01/13/2014 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 13, 2004 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Bruno DiNella, Steven Grooms, Clint Hooppaw, Nierengarten, Mike Schlax, Lance Staricha, Jerry Thompson and Charles Thorkildson. Nathan Krahn arrived at 8:05 p.m. Also present were Dianne Lord, Assistant to the City Administrator, and Jon Hohenstein, Director of Community Development. AGENDA Upon motion by Thompson, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 14, 2003 regular meeting of the Airport Relations Commission; Schlax seconded the motion. Aye: 8 Nay: 0 Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 12, 2003 joint meeting of the Eagan City Council and the ARC; Schlax seconded the motion. Aye: 8 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Tim Zajic, 2885 Egan Avenue, spoke to the Commission expressing concerns about MAC and the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport. He stated that Mesaba aircraft are traveling along Pilot Knob and turning off at 2 miles per FAA instructions. Further, he stated that he spoke with MAC staff person Scott Scramstad regarding props, which are three times as slow, flying over the Pilot Knob area. Mr. Zajic added comments about the Northwest /Mesaba profit model. Commissioner Schlax noted, per reading Aviation Week, that 20 percent of all arrivals and departures are from commuter aircraft. Hooppaw noted that additional information regarding the corridor will be appearing in an upcoming Experience Eagan newsletter. An Eagan citizen questioned the altitude of aircraft over Zajic's house. Nierengarten commented that flights are easily at 500 feet. Vic Severs, 4489 Lakeshore Terrace, stated he would like clarification and an update of MAC'S timing for the noise contours. He stated he would like to see this information included in the upcoming newsletter. Chair Staricha responded to Mr. Severs regarding timing issue concerns, contours and decibels. Thompson gave out current phone numbers to call regarding airport noise. Jan Haber, 4400 Cinnamon Ridge Trail, asked if an analysis has been done on property values for homes affected by the new runway. Staricha stated results of the analysis have been mixed. He further commented on a lawsuit brought against MAC approximately 10 years ago with a finding that property values had not decreased due to airport noise. He also commented on other studies that show values not Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 13, 2004/2 increasing at the same rate of other areas without airport noise. Schlax stated that Dakota County will not make any adjustments to property values because of airport noise. ARC COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Staricha gave a brief background on the ARC Communications Plan. Thorkildson commented on topics for the 2 -year plan and on articles for the newsletter; 1.) airplanes to come to Eagan in 2005, and 2.) examination of flight tracks over Eagan and neighborhoods to be affected by new runway in 2005. Staricha commented that newspaper articles regarding airport issues should be documented. Staricha commented on Schlax's contribution of new material, mostly historical, to the ARC Notebook. He stated there are now two volumes of the Notebook which include ARC topics, MAC topics and other agencies and are arranged pre -2000 and post -2000. Staricha further stated the notebooks will be completed by the February ARC meeting. Nierengarten contacted Alan Miller in regards to doing a show with the ARC Commission. He stated Mr. Miller suggested doing two one -half hour shows; 1.) Commission input, and 2.) FAA and /or MAC input. EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Staricha stated that jet deviation is close to 10 percent and continues to be a problem. He also commented on the ARC meeting with MAC and the FAA. Thorkildson stated the compliance numbers have increased since the meeting with MAC and the FAA. NORTHWEST AND MESABA AIRLINES COMMUNICATIONS Staricha suggested inviting representatives from Northwest and Mesaba Airlines to a monthly meeting of the ARC after the 2 -year ARC Communications Plan is complete. Krahn suggested e- mailing staff with topics or questions to be addressed at the meeting with Northwest and Mesaba Airlines. He suggested topics such as the economic impact of Northwest Airlines and Mesaba Airlines in Eagan. It was also suggested to use information obtained in an upcoming newsletter showing the positive side of having airlines in the community. TWO - YEAR ARC COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Staricha stated at the November 12, 2002 joint meeting with the City Council, direction was given that the ARC formulate and prepare a two -year communications plan to address the opening of the new North /South Runway in 2005 to present to the City Council by May 2004. DiNella stated the communications sub - committee prepared four articles to be included in the Experience Eagan newsletter at three different times. These include: 1.) Information regarding the Eagan Airport Relations Commission, 2.) Information on the opening of the new North -South Runway, 3.) Information on the Metropolitan Airports Commission, and 4.) Telephone numbers and contacts regarding airport information and noise. Hooppaw suggested meeting with Director of Communication Garrison for input on writing /creating a communications plan. Lord suggested holding a workshop to formulate the 2- year plan. The Commission discussed the benefit of holding a separate workshop, designating February's Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 13, 2004/3 meeting to discuss and formulate a 2 -year communications plan, and previous communication initiatives by the sub - committee. Lord suggested that the plan to the City Council be in writing and show what the Commission has been doing primarily in regard to the North -South Runway; including information on cable television, articles in the Experience Eagan newsletter, and the newly formed ARC Notebook. The Commission agreed to proceed with the plan outline at the February meeting. Lord stated members from sub- committees should e -mail progress from their committee to her to be included in the February ARC packet. BLOOMINGTON COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE AMENDMENT REQUEST Lord gave a brief background on this item noting concern regarding the proposed residential development one mile off the new runway for the City of Bloomington. The Commission commented on previous discussions regarding communities seeking comment on similar issues. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave further background on the Joint Airport Zoning Board discussions relative to the issue and to mixed land use near the new runway. Staricha made a motion that the City of Eagan communicate to the City of Bloomington its concern with the proposed introduction of additional new residential land uses that will be exposed to substantial aircraft noise from Runway 17 -35 and the location of new development at a close proximity to the end of Runway 17 -35, which is a safety concern. Also included in the motion is request that the communication state that the City believes if intense development occurs in the location being proposed, its presence should not be a factor in future decision - making regarding the modification of noise abatement procedures of investments, to the detriment of other communities. Thompson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Schlax made a motion to extend the meeting until 8:45 p.m. Thorkildson seconded. All members voted in favor. The Commission discussed noise mitigation issues for development which resulted after noise levels and contours were established and predicted. NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Lord noted the next Noise Oversight Committee meeting is scheduled for January 15, 2003. She stated there will be a delay in the Part 150 process by one month due to data that is not compatible with the new version of the FAA's Integrated Noise Model (INM). Lord also stated that the City of Richfield has undertaken a study on low frequency noise and Lord has requested that the City of Eagan be kept up to date on their study. MAC MEETING UPDATE Lord stated the MAC approved their CIP through 2006 at their meeting on December 15, 2003. She further noted that included in the CIP was the majority of the construction associated with the new North -South Runway. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 13, 2004/4 MSP JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD (JAZB) Lord noted a letter was received by the City today from MAC and stated that the Transportation Commission /Lieutenant Governor approved the JAZB recommendation with the exception of one issue. Lord added that the JA will meet to revise the one section of the ordinance. GUIDELINES FOR ADVISORY COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS/PROCEDURES Lord briefly discussed new guidelines and procedures for the Advisory Commission appointments. She stated under the new draft policy, the Commission appointments will be made in April of each year rather than January. 2005 N.O.I.S.E. CONFERENCE Lord stated the last N.O.I.S.E. Conference held in Washington D.C. was attended by City Councilmembers Carlson and Fields and they expressed an interest in hosting a future N.O.I.S.E. Conference. She further stated N.O.I.S.E. would like the City to host the 2005 conference, to be held the third week in July, and stated that correspondence will be going out to confirm that the City of Eagan will be the 2005 host community. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Krahn, seconded by Grooms, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. All members voted in favor. mis DATE SECRETARY