4884 Pilot Knob Rd - Septic Design & AS-BUILT-fgal I I- 96" nob ski SITE EVALUATION SOIL BORINGS PERC. TEST AND DESIGN L.74-piv AIX/ A4-6 0/ SITE: EAGAN R I WED BY DATE x`.20/ BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPT Yr' BY: JERRY SAUBER MPCA# 925 #317 Office (651) 463-7434 Home (651) 463-2597 Soil Boring Log Date:.} Pro'ect t_osation: _ Yom( ',Ni 77 1 '1 1 � Client: Address: City Bohn • method: Auer Depth (Feet) 1 -- 2 - -- 3 - -- 4 -- 5 - -- 6 -- 7 - -- Texture i o 4 "ci. J id Slope: c2—/ % End of boring at 14 State Pit feet. Standing water table: yes no Present at feet of depth, hours after boring. Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole ,. Observations and comments: Zip Probe Other Color cal Structure: Blocky ( Platy Prismatic None uc. 8 Color classification s stem:: Aunsell . e Boring Number Surface Elevation Soil type at system depth: Boring Number Surface Elevation Soil type at system depth: Depth (Feet) 2 3 4 5 - - - 6 - - - T gs made Texture /0 o 6 Col or Structure:.. Blocky Platy 2 Prismatic None Slope: 6 % End of boring at feet. Standing water table: yes no Present at feet of depth, hours after boring. Mottled soil: Observed at feet o Not present in boring hole Observations and comments: May to p 05/10/2010 15:17 FAX 6 rte CRY Boring Num Surface Elevation Soil type at system deptt't: Texture ['opt() Feet) be LSther Color oiassiit_ atio_ s step Boring Number Suriace Elevation Soil type at system depth: Texture Standing water table.: yes no Present at feet of depth, hours after boring. Mottled soil: Observed at feet o rt 31, Not present in borin hole Observations and co trit ts: Color P Client: Addras B Structure: Blocky Slope: ra -r End of boring at feet. 463 2773 Standing water table: yes Present at feet of dep hours after bori Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and comment DO rr' +eiwr SOBER 11.116,84 G.Ca. Soil Boring Log pate:.- Soils verified by Bob Freiermuth on 5- 10-10. X1002 20(0 PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET Test hole location(, /. 045. Date test hole was prepared 3" - -f2 -- Diameter of hole, inches. Soil data from test hole: Depth, inches Method of scratching sidewall Depth of pea -sized gravel in bottom of hole, inches. Date and hour of initial water filling r - _ ; z G , Depth of initial water filling,_ inches above hole bottom. Method used to maintain 12 inches ofwater depth in hole for at least it hours : 37 % Percolation test reading made by; /Z , (date) starting a' above hole bottom during test, Hole number Percolation rate - =ice minute per inch. , Depth of hole bottom,,2/ inches Soil texture ,17y f eu d `4. Maximum water depth PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET Test hole location C' , 7 4 1 -t Hole number 2 Date test hole was prepared S=7 — zo to , Depth of hole bottom inches Diameter of hole, C 'inches. Soil data from test hole: Depth, inches Soil texture u Method of scratching sidewall — Depth of pea -sized gravel in bottom of hole, —_ inches. Date and hour of initial water filling t " 2-'/Q -- Depth of initial water filling,./ inches above hole bottom. Method used to maintain 12 inches of water depth in hole . fora t leash hours: - ..0,, ., A.) Percolation test reading ' ade by; z-2‘ (date) starting at above hole bottom during test, Percolation rate - Time Interval Measuremen inches inches. Drop in water, level, inches 7 2/z minute per inch. p.m.. Maximum water depth Percolation remarks rate, minute per inch y INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM WQRKSHEET FLOW A. Estimated 5 v gpd measured x 1.5= gpd SEPTIC TANK VOLUME B. / t)o—z L �.. ,�7i- gaItons SOILS (Site evaluation data) C. Depth to restricting layer= > ‘ feet 0. Maximum depth of system C - .3 ft r 2/ ` kok. I, f,- L Percolatitm rite. MPf I:. SSF . ir 3 s9 ft /gpd ' G 2 C -� ,cez a S-e /, 73: #4. TRENCH BOTTOM AREA H. For trenches with'b inches of rock below the pipe: AxP =x .. sgltofbottom t. For trenches with 12 inches of rock below the pipe: AxFx0,8= x x0.8= sq ft of bottom area I. For trenches with 18 inches of rock below the piper AxFx0,66= . x x0.66 sq ft pf bottom area K. For trenches with 24 inches of rock below the pipe: . AxFx0.6= x x0;6'= • sgftofbotto area a A, <ct4 4 13 ED ) BOTTOM AREA For pcc ids with' inches of rock below the pipe; ,.,, K /"'= ° tvx Z,e7 -2 : q fl of bottom area ROCK VOLUME IN Cl PT M. Rock depth below distribution pipe plus 9.5 foot times bottom area: M =Rock depth + 6 Inches x Area (H,I,J,L,K) (� +0.5 ft) x75 °z:.z —cu ft ROCK VOLl:TtvfE IN 'CU YDS N. Volume in cu ft divided by 27 M.1 27wcu yds75Z + 27 99 21' cu yds ROCK WEIG7 - 1T Cubic yards times 1,4 = tons N x 1.4 = tons p cr x 1 „d 'DISTRIBUTION Pi r.. 5 0 a/ he da one based on slope) kd tics than f;% slope) 5 *' /t Trenches Drop boxes (any slope) Distribution box (level to slightly sloping) TRENCH LENGTH P. Select trench width = - ft Q. Divide bottom area by trench width; (H, 1, i, ter K) + p lineal (m! l't!�e,tl fce.t .. LAWN AREA k. Select trench :;pacing, center to center = feet S. Multiply trench spacing by lineal feet 'R x Q = sq ft of lawn area • ak.fft LAYOUT (Use other side) I. Select an appropriate scale; one square = _ °°- feel, 2. Show pertinent property boundaries; right -of -way, easements, 3. Show location of house, garage, driveway, and all other improvements, existing or proposed ! ..p C( r.r•r,r r.r,r ,7� •1 lti�trtirti: ti ��:�ti.? tl,c!t �.uvc! No. Bedrooms DAKOTA COUNTY MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK REQUIREMENTS IN GALLONS inimum Liquid Capacity 1125* (750) 1500* (1000) 2 o r 4 5 or 6 0 or 2250* (1500) 2250 * (2250 3000* 3000 (woo) (3000 ') ( t000 *) * Multiple Compartments or Multiple Tanks Multiple Compartment Tanks are required to have a code maintenance hole (man - hole) for each compartment. Designers and installers should inform home owners of the need to have all compartments pumped. As -built drawings should also reference this. Homeowners need to be able to locate all maintenance holes for the pumpers. Designers are required to state the correct Dakota County tank sizing for replacement and upgrades. It is highly recommended that property transfer compliance inspections indicate whether the septic tank capacity meets the above standard. The buyer would then be informed of the need for additional septic tank capacity requirements before adding a garbage disposal, basement sewage lift, etc. Questions regarding these items may be directed to your local Municipal Sewage System Inspector. o: ideptlemgmtlwalmlrnrsepcap Minimum Liquid Capacity with Garbage Disposal 1125 11 1500_*„) (1500*) Minimum Liquid Capacity with Garbage Disposal AND Basement Sewage Lift 1500* (1500 *) 2000 (2000 *) 3000 * (3000 *) 4000 * Minnesota Rules 7080 requirements in ( ) for reference and comparison 1.5 inch gpm Fticcieo .0 inc i` 3.0 inch of pipe las pa 10 0.69 0.20 2.0b 12 0.96 0.28 b. Use for all other applications 14 1.28 0.38 16 1.63 0.48 18 2.03 0.60 20 2.47 0.73 0.11 25 3.73 1.11 0.16 30 5.23 1.55 0.23 35 7.90 t 0.30 40 11.07 2.64 0.39 45 14.73 3.28 0.48 50 - 3.99 0.52 55 4.76 0.70 60 5.60 0.82 Required Perforation Discharge in gallons per minute (gpm) Discharge e (feet) 152 pr.f ' 1 m 1.0a 0.56 0 74 2.0b 0.80 1.04 a. Use for single family homes b. Use for all other applications A. Determine pump capacity: Gravity Distribution 1. Minimum suggested is 600 gallons per hour (10 gpm) to stay ahead of water use rate. 2. Maximum suggested for delivery to a drop box of a home system is 2,700 gallons per hour (45 gpm) to prevent build -up of pressure in drop box. Pressure Distibution 3. a. Select number of perforated Iaterals b. Select perforation spacing = f feet. c. Subtract 2 ft. from the rock layer length. >z Yat 2 ft. = � feet. ank d. Determine the number of spaces between perforations. Length perf. spacing 2 ft. + % ft. = / 3 spaces 13 spaces + 1= / -- perforations/lateral Multiply perforations per lateral b number of laterals to . t total number of perforations. ada x 1 - . ' perforations. Y xL - 'fi e f. g. B. Determine head requirements: 1. Elevation difference between ump and po' t o , discharge. feet r U1 V t." ! - 2. If pumping to a pressure distribution system, five feet for 'pressure required at manifold if gravity tem, zero. feet 3. Friction Ioss a. Enter friction loss table with gpm and pipe diameter. Read friction loss in feet per 100 feet from table. F.L. = /- 5 ft. /100 ft of pipe b. Determine total pipe length from pump to discharge point. Add 25 percent to pipe length for fitting loss, or use a fitting loss chart. Equivalent pipe length -1.25 times pipe length = x 1.25 = � feet c. Calculate total friction loss by multiplying friction loss in ft /100 ft by equivalent pipe length. Total friction loss = / 5`x .6 *3 +100 = 4. Total head required is the sum of elevation difference, special head requirements, and total friction Ioss. C. Pump selection PUMP SELECTION PROCEDURE SELEL ft L) PUMP CAPACITY f g m (1) (2) (3c) TOTAL HEAD / feet • feet 1. A pump must be selected to deliver at least gpm (Step A) with at least /.S. feet of total head (Step 13). END PERFORATION OF A PERFORATED LATERAL er LOri9inal Soti Proaa Properly Scarified 8efer, Pbdng Sand Layer Pump Pipe Length F -17 • Layr of Geofertite Fabric iar tar- Fab layer Ur of boy or ye covered i raatr Daa.. fen teen Gritted Sot laantaliy We into Cep ar Top -M Least 1Y to Edge of Rock Layer F -18b Point of Discharge Elevation Difference /5 e ,cbt/e e.e_ 2 u /e Th 2 it xf 1 115' 1 94,4 3.k.u) INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE SYSTEM AS -BUILT Owner: nt.v Houuse Type: I�I Ill Property ID No.(PIN) wp � 'i' Installed f gal /day Commercial Use? Y New eplace ❑Repair ❑ ition Property Transfer U rade? Y Bsmt Lift Pump? YFuture? Y Jacuzzi? Y9 Garb Disvf / N Soil Survey Map Unit Soil Compacted? Y / N Fill Soil? Y Circle Soil Texture: (Faster than 0.1 mpi) Coarse Sand Medium Sand Loamy Sand 0.83 (FINE SAND Sandy Loam 1.27 Loam 1.67 Silt Loam, Silt 2.00 �� _ „� Sandy Clay Loam 2.2 Silty Clay Loam Clay Loam Silty Clay, Clay 4.2 (Slower than 120 mpi) Soil dry enougr for construction , SETBACKS: Pro Lines Bldgs 10' to Tank Na & 20' to Drnfld7 Of Well(s) setback > — 1 ( )not installed yet Well Depth } '3_ (.3 `( )Orig. Well Record ( )Measured Distance to Lake 144 CreeW4 Wetlan Buried Water Pressure Lines 10' to Tanker Drnfld? System located by Photos? Y P ? Y SEPTIC / HOLDING TANK ❑ Existing Liquid Cap a ity'. 1 compartment o - y - Watertight? Baffle Type: Fiberglass Sanitary-T Concr e No. of Inspection Pipes / 4" i" iam. Tank Level ? t / N No./Diam. Manhole Access 210 / Outlet / Qenter No. & Height of Manhole Risers --- New Tanks 4 ft or less below Final Grade rN Pipes into Tank Sealed? with N Riser into Tank Base S led? with■7� N Outlet Effluent Filter? Y ype -- SS ' 4 ' Percent Slope 0 °/0 tion Method:, -C, Dike Width Up Down Side Clean RockC9N Depth ow Pipe 9" inches ape " D9wnslope " Inches to Mottling )3' Pipe /Spacing ! / //�` •J'i` Final Cover Depth >6) " Rock Bed Size. Supplier: ee..A..1 t>6x•c Sand Base Size — Supplier: Grading done: Rough �! Seeding ( )Sod to be done by: Bdrms or Project Address I hereby certify, as installer, that this adividual sewage treatment system was installed according to the ap Municipality's - -ge Treatme all syste'- comp• ents forlat Insta er Sign i Dat "— `JiD Insp Sign Date White copy:County Yellow:Owner Pink:lnstaller o:\emgmt\forms\walm\ists\as-built-form.doc d design, and as applicable, this stem Qrdinance, & accurately locates locati Date I stalled fry Permit No. ? 3 " /. o y� tAid i h 1c(' - _ _ (Dak Co Tax Info 651- 438 -4576, or www.co.dakota.mn.us) 4 ' 11 , 7 2 , 4 ___-- 3C, V A /•. 3 6 _ ,,q -3l s r - 4 - 73 i ✓ 10 Line drawn from Tanks to Pump Truck Acces 100' RESERVE AREA Cy Fenced Off? Owner informed to preserve Reserve Area Owner given Septic System Owner Guide? Y T v . ? wr /252 ED. OR GRAVELLESS DRAINFIELD: D ,,p 'o es'fevel? Y / N Type concrete / plastic Depth 2/ ` Width S Y)( /k Number of Trenches — Trench Bottom Level Y / N Trench Lengths Spacing -- Rock Clean Y/ 12" overripe GeoTextile Covert Depth Below Pipe? '" Soil ackfill Depth) t " Gravelless Pipe Size? — Made by — Chamber Size? — Made by — Absorption Area: Sq Ft 7544 Line I Ft Trench Bottom to mottling / bedrock? inches PUMP TANK Made by ,� Capacity a No. & Height of Risers -- /� Sealed? Y N Pump Manufa turer Model # Horsepower GPM Feet of Head /3 Cycles Per Day 3- Y Gallons Per Cycle /2 Size of Discharge Line Type of Electrical Hookup •ost & box by tan Alarm Lo atinn garag '!�:: semen Alarm Alert Level Alarm / Other " Water Meter? Y // Cycle Counter? Y •ett Designated Registered Professional Onsite PCA Lic. N3/7 Company Name ` - 4ik. .&r ( T t4 d Y 3-7Y3 Address /,O'-3t Q.57 , 2 J1I"•` Approved: No / Yes with Conditions: