1500 Towerview Rd - Private Well Permit411,11'' City of Eagan Mike Maguire Mayor Paul Bakken Cyndee Fields Gary Hansen Meg Tilley Council Members Thomas Hedges City Administrator Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012 fax 651.454.8535 TDD Maintenance Facility 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com The Lone Oak Tree The symbol of strength and growth in our community. November 14, 2011 Mr. Jim deLambert Principal/Senior Hydrogeologist The Liesch Companies 13400 15`'' Ave. North Minneapolis, Mn 55441 Re: PRIVATE WELL PERMIT — DELTA (1500 Towerview Rd) Dear Mr. deLambert, In response to your request on behalf of Delta Airlines, the City Council at its meeting on October 18, 2011 approved a Private Well Permit for the above referenced location to assist with the removal of excess ground water from the foundation. The discharge of this sump well shall not be connected to or direct its discharge the sanitary sewer system in any manner to remain in compliance with the City's Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) ordinance. Also, please be aware and inform Delta that they will be responsible for complying with any other jurisdictional agencies' rules, regulations and permits as may be applicable. Thank you for your cooperation in providing us with the necessary information to evaluate this request and your patience while we processed it for Council's consideration. Sincerely, Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works Enc: Location map & schematics Cc: Wayne Schwanz, Utility Supt (w/enc) 00 400 800 Scala Iii feet 12" E Pilot Knob Road • / 1/ ,) . ..._ . '1:irli <ic ;,,,,I.:,13:1„„W - 1 '.•, ..;.:0L --1,14.11 Eur ,/,,, _ _.....11 ,,,,, •,•-,IST:., ie- / 1}.17%,<S42(3:P-- \ ) E -t. ::0\:. ::.:1:::::- 1:.::-.:;1 ----- 0. 4-/// ,/,,,141;Y:f'14S) 7 -,-:,-,<$11fitl:ji pr:;',Iill 2 ID— 7.--' (7.7-7,:-.<„,-,',..,-. 14,fc_."9,EtEct-A-- 1,11- RT,, :-... 1"---1.17'..---tlii, :.-1-_-.IT.:7-117'1. 1 „ ., ...,. _....- ' ,. • • if -A a-- - 1TrilB.\ \ \ L-1--j)--- ra-- -... \_ 12 _ _ . ...p0 ter , 1. ---1111-.t. i9 — - Y./ -\ rT. II I I-1 I 1 1 --r.--/-, c....—..1 {-...1 [7i • ----- --- ii - -..r-li--\-'..) I I fill 1 CI Illgi"-I .„,i- -1 ,/,,-,%-• I , i ..../7.._.,,i._,T.1....:./i71 ti_."-: .......1!(:1111.111 11.1.11.\.;11...11111.1 11:17.1 ..._)--'-' ..1.-- )/...71''. 7/- 1 1--- :T-1 I ill - 1 1," ..7 -, ...—..71:7:::c .,-i' - •., J.'. ,. 1 i 7 1 1. . .....1....„ .. ... ...„,..k.,i .1 _ 4 =:. -, •- -- :::,...,-..1. r ---, -. . .. ,/"., ./../..._, ./._ Ell __..7.7:iiii-.11:, 1--- 11:•1)---lij.1.,.,!....., .; .,:.. 1 / • / 1 1 --.-:. -.;::;".: \ /71.--f h I... 77....f:!-..-4 --f7 - 4 ' 1 Irii- '-' t--._:. -L- — \IORTH WELL FIELD LAYOUT 22 MGD TREATMENT PLANT 1 EAGAN, MINNESOTA NATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION PLAN 1-9-06134 July 2008 3Pd.z4B!d\saankq\176011\sM\:M pxw'Z$!d\s1ro\tr6011\s}M\ M Loucks Associates - Delta Airlines Sept 11 4 uN W Z-8 al co Generalized Geologic Cross Section Cu' F J '� 1 c N as Building J 1 E I IMMIX H Hydrogeologists Engineers = Environmental Scientists x) 0. al Data Center is c as O 5-8 f co co 6 t3 LL 111111111 .I CO 1 0 CO I o 0000 c0 baa j til uonena18 m 3Pd.z4B!d\saankq\176011\sM\:M pxw'Z$!d\s1ro\tr6011\s}M\ M W:1ws1110941GIS\Fig3.mxd W:\ws\1 1 094\Figures\Fig3.pdf 880 870 Building J 860 Data Center 850 .._„ 840 Pump Out Well (Proposed) Water Out 1(2Inch Observation Well (Existing) Clay And Silt Water. Level Sand/Silty Sand Mostly Clay www.liesch.com Imo visigH Hydrogeoiogists Engineers Environmental Scientists Minneapolis a Los Angeles a Milwaukee a Phoenix Loucks Associates - Delta Airlines Sept 11 Proposed Sump/Well Design Figure 3