3044 Holiday Lane - Preliminary Plan Review Permit#102383December 22, 2011
Jake Bauer
Holiday Stationstores, Inc.
4567 American Blvd West
Bloomington, MN 55437
Dear Mr. Bauer:
DEC 2 7 2011
ri coPY
Dakota County
License Pending
This office has completed a preliminary plan review for the Holiday Stationstore #0318 store located at 3044,
Holiday Lane in Eagan, Minnesota. The plan review was conducted as required by Minnesota Statute Chapter 28A
and the Minnesota Food Code Chapter 4626. The Minnesota food code is the primary governing document for this
review and may be found on line at www. leg .state.mn.us /leg /statutes.asp by requesting Minnesota Rule Chapter
All appropriate permits from the local authorities shall be applied for and issued prior to starting any work on
the site. Failure to comply with this may result in a delay or this office not issuing your retail Food Handlers
license until the proper permits are issued. In addition if your water is supplied from a well you will be
required to provide a current proof of water potability. Our inspector will verify that the permits have been
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture grants preliminary plan approval to the plans for this proposed food
establishment. Upon this agency certifying that all items in this review have been addressed, final plan approval will
be granted. This preliminary plan approval is based upon the supposition that construction and equipment plans
submitted to this office do not change. An deviation from the a. .roved •lans and specifications must have •rior
approval from this agency.
Preliminary approval of the plans and specifications does not constitute endorsement or acceptance of the
completed establishment. Periodic on -site inspections may be made during construction. A final inspection of
the completed establishment, with equipment installed, must be conducted to determine if it complies with the
requirements of the Minnesota Food Code. Contact Food Inspector Mr. n?atcnebo Kitoy at 612- 310 -7837 to
arrange for a final inspection, You are listed as the contact for this project at 952 -830 -8839.
General Comments
This review was for the remodeling of a 5,100 square foot convenience store. The remodel will be limited to the
retail sales area. The sink room, walk -in cooler, utility room, and restrooms will remain as existing. New food
and beverage counters /cabinets will be installed to include the following: coffee condiment counter,
coffee/beverage counters, condiment counter, and cup towers. Some new food equipment will be installed and
existing food equipment relocated.
At this time, a HACCP plan has not been submitted for review. In addition, I have found nothing within the
plans or application to indicate a HACCP plan review is necessary.
Licensing of your firm is dependent upon proper installation of an approved water supply, plumbing and
waste system. Our inspector will review your approval letters from the appropriate authorities to insure these
requirements are met. Pursuant to MS 31.175 a license shall not be issued or renewed without approved
plumbing, water and waste systems. (4626.0980, 4626.1030) (5- 101.11, 5- 401.11) Also our inspector will review
approvals from building and fire officials before granting final approval. Please provide copies of approvals
for review at the final inspection.
625 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55155 -2538 d ir 651 -201 -1629 or 1 -800- 967 -2474 www.mda.state.mn.us
An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider. TDD 1 -800- 627 -3529
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Minnesota requires that all equipment be Certified to the National Sanitation Foundation Standards for clean -
ability, durability and performance. New or used equipment not meeting these standards is prohibited. Any
equipment installed that does not meet these standards may be ordered removed.
As submitted, the following food equipment appears to be listed as meeting the applicable NSF standard: Silver
King SKF27 undercounter freezer, Beverage -Air SP27 -C "Build Your Own" refrigerated condiment station, two -
Hatco GRSDS -36 hot food display warmers, Creamiser model 400 cream dispenser, Servend 250 multi - flavor
ice/beverage dispenser (new), Manitowoc Indigo Series 300 ice cube machine, Star 75SC roller grill with bun
warmer, three Curtis PC cappuccino machines (new), Southern Store Fixtures MDC -78N refrigerated multi -deck
self service case, three Bunn ICB -Twin infusion coffee brewer, Bunn ITCB infusion tea and coffee brewer, and two
Panasonic NE -1024 microwave ovens.
A hand washing sink is shown located in the sandwich heating area. A three compartment utensil washing sink
and hand washin _ sink are located in the sink room. A mo ' sink is located in the utilit room.
The retail sales area has a quarry tile floor, rubber or tile base coving, painted sheetrock walls, and acoustical
ceiling tile. The plans indicate vinyl faced gypsum ceiling tiles will be installed over the self service food and
beverage counters. The oak on the wall at the beverage /food counter will be stained and finished with three coats of
polyurethane. The walls behind the food counters /cabinets will be covered with ceramic tile. A tile coved base will be
provided at the drink counter wall. The sink room has a quarry tile floor.
1) Provide Food inspector Kitoy with a copy of the building official's final inspection report which
indicates all building inspections have been conducted and are in compliance. The report must be
provided to Food Inspector Kitoy before or at the time of the final plan review inspection.
Food equipment shall meet the applicable National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International food service standards.
The equipment shall be determined by NSF International or an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z34.1
accredited independent entity, including Underwriters Laboratory or the Edison Testing Laboratory, to be equivalent
to the NSF International Standard. The use of equipment, which does not meet the applicable NSF standard, is
prohibited. Bakery equipment must comply with the Bakery Industry Sanitation Standards Committee (BISSC).
Custom fabricated or modified equipment must be constructed by a contractor listed by NSF International.
The name and address of the fabricator for custom fabricated equipment must be identified. (4626.0505)(4-
All service counters and other millwork surfaces shall be protected with stainless steel, plastic laminate, or equivalent,
covering all exposed wood. In areas where food equipment involves heat or moisture, or where food comes in contact
with the surface, a stainless steel finish or approved equivalent material is required. Solid surfaces for food contact,
such Corian or Gibraltor shall be constructed by a fabricator listed by an approved third -party testing agency. They
are required to be installed on six -inch legs or a solid base. All areas of the custom fabricated counters shall meet the
requirements of NSF International Standard No. 35. All hard grain decor wood (e.g. oak) shall be properly sealed
with a polyurethane or varnish -like material. (4626.0505)(4 - 201.11)
Used equipment meeting NSF International, NAMA, or BISSC standards, specified at the time of installation is
permitted if it: met the NSF International, NAMA, or BISSC standards, in effect at the time it was manufactured,
remains in good repair, is capable of being maintained in a sanitary condition, and is approved by the regulatory
authority. Your inspector will evaluate any used equipment to determine if it is acceptable.
Provide multi -use equipment, utensils, and food storage containers that are smooth, easily cleanable, and resistant to
pitting, chipping, or scratching. All food equipment in a retail food store must be designed as to be easily cleanable,
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durable and be adequate for its intended use. Household utensils or equipment is prohibited. The use of
commercial equipment not meeting the NSF standards must be evaluated and approved prior to installation.
(4626.0505) (4- 201.11)
Retail shelving and refrigeration and freezer display cases shall be designed and constructed to be durable and to
retain their characteristic qualities under normal use. (4626.0505)(4 - 201.11)
Provide sufficient refrigeration to hold all readily perishable food products at 41 °F or less. Provide sufficient
ventilation (e.g. louvers, etc.) for the compressor unit to evacuate any buildup of heat at the underside of the cold pans
in and about the compressor area. (4626.0675.) (4- 301.11)
If an ice machine or bulk water unit is to be installed, the waste drain must be properly plumbed and divert to
an indirect waste (air break) floor drain. *(4626.1045 A.) (5- 201.11)
Food Protection
Provide a food thermometer for checking the internal temperatures of potentially hazardous foods. Thermometers
must be provided in all coolers, freezers, and hot holding units where potentially hazardous food is stored, and must
be located in an area that is representative of the true air temperature. (4626.0705)(4 - 302.12) The internal temperature
of potentially hazardous food must be maintained at 41 °F or below, or 140 °F or above, except during preparation.
*(4626.0395) (3- 501.16) All freezer units shall hold food frozen. (4626.0370)(3 - 501.11)
Food on display must be protected from potential contamination from coughs, sneezes and improper handling by
installing properly constructed food shields, the use of packaged food items or other effective means of protection.
(4626.0320)(3 - 306.11)
Provide tongs, ladles, spatulas, scoops, single- service papers, etc., to avoid unnecessary manual handling of dispensed
food items. (4626.0330 A.) or * (4626.0330 B.) (3- 306.13) Utensils must be stored in an appropriate manner between
uses. (4626.0275) (3- 304.12)
Seal (caulk) all annular openings around pipes and other conduits, where they pass through walls and floors. Seal all
junctures between the wall surface and the edges of attached equipment with approved caulk/sealing compound.
(4626.1395 A. (1) (6- 202.15)
If conduit pipes are provided for beverage lines they must extend at least three to four inches above the finished floor
elevation at both ends. The annular opening between the beverage lines and the conduit pipe must be sealed with a
hard material and provide a cleanable finish. (4626.1395 A. (1))(6- 202.15)
All doors to the outside of the establishment must be self - closing and vermin proof. (4626.1395 A. (3.)) (6- 202.15)
Provide at least 10 -foot candles (110 LUX) of light intensity, at a distance of 30 inches from the floor, in the walk -in
refrigeration units, dry food storage areas, and during periods of cleaning. Provide at least 20 -foot candles (220
LUX) of light intensity, at a distance of 30 inches from the floor, for areas where food is provided for consumer self -
service, including buffets and salad bars, or where fresh produce or packaged foods are sold or offered for
consumption, inside equipment including reach -in and under counter refrigerators, in utensil storage areas, in areas
behind a bar used for ware washing, and in toilet rooms. (4626.1470)(6 - 303.11)
Provide at least 50 -foot candles (540 LUX) of light intensity for areas where food employees are working with
utensils and equipment where safety is a factor and areas used for ware washing. (4626.1470)(6 - 303.11)
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Install effective shielding or shatter - resistant bulbs for all light fixtures over exposed food storage, food preparation,
food display facilities, clean equipment, utensils and linens, and unwrapped single- service or single -use articles.
(4626.1375) (6- 202.11)
At least one toilet facility and not fewer than the number required by law shall be provided. *(4626.1075)(5 - 203.110)
These facilities must be conveniently located and accessible to employees at all times.* (4626.1095)(5 - 204.11) Toilet
rooms must be provided with adequate ventilation, hand cleanser, single -use towels or hand drying devices, tissue
paper and waste paper receptacles. Toilet rooms shall have at least one covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins,
paper towels or diapers. (4626.1260)(5- 501.17)
Plumbing plans must be submitted to the Minnesota Department Labor and Industry, Engineering Unit, or delegated
authority for review and approval prior to installation. All plumbing must be installed according to the Minnesota
Plumbing Code, including current amendments. *(4626.1045) (5- 202.11)
Equipment connected to the potable water supply shall be protected from back - siphoning and back flow. Equipment
with submerged inlet lines (dish machine, garbage disposal, steam table, urinal, etc.) shall be equipped with an
approved backflow preventor; this includes all threaded hose bib connections. *(4626.1085) (5- 203.14) If a post -mix
beverage system is provided, an approved pressure -type, back -flow preventor upstream from the control valve on the
carbonator (water line to the carbonator) is required. (Toilets shall be equipped with an anti- siphonage ball cock
assembly. The water line serving a dipper well shall be permanently installed with an air gap on the water line
entering the fixture. * (4626.1055) (5- 202.13) Please contact a licensed plumber or refer to the Minnesota plumbing
The water heater must be a commercial model. (4626.0505) (4- 201.11) Residential water heaters are not
approved. Water heaters must be of adequate size and recovery rate to provide hot water to all taps during peak water
usage. Lack of hot water will require the installation of additional hot water capacity. (4626.1025) (5- 101.13)
If a grease interceptor or grease trap is required by the city building official, it shall be located to be easily accessible
for cleaning and maintenance. The lid shall be water -tight and securely fastened in place. A grease removal device
should be installed flush with the floor. (4626.1195)(5- 402.13)
If soap and chemical dispensing devices are installed on potable water lines, they shall be listed to ASSE
plumbing standard 1055. (4526.1260) (5- 501.17)
Install hand washing sinks in all food preparation, food dispensing, toilet rooms and utensil washing areas.
Generally this is within 20 feet as a person walks. *(4626. 1095) (5- 204.11) Provide hand cleanser, single -use
towels, and a fingernail brush at the hand -wash sink located in the food preparation, and ware washing areas.
Install a NSF three compartment, utensil - washing sink (4626.0680) (4- 301.12) with integral drain boards, racks or
tables, (4626.0685) (4- 301.13) for the proper cleaning and sanitizing of all multi -use equipment and utensils. The
size of the sink compartment must be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil /equipment, which is to be
cleaned and sanitized. Provide and use an appropriate chemical test kit to determine the strength of the sanitizing
agent in the final rinse water of the three - compartment sink. (4626.0715) (4- 302.14)
Install a separate food preparation sink if raw food will be cut or combined with other ingredients, or otherwise
processed. (4626.0780)
Install at least one service sink or curbed unit with a floor drain for disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste.
(4626.1080)(5- 203.13) Provide hooks or hang -up brackets at the utility sink for storage of mops and brooms.
Utensil washing and hand washing sinks are designed and approved only for their intended use.
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Provide adequate shelving covering the food operation to ensure that food products, utensils or single- service articles
are stored at least six inches off the floor. (4626.0730 A.) Food storage shelving used in walk -in refrigerators must be
in conformance with NSF standard #2. Chrome or zinc - plated shelving without an approved factory applied hard -
baked protective coating is not approved for this purpose. (4626.0505 B) Retail shelving shall be designed and
constructed to be durable and to retain their characteristic qualities under normal use conditions. (4626.0505A.)
Provide an area for storage of employee's personal belongings that is separate from food, clean equipment, and single
service supplies. (4626.1560)
Provide an approved area for storage of chemicals, which is separate from food, food equipment, and single service
articles. (4626.1600)
Room Finishes
The floors, floor coverings, walls, wall coverings, and ceiling surfaces shall be designed, constructed, and installed so
they are: a) smooth, durable and easily cleanable where food operations are conducted; b) nonabsorbent, for food
preparation areas, walk -in refrigerators, ware washing areas, toilet rooms, janitorial areas, laundry areas, interior
garbage, refuse storage rooms, and areas subject to flushing or spray - cleaning methods, or other areas subject to
moisture. (4626.1325)
Polymer flooring systems: If polymer flooring such as an epoxy or urethane systems are installed they must be
1/8 inch minimum in thickness in snack bars and sandwich preparation areas and 3/16 inch minimum in
thickness in areas where ovens, fryers and other heavy kitchen operations take place and contains a ground
aggregate to refusal. The finish coat must render the floor surface smooth to the extent that it can be cleaned with
available cleaning equipment. A test area should be provided so that our inspector can verify the flooring
Concrete, sealed or unsealed, is prohibited: a) where food product packages, containers, or cases in those areas are
opened. b) Under equipment in food preparation and service areas including under service cases. c) in walk -in
refrigerators or freezers, ware washing areas, toilet rooms, mobile food establishment servicing areas, hand wash
areas, janitorial, laundry areas, interior garbage and refuse storage rooms, areas subject to flushing or spray - cleaning
methods and areas subject to moisture. (4626.1335 D.)
Unsealed concrete is permitted: For use where outside garbage and refuse containers are placed, including
compactors stored on a smooth and nonabsorbent surface. (4626.1230)
Vinyl flooring is prohibited: In a walk -in cooler or freezer. (4626.1335 C.) Vinyl flooring is not allowed in
kitchens, deli areas; behind fast food or service counter areas unless the manufacturer recommends it for this use.
It is allowed in storage rooms and retail areas including under food and beverage counters. Proof of
recommended use will be required in the form of sales material or a letter from the manufacturer specifically
showing the recommended use before approval of this flooring will be granted.
Floor and wall junctures: Shall be coved and closed to no larger than one millimeter (1/32 inch) when cleaning
methods other than water flushing are used for cleaning floors. At the floor wall juncture where the fiberglass panel
meets the floor an acceptable base coving such as stainless, quarry or other pre- approved materials must be installed.
(4626.1345A.) Where water flushing is used coving shall be sealed. (4626.1345B.) Glued rubber coving may not be
acceptable on fiberglass panels, as it may not bond to the fiberglass material.
Floor surfaces: Shall in the food preparation, food storage, and utensil washing areas be constructed of smooth,
durable, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable materials, which resist the wear, and abuse to which they are subjected.
The walls and ceiling in the food preparation, utensil washing and toilet room areas shall be smooth, non - absorbent,
and easily cleanable. (4626.1335A)
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Ceilings: Perforated or fissured drop lay -in ceiling panels are prohibited in food preparation, food service, and
utensil washing or toilet room areas. (4626.1360B.)
Ventilation System:
a. Provide an NSF approved ventilation hood over cooking equipment which will capture and eliminate
moisture, vapors, smoke, fumes, odors, heat and grease laden vapors. (Minnesota Rule, part 4626.0505 and
i. Type I hood required: . (Minnesota
Building Code Chapter 1346.0507)
ii. Type II hood required:
(Minnesota Building Code Chapter 1346.0507)
Verify that Type I commercial hood ventilation systems on the premises comply with Chapter 1346
of Minnesota Building Code which includes 2006 International Mechanical Code (IMC), the 2006
International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) and Minnesota Amendments. Sections 506.3.1 though 506.3.7 and
506.7.9 through 506.3.13.3 are replaced with adoption of NFPA 96 -2008 (National Fire Protection
Association). (Minnesota Rule, part 4626.1475)
c. All open sides of a canopy hood shall overhang equipment by at least six (6) inches. (Minnesota
Building Code Chapter 1346.0507)
Provide an air balance test by a qualified heating and ventilation professional. Air balance tests shall
indicate the establishment's air handling units operate as designed and in compliance with applicable
mechanical codes. A food preparation area should be under slight negative pressure (less than 0.02 inches -
water gauge). (Minnesota Building Code 1346.0309 and 1346.0507, section 507.17.1)
e. If the establishment uses laundry dryers, provide adequate ventilation to vent the dryer outside.
(Minnesota Building Code Chapter 1346, section 913)
Wood burning appliances shall have a separate exhaust system. Contact your local building official
or MDA plan review regarding installation requirements. (Minnesota Rule, part 4626.1475, National Fire
Protection Act 96 -2001, Chapter 14, Solid Fuel Cooking Operations)
Provide adequate ventilation on floor mounted or above counter hot water /chemical sanitizer ware -
washing machines. (Minnesota Building Code 1346.0507, Minnesota Rule, part 4626.1475)
h. Sufficient tempered make -up air (at least 55° F) shall be provided and interlocked with ventilation
equipment. (Minnesota Building Code 1346.0508, Minnesota Rule, part 4626.1475)
Used hoods may be used provided they are NSF - certified and identified as to manufacturer in
serviceable condition, properly sized over intended cooking equipment and meet performance criteria.
Equipment evaluations shall be conducted at the construction site. (Minnesota Building Code 1346.0104
and 1346.0107; Minnesota Rule, part 4626.1475)
Galvanized hoods are not permitted. (Minnesota Rule, part 4626.0505)
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Additionally ventless systems requiring alternative methods shall meet standards UL 710B, (incorporating
EPA 202, UL 197), NFPA 96 chapter 13 and have the local building and fire official's approval. (4626.1380)
Minnesota Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Guidelines are available on our website at www.mda.state.mn.us.
Put "Ventilation Guidelines" in the search box.
In accordance with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, this establishment shall be posted as NO SMOKING
ALLOWED. Post signs at all public entrances.
This facility may not be constructed, remodeled or converted, except in accordance with the plans and
specifications as approved by this department. Please contact me for approval of any proposed changes or
additions. (4626.1720)
Thank you for your cooperation in addressing the items outlined in this letter. I shall remain available for consultation
and review of your facility's construction progress. Should you encounter any problems through the course of your
construction or equipment installation activities, please call me at 651- 201 -6214.
Rick Bruecker
Food Standards Compliance Officer
Dairy and Food Inspection Division
RPB: sl
C: Matembo Kitoy, Food Inspector
Lorna Girard, Supervisor
City Building Official