1500 Towerview Rd - Well Drilling PermitAgenda Information Memo October 18, 2011 Eagan City Council Meeting L. WELL DRILLING PERMIT — DELTA AIRLINES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the issuance of a permit to Delta Airlines to drill an 18" ground water sump well at 1500 Towerview Rd. FACTS: • City Staff was informed by a hydro - geologist consultant representing Delta Airlines of their need to mitigate ground water infiltration into the lower level of their data center (Bldg J) located on Towerview Rd. When Northwest Airlines acquired the building from Unisys, they had to lower the bottom floor elevation 2 feet to accommodate a false floor for all the computer wiring needed for their national flight reservation operations. Apparently, this construction punctured an existing perched water table and they have had foundation drainage problems ever since. • The applicant is proposing to drill an 18" single casing well 46' deep creating a sump pit from which accumulating ground water will be collected, stored and discharged in quantities of 150 -200 gallons at a time (1,000 -2,000 gal /day during peak seasons) to an approved storm water drainage system. Due to the low volumes of ground water to be pumped, a Ground Water Appropriations Permit is not required from the MnDNR. • However, current City Code 4.30, Subd 5, Sec H (Wells) states: Applicant shall not drill or install any well larger than four inches on a site without first obtaining approval from the council in writing. • The location of the proposed well is also located within the City's official Wellhead Protection Zone and Drinking Water Supply Management Area for the City's north well field. This proposed well lies within the 10 year transmissibility travel time for the north well field ground water travel shed and it is located within 1400 ft of Well #20 (Central Park Pavilion), 1000 ft of Well #17 (Timberline) and 1200 ft of Wells #16 & #7 (west property line of Central Park), the last of which has been determined to be vulnerable to surface contamination releases. All 3 city wells are located in the Jordan aquifer which lies several hundred feet below the proposed bottom of this sump well and are not hydraulically interconnected. • Because of the shallow depth of this proposed well, Staff has no concerns about potential impacts to the City's water supply system. ATTACHMENTS: • Location Map, page 0 0 400 800 Scale In feat , ; ; ; , , ; I: • ; ; ; ; i ---1 . LEGEND 2 . , . le" „ 1 ; 1 Existing Raw Water Transmission :1 no - --- .5 1 1 , @ G Potential Raw Water Transmission _ , . . 0 ,,,,,S , Four ,Oaks-J.ROad • '. Existing Storage Reservoir Existing Conventional Pumphouse — Well 1 PC5CC) Potential Conventional Pumphouse — Well :- / I_ ' , ! ' '-' •-•--', L.; 2' AA-1p Existing Submersible Well 1 : ' ,• r ,', i• s . . , L tz -; , ,, t / / --- -__,_ JL. / ' 1 - ----:- ----- \ I ' / //‘',„ 1 , I / , / 0 E i ; 1 1. 1 ../ / / .,,,_ i , ,,_ 7 , 1 — 0 I I 1 i 0 . 1 / a. 1 1-- f \IORTH WELL FIELD LAYOUT F EAGAN, MINNESOTA WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION PLAN 1-9-06134 July 2008 i i ' r-- , r , rli 4 22 MGD I I _ • CV I ■ . , 1----, ,, _ , ; 1 ; • , j 1 i i / \ if! I PaOific' .4.6.1.e -1 / l - '1 • /KT ' , , ., r- , ' ', \ ', ' l r • ' , ' • ' I ' l 1 12 f -- t, :_f . .__ ---i 1 1 : I ( / e 0 \ \\ Yankee Doodle Road 12" MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota OCTOBER 18, 2011 A Listening Session was held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular City Council meeting. Present were Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. Byrle Eckley, 1938 Timber Wolf Trail North, was present to address the Council regarding an I & I inspection fee. It was suggested to Mr. Eckley to appear at the October 25 Public Works Committee meeting to discuss an appeal. A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Police Chief McDonald, Fire Chief Scott, Communications Director Garrison, Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson, City Engineer Matthys and Administrative Secretary O'Brien. AGENDA Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented/modified. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 A. It was recommended to approve the Minutes of the October 4, 2011 City Council meeting as presented B. Personnel Items: 1. It was recommended to approve hiring of a Campus Facilities Manager on Duty at Civic Arena/Cascade Bay to be named 2. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Season Employees in Parks and Recreation 3. It was recommended to ratify the Agreement reached between the City of Eagan and the Eagan Police Sergeant Association, Local 185 of Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. 4. It was recommended to approve Separation Agreement with Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshall C. It was recommended to approve the Check Registers dated September 15, 2011 and September 22, 2011 D. It was recommended to approve July 1, 2011 to July 1, 2012 General Insurance Renewal E. It was recommended to approve a Resolution to appoint a Responsible Authority for the purpose of meeting all requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act F. It was recommended to direct initiation of Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and Rezoning of Former Fire Administration Building at 3795 Pilot Knob Road G. It was recommended to authorize Civil Action to Enforce Zoning Standards at 4871 Biscayne Avenue H. It was recommended to authorize initiation of Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Central Park Commons Development Proposal — City of Eagan I. It was recommended to authorize advertisement for Request for Proposals for Eagan Community Center banquet/meeting room food and beverage /liquor service J. It was recommended to authorize the City of Eagan to enter into an agreement with Eagan Athletic Association (EAA) to construct a storage building within the Lexington Diffley Athletic complex and authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to sign the appropriate documents K. It was recommended to approve extension of development contract completion dates, Project 07 -B (Whispering Woods 14 L. It was recommended to approve Well Drilling Permit — Delta Airlines (1500 Towerview Rd)