03/14/2011 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved May 16, 2011 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN. MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR M E > TING OF 1VIARCII 14, 2 011' A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on March 14, 2011. Commission Members present: Michael Palmer, Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson, Rebecca Aanning and Phil Belfiori. Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Dahlquist moved, Member Palmer seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 2011' Member Halverson moved, Member Dahlquist seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of January 13, 2011. There were no visitors to be heard. TO BE VISIT DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson spoke of the vandalism that took place over the winter that included a tree at Trapp Farm Park and graffiti damage to the building at Thresher Fields Park. There is currently a reward out through the Citizens Crime Prevention Committee. Director Johnson mentioned that the most of the graffiti was able to be sandblasted off of the building by Park Staff but will also require some additional painting. Park staff is currently working on projects for the upcoming summer Director Johnson mentioned the Eagan Home Show and Leisure Show that took place over at the Civic Arena March 9 -11. Stating that it was a huge success and mentioning Home Depot, the new partner who demonstrated a number of kid friendly demos and do it yourself projects. The Civic Arena has also started a new program on Friday nights called Club Skate which has the same concept of the old roller skating rinks with the sound system and light show. Arena softball has filled to capacity. Director Johnson noted the Eagan Community Center will be hosting their Wedding Workshop on Saturday March 19 Finally Director Johnson mentioned the bi- annual City tree sale that will take place on April 30 an opportunity for resident to purchase trees to plant in their own yards. This year the form will be available on- line March 21 on the City website www.cityofeagan.com with a deadline to purchase of April 15 • CONSENT AGENDA ARD There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business Items for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission March 14, 2011 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS Director Johnson asked the Commission to review a policy of Art in City Owned Buildings. The Eagan Art House has an interest in doing a number of public art displays to highlight the Arts in Eagan and showcase the work of some of the students that have been taking classes at the Art House for a number of years. Every year the Art House has the Harvest of Art Exhibits and would like to expand that to more exhibits within City buildings. Director Johnson mentioned a small grant that was received from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council which provided some hanning materials that were needed to hang and change out art that is currently displayed at the Eagan Community Center. A 2" grant was also received that would provide some display space throughout City Hall. Staff is looking for some perimeters from the Council as to what types of art will be able to be displayed to enhance the look of the buildings. Member Halverson asked if there would be a fee associated with the policy. Director Johnson said the only minimal fee would be the staff time needed to choose and hang the appropriate artwork. Member Belfiori moved to recommend that the policy be presented to the City Council for consideration. Member Aanning seconded the motion with all members present voting in favor. OTHER BUS AND "I21E1PO There was no other business or reports for the Commission to review. COM MUNICATIONS Director Johnson pointed out one email from an Eagan resident who expressed a very positive experience with Ms. Ronda's Tuesday /Thursday Tiny Tots class. ROUND TABLE Member Belfiori thanked all Commission Members for the last 9 years in which he served on the Commission. He also personally thanked his wife and children for their understanding while he was away at many night meetings. Member Belfiori continued to thank Mayor Maguire and the City Council Members for their leadership. He also expressed appreciation to former Director Ken Vraa, former Superintendent Dorothy Peterson, current Director Juli Seydell Johnson and the late Chair Member Terry Davis for their past and current leadership. Member Halverson followed up by thanking member Belfiori for his leadership and commitment and for being such an asset to the Commission and community. Member Halverson also thanked member Rebecca Aanning, for her contributions to the Commission and community. Members Palmer and Dahlquist both thanked members Belfiori and Aanning for their service and commitment. Member Palmer commented on the changes the Civic Arena has made by adding the dry land training and how extremely well that area is being used as well as the indoor turf. Member Aanning closed by saying she is thankful for the time she has spent being a Commission Member and would recommend the seat to anyone who is interested in volunteering for the community. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Belfiori moved, Member Aanning seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting at 7:1 §, .m. Secretary - Date 20(