is updated each weekday as needed at 4:00 PM. When weekend events require new information for participants, messages are updated as needed. #2 UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS Information concerning activities that will happen in two or three weeks. This line usually features community wide recreation programs and family events. #3 SEASONAL OUTDOOR FACILITY INFORMATION Information such as open time on sand volleyball and tennis courts and field space for challenge softball games are examples of the messages on this general information line. #4 SHELTER BUILDING /FACILITY RESERVATION INFORMATION The "How To" of reservations for pavilions, shelter buildings, ball fields, or picnic kits. Subject to the season of the year, information about the facilities available for reservations will be recorded. l igg REGISTRATION INFORMATION Date, time, location for the start of recreation program registration each quarter is announced. Information about class opening or available space will be provided from time to time #6 YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION INFORMATION The Hotline telephone numbers for youth athletics are provided as a service to the community. 55 ALIVE /MATURE DRIVING The American Association of Retired Persons has developed the curriculum and also provides certified instructors for these seminars. It is a nationally recognized drivers safety program. Persons 50 years of age and older may participate. Minnesota law prescribes a 1 0% reduction in insurance rates for those 55 and older who successfully complete the course. The "first time" - 8 -hour seminar, provides a thorough review of Minnesota laws and regulations for road safety. Additionally, the aging process, as it relates to driving skills, is discussed. The refresher seminar is for those who need to renew their 5 Alive Certificate. Aspects of safe driving that are most crucial ( ccident prevention for mature drivers are emphasized. Register by mail using a registration form from this brochure. Space is limited and pre- registration is required. 12:30 - 4:30 pm WINTER Wednesday 3 Thursday December 15 316, 1999 Monday December 13, 1999 9:00 am- 1:00 pm First Time Seminar: Friday, December 10,1999 Refresher Seminar: Friday, December 3,1999 2357 First Time Seminar 2358 Refresher Seminar l i. Participant's Name Address City, State, Zip Phone(H) Age Parents Name ENROLL ME IN CLASS # 2nd Choice Class # Birthdate 2ND FAMILY SKATER: Currently enrolled: Y - N Name Age Birthdate ENROLL ME IN CLASS # TIME: 2nd Choice Class # TIME: 3RD FAMILY SKATER: Currently enraged: Y - N Name Age Birthdate ENROLL ME IN CLASS # TIME: 2nd Choice Class # TIME: Parent or Participant Signature EAGAN CIVIC ARENA Winter Skating Registration Currently enrolled Y -N TIME: TIME: (W) $70.00/65.00 $70.00/65.00 Total: $ $70.00/65.00 Charge my Visa MasterCard Card Number: Name on Card: Exp.Date Signature: I, the undersigned, parent or guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the aforementioned activity (ies), and I further agree to indemnify, and hold the City of Eagan, Eagan Civic Arena, skating director and instructors harmless from and against any and all liability for any injury or loss of property by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. T Fee: $70.00/8 week session ($65.00 if registration is received before November 26, 1999) Includes 30 minute lesson and 30 minute practice PLEASE CALL THE SKATING SCHOOL AT (651) 686.1101 WITH ANY QUESTIONS. Mail registrations to: City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan,MN 55122. CON FIR;MATIONSARE NOT SENT EAGAN CIVIC ARENA Winter Skating Registration Currency enrolled Y- N Participant's Name Address City, State, Zip Phone(H) Age Parents Name ENROLL ME IN CLASS # TIME: 2nd Choice Gass # TIME: Birthdate Parent or Participant Signature $70.00/65.00 2ND FAMILY SKATER: Currently enrolled: Y- N Name Age Birthdate ENROLL ME IN CLASS # TIME: 2nd Choice Gass # TIME: $70.00/65.00 3RD FAMILY SKATER: Currendy enrolled: Y- N Name Age Birthdate ENROLL ME IN CLASS # TIME: 2nd Choice Class # TIME: $70.00/65.00 Total: $ Charge my Visa MasterCard Card Number. Name on Card: Exp.Date Signature: I, the undersigned, parent or guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the aforementioned activity(ies), and I further agree to indemnify, and hold the City of Eagan, Eagan Civic Arena, skating director and instructors harmless from and against any and all liability for any injury or loss of property by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. MONDAY NIGHTS DEC. 6, 1999-JAN. 31, 2000 (No classes December 27) raE: $ 70.00 /registrations received on or after November 26, 1 999 565.00 /registration received before November 26, 1999 INCLUDES 1/2 HOUR PRACTICE Participants in Fall Session may pre - register through November 22, 1999. New registrations begin November 23. 6 :15 pm (practice after class) 1. Snowplow Sam 1 2. Snowplow Sam 2 6 :45 pm (practice before or after class) 3. Snowplow Sam 3 4. Smalls & Tails 7 :15 pm (practice before or after class) 5. 6. 7. Basic 1 Basic 2 Basic 3 7 :45 pm (practice before class) 8. Power Hockey Skating 9. Power Freeskating WEDNESDAY DEC. 1, 1999 -FEB 2, 2000 (No classes December 25 and 29) FEE: $ 70.00 /registrations received on or after November 26, 1999 $65.00 /registration received before November 26, 1999 INCLUDES 1/2 HOUR PRACTICE Participants in Fall Session may pre - register through November 22, 1999. New registrations begin November 23. 9 :00 am (practice after class) 10. Snowplow Sam 1 11. Snowplow Sam 2 12. Smalls & Tails 9 :30 am (practice before or after class) 13. Snowplow Sam 3 14. Adults & Teens New 15. Adults & Teens Intermediate 10 :00 am (practice before class) 16. Basic 1 17. Basic 2 18. Basic 3 THURSDAY NIGHTS DEC. 2, 1999 -FEB. 3, 2000 (No classes December 23 and 30) FEE: $70.00 /registrations received on or after November 26, 1999 865.00 /registration received before November 26, 1999 INCLUDES 1/2 HOUR PRACTICE Participants in Fall Session may pre - register through November 22, 1999. New registrations begin November 23. 5:30 pm (practice after class) 19. Basic 1 20. Basic 2 6 :00 pm (practice before or after class) 21. Basic 3 22. . Basic 4 23. Basic 5 6 :30 pm (practice before or after class) 24. Basic 6 25. Basic 7 26. Basic 8 27. Adults & Teens New 28. Adults & Teens Intermediate 29. Adults & Teens Advanced 7 :00 pm (practice 30. ,Freeskate 1 31. Freeskate 2 32. Freeskate 3 33. Freeskate 4 34. Freeskate 5 35. Freeskate 6 36. Freeskate 7 37. Freeskate 8 before class) 7:30 pm '38. Synchronized Skating CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Snowplow Sam I (3 8 4 year olds start out here) Designed for skaters with little or no skating experience. Snowplow Sam 2 (5 & 6 year olds start out here) Designed for skaters with little or no skating experience. nowplow Sam 3 (3-6 year olds) Designed for preschool aged skaters with some skating experience. Smalls and Tails (3 -6 year olds) Geared for preschool aged skaters with a parent participant. Basic I Designed for skaters with little or no skating experience and for those who have passed Snowplow Sam 3. pag s i Basics 2 -8 con verting t o The "Basic Skills" are the fundamentals of this sport. The eight levels of the USFSA 1 broaden range test format because icovers V program introduce the fundamental moves- forward skating, backward skating, stops, skil l E basic � n � crossovers, turns, etc. Upon completion of the Basic 1-8 levels, skaters will have the , , its level compared t the old basic knowledge of the sport enabling them to advance to the more specialized areas of hopef 'es in iti/ �virtu • 4 skatin Freesk Dance Precision Team, Rgures, Moves -in- the -field, Hockey and f result in tiger Power Hockey. Each level must be passed before the skater can move to the next level. and more knowledgeable skaters The new freestyle _ • Freeskating 1 -8 3 Q The freeskati sec of th e b as i c s kills program introduces skaters to a variety of leve en ed es turns, • u sand spins � advanced dements: stroking. footwork g 1 mP '� Of Ice �am+s�,ms • , ', ' � in the F Ju m ps and Spins ti ! up cotttplet oit of Freeskate '' Pow Freeskating gn slows t; Designed for skters who have passed Basic 8. This class is geared for skaters who r " Level4 skaters cad Y t �z c 9 WQtic iNttCt p�nvate cNi- " the n - ti eld. to improve on their endurance, power, control, edges, turns, spirals and moves -in ;= the M ores` h double 8 fi ure sltating Synchronized s actt = Skating and triple )utnp�s, Synchronized skating is designed for skaters who have passed Basic 6. A synchronized team c onsists of I0 a more skaters who work on footwork sequences, rhythm, unison, 4 4 4 g � formations, s and f hold a program to be performed at special events. This class focuses on teamwork. I ntro to Ice Dance 4 a • I To *i.or Power Hockey Skatin xk Th is class is geared for skaters who have passed Basic 4 and want to team power hockey techniques associated with edges, stops, turns, etc. Sticks and pucks are not allowed! I ' Snow Pup N e w Sno wplOW din t • Artistic /Figu Class �Saow Pups k ub '``..1;,4..'< - S wvpiokse assn , Th is dass is designed for skaters who have passed Basic 6. One week skaters work on A Polar Ret n o w p f° w Sarni , ' , ▪ choreography, interpr and artistry; the next week skaters learn about the basics i. p o lar now Se a is Ne 8 SnowP W 2 " o f figures and how a cir is laid out an dean ice. Snow Seals a Returning " Sno S • $ , • �� � p an g u izisNevv � E#as�c� � ° � �, � ��� ���� T eens New - ' m s Ret $afi►c d those working on the Basic Bas 1 • Designed for skaters with little or 8 eri Alpha Ba�xa � � � � , } Bata Basic 3 p alel 1, Designed for skaters who have passed Basic 8. This dass introduces skaters to the fundamental steps and patterns of ice dancing with or without a partner. Timing, rhythm, posture and edge control will be the focus of this class. Adults and no skating experience an 1-2 levels. Adults and Teens Intermediate 1 Designed for skaters who are waking on Basic levels 3 -8. Adults and Teens Advanced Designed for skaters who are working on Freeskating levels 1 -8. p14c Pciencing 'n 1ce. Eagan's Skating Vivo! Ice Show May 5 and 6, 2000 7:00 p.m. MI Ice show fee: Costume fee: $ 50.00 to participate in one group number $2 5.00 for each additional child in the same household $40.00 per participant for 2nd group number. $ 30.00 Costume measurement dates are December 15, 16, 18 and 20 You must be present during skating dass time to be measured. Soloist fee: 525.00 This indudes practice time for the group soloist number in the show All soloists will be responsible for contracting a coach for private lessons and practice time to choreograph their routines. Soloists are free to find their own costume EAGAN CIVIC ARENA Ice Show Registration Form Participant's Name dress , State, Zip one(H) (W) A Birthdate Parents Name ENROLL me in ice show and /or Group Number If full, 2nd Choice Parent or Participant Signature Date please drde appropriate fee : $50.00/40.00 2ND FAMILY SKATER: Name Age Birthdate ENROLL me in ice show and /or Group Number If full, 2nd Choice please circle appropriate fee : $25.0040.00 3RD FAMILY SKATER: Name Age Birthdate ENROLL me in ice show and /or Group Number If full, 2nd Choice please circle appropriate fee : $25.00/40.00 Total: $ Charge my Visa MasterCard Card Number Name on Card: Exp.Date Signature: 1, the undersigned, parent or guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the aforementioned activity(Qes), and I further II ree to indemnify, and hold the Gty of Eagan. Eagan Civic Arena, skating director and tructors harmless from and against any and all kability for any injury or loss of property the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way connected with, his/her participation in this activity. $ $50.00 to participate in one group number $25.00 for each additional child in the same household $40.00 for second group number $30.00 costume fee - due at time of measurement $25.00 for soloist number ❑ 1 If you are registering for one of the following 2nd group numbers, please indicate your choice below: Father/Daughter Names of skater(s) (No cost for fathers and daughters must, have passed Basic 6) ❑ 2. Ice Dance (must have passed Basic 8) ❑ 3. Synchronized precision (must have passed Basic 6) ❑ 4. Power /artistic skating (must have passed Basic 8) Adults group (no test requirement) El 5. Registrations for the Ice Show must be received by December 1 1,1999. Completed forms can be dropped of at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, between 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or at the Civic Arena office window during skating lessons. WIN TER .'UUU MENS LEAGUE Is your team interested in a mens league? Call Mark at (651) 686- 1102 for more information. EMPLOYMENT Call 686 -1100 for job openings. Pick up an application at the Civic Arena or City Hall. PUNCH CARDS Public Skate Adult S27 Student S1'i Open Freestyle S3(1 Skate Sharpening S22.50 Skate Rental `f;2 /pair OPEM FREESTYLE Monday — Wednesday — Fridays 6:30- 9 :OOAM COST: $5.00 /person Thursdays 4:30 — 5:30 PM (No skate 11/25,12/23,12/30,5 /4) Sundays 12:45 - 1:45 PM (No skate 5/7) COST: $4.00 /person Saturdays 1:15 -1:45 PM (No skate 11/27, or May) $2.00 /person COST: Monday Wednesday Thursday Fridays Saturdays Sundays OPEN PUBLIC SKATING Oct. 2, 1999—May 7, 2000 COST: 12 PM —1:30 PM 6:15 — 8:00 PM (No skate 10/6,10/27,2/23) 12 PM — 1:30 PM (No skate 11/25, 5/4) 7:30 — 9:15 PM (No skate 12/24,2/11,2/25, March & April) 2:00 — 3:45 PM (No skate 10/23,12/25,1/22,2 /26,5/6) 2:00 -3:45 PM (No skate 2/20, 2/27) $2.00 /child $3.00 /adult ADVERTISING Advertise your business, services or products at the Eagan Civic Arena. As low as 68 cents per day! Thousands of eyes could be looking at you. PRO SHOP Available at the office Tape, laces mouth guards and skate guards. SKATE SHARPENING tiliarli��ii uiu .L JLin 111111',liarl) ;l S":!JOihair OPEN HOCKEY Adult only (18 and over) Tuesdays and Fridays (No skate 12/24, 5/5) 12 PM -1:30 PM COST: $4.00 /person All times and dates are subject to change. Eagan Civic Arena reserves the right to cancel or reschedule events at any time. DRY FLOOR RENTAL Call (651) 686 - 1 102 for more information. 17,000,square feet of space available typically from mid -March to early September. Dry floor rental ideas: Birthday parties, craft shows, floor hockey, in -line skating, lacrosse, basketball, antique shows, soccer, baseball or softball (no hitting), reunions /receptions, storage, volleyball, aerobics, gun shows, karate classes, animal shows and many more opportunities. ICE TIME RENTAL Ice time available for rental. Call Mark at (651) 686-1102 Holiday Gitt Certificates for Cascade Bay Season Passes and daily admissions will be available atter December 1, 1999. What a great holiday gift idea! "The heavyweight champ of cool" is how the St. Paul Pioneer Press described Cascade Bay on July 1, 1999. They continued that "you have to see it to believe it." Press like this and coverage by every television station in the metro area gave Cascade Bay quite a "boost" its innaugural season. Over 160,000 people entered the gates of Cascade Bay and enjoyed the sand, sun and splash. Season pass holders were a big percentage of the attendance which meant that Eagan residents were certainly enjoying their new water playground. M Plans are currently underway to prepare for the 2000 season. Residents o had a season pass in 1999 should be looking for a letter some time in November with information on how to renew their pass. Don't miss out on all that Cascade Bay 2000 will have to offer! COMMUITY EDUCATION 15D 196 Watch for our winter catalog: Swim lessons, classes and other opportunities for preschoolers, adults and families will be included in the winter Comunity Education catalog to be distributed the first week of December to all district residents. Copies will also be available for pick up beginning Friday, December 3, at all Community Education offices, Eagan city hall and area libraries including the Dakota County Library at 1340 Wescott Road in Eagan. • Winter program highlights... �., Enrichment classes for children and adults will be offered in all areas, from x s $� arts to computers. See the full schedule in the winter catalog !11 , to be distributed in early December or call 651-683-8590. , , ,,4 i , ':',' i A a tres 3 ABE c adults are offered at the Rahncliff Learning Center, 2030 Ra hn Way, Eagan. for Adults may work on high school completion, English as a IS f' t � a x Second Language ESL and personal skill-building for job or daily living. Call g g( ) Pe g 1 Y g F 651- 683 -8585and m . to Sa Decker�� , 1 I R Early Childhood fitness Faily catd wi in r 34 `� early November to all families in th e distri with preschool-aged children. cctn', . ® . : F q P g I ! Y t� 3 �` 1 1 Parents are crafts encouraged to register by ion Tuesday, Novembe r 30 nter to class be eligible catalog fo Cain rd 9� t Va 5$ , Ra class placement through a random draw. Winter classes begin on Monday, January 3. Call 6 12 -431 -8343 for informationDistri . v' .1 _ y,, `o 9 t s e aa z, � a " �` z Need a lac for our n ext meetin ct 196 facilities are open for � � ��� � s trdtr�r rr �, � � P Y g j � . � � ,p ze 5` community use by citizens of all ages. Call 6 12 -43 1 8779/8780 for r� , r f4,., -0-0 applications and information. Regi r� nless ,,,,,4,0-t, . The winter issue of R.A.V.E Revue, newsletter for senior adults, will be ry and e r liment c i s + a►® pi a availab in mid - December. Call Senior Adult Services at 612- 423 -7663 for 4' . ° , zest, y' su b scri ption information. � „ e ' i QP I � � � R0 . *au o , a 3 � y er , ° y i n` the � � Building supervisor positions are still available for the 1999 -2000 school ,� � F i 1' ` i z<5 �t, K � year. Supervisors are responsible for public relations and building security during �� evenin and weekend Communi Education classes and activities. Positions are Slaec 'la b on u s t , ,Z � _ g tY ' 4 don for l ocal d c p open in the Eagan area; call 612-431 8779/8780 for information. , "i' re e7 swim I r m (alsso at Falco m i a o �` � G f `� Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) seeks substitute parent educators, 1 ommunity E ion offers n a early childhood teachers and teaching assistants. Call 612- 431 -8340 for g1 R w m le son for = t etas 4 - f -I information. � s c lool hildre + . s See,ou e r e sched of + @ me � Ate ' sp swi l e ss o n s¢ o n t e e6 � F'' , �� .i sdf9 1�2 .rnn us / � P k , a l �'' an y of th e tai s. ftJI s wim . 5 �� is a pted on a firs - first'seery bas► les sons �fc Healthpa a lCare kit# � � , to a cle I F or in f o r ma t ion a sw coming: � 4. the atics I rog Offi a 65 1-6 , _ !� 6 � atic l n f or m Members of Community Education's South of the River Chamber Ensemble participate in a weekly rehearsal. The program is open to all interested intermediate to advanced adult string players. The repertoire ranges from popular songs to complex chamber music. Call Community Education at 651- 683 -8590 for information. 1 e _m_ Participant's Name Date of Birth (or Adult) Age Grade (current) Class # Class Name Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ Eagan Parks and Recreation XEGISTRATION FO,RX Please mail or deliver to: City of Eagan. 3830 Pilot ✓?Cnob Xoad, Eagan, ,'QV 55122 Make your check payable to City of Eagan Include a stamped, selfaddressed envelope if you wish confirmation. Participant or Parent /Guardian Address Change of address Q Parent /Guardian or Participant Signature (clip and save) Day Phone City State Zip Code ome on I have read and understood the registration and refund policies. I, the undersigned, parent or guardian, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the aforementioned activity(ies), and I further agree to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any and all liability for any injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) rising out of, or in any way connected with, his /her participation in this activity. Date - What did 1 register for? A $5 processing fee will be charged on any registration canceled by the registrant. P /ease refer to page 4 for more registration det ils. Total Fee: $ Check ❑* Cash ❑ *Make your check payable to: City of Eagan' Charge my: Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Name on Card: Card # Expiration Date Signature Eagan Parks and Recreation periodically takes pictures of participants in our classes, during special events and in the parks. Please be aware that these photos may be used in the City's brochures, pamphlets, or cable presentations. If you or your family members do not want to be photographed or published you must give us written notice. Participant Name • Class # Dates Participant Name Class # Dates WHAT'S COMING UP NEXT? February 22, 2000 March 3, 2000 March 13, 2000 May 9, 2000 May 23, 2000 June 14, 2000 Eagan ,Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Xnob Road Eagan, 3/()V 55122 Spring /Summer 2000 brochure delivery begins Spring /Summer registration begins Spring programs begin Summer 2000 brochure delivery begins New summer registrations begin Summer programs begin ECRW55 POSTAL PATRON PARKS & RECREATION (651) 681 -4660 EAGAN CIVIC ARENA (651) 686 -1100 CASCADE BAY HOTLINE (651) 681 -4777 DON'T MI55 ANY OF THE FUN! Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 4902 5t. Paul, MN R /rued on recycledpaper