1501 McCarthy Rd - Deck Footing Excavation Observations
Vickery r ngineering & Consulting, LLC
1,i++1 Village Wooers Dive, EJen Prairie, MN 553+7-1 5o9
rone: 952-465-8272 Fax: J52-426-19,71
rviclcergOvic6rrge ng.com
Novem 011
Mr. Dave LaCroix (by e-mail only)
1501 McCarthy Road
Eagan MN 551/
Dear Mr. LaCroix,
Re: Deck Footing Excavation Observations, 1501 McCarty Road, Eagan, MN
As you requested, Vickery Engineering and Consulting (VEC), has completed the observations
of the soils in the footing excavations for the referenced project. You indicated the City of
Eagan requires a geotechnical engineer to observe the soils in the bottom of the excavation in
order to determine their suitability for construction of the proposed deck.
On November 11, 2011, I performed observations of the foundation excavations for the five
footings for the proposed deck. In addition, I performed several hand-auger borings to determine
the soil types and conditions of the soils. The soils observed were silty sand and clayey sand
soils in a medium dense condition. Based on the observations performed, it is my opinion the
soils observed are suitable for construction of the proposed deck footings.
Services performed by VEC personnel on this project have been conducted with that level of care
and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area. No
warranty, express or implied, is made. Thank you for using the services of VEC. If you have
any questions about this letter, please call me at 952-465-8272.
I hereby certify that this plan, specification,
or report was prepared under my direct
supervision and that I am a duly Licensed
Professional Engineer under the laws of the
State of Minnesota.
Ronald W. Vickery, PE
President/Principal Engineer '7 AN
Registration Number: 24065
November 11, 2011~~
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