08/12/2003 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 12, 2003 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Michael Cook, Bruno DiNella, Steven Grooms, Nathan Krahn, Stephen Nierengarten, Mike Schlax, Lance Staricha, Jerry Thompson and Charles Thorkildson. Absent was Clint Hooppaw. Also present were Dianne Lord, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Thompson, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES DiNella made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2003 meeting; Krahn seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Tim Zajic of 2885 Egan Avenue was present and gave his opinion of the noise from his residence stating the airport is unnecessarily noisy. He further commented on the Los Angeles and Amsterdam airports and stated MSP has more night noise than either of those airports. He also presented a web site he constructed regarding airport noise. ARC COMMUNICATION PLAN a.) Newsletter articles — DiNella, Thorkildson & Hooppaw — Thorkildson discussed the newspaper article on FAA insulating only up to the 65 DNL. He further commented on the difference between decibels and measuring DNL and suggested the next ARC article for the Eagan Newsletter contain information regarding the FAA article and clarification of DNL and decibels. b.) ARC "Notebook" — Staricha, Schlax & Thompson — Staricha commented on the continuing progress of the ARC notebook stating at the end of the year he will turn the notebook over to staff to monitor new and dated material. c.) Cable Television — Nierengarten & Krahn — Nierengarten stated there are a couple of programs in progress right now and an update will follow. EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Staricha gave a brief background on the response letter from Chad Legve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, and also commented on the May 2002 v. 2003 Operations Comparisons Report, the June 2003 Eagan /Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis Report and Technical Advisory Report. Airport Relations Commission Minutes August 12, 2003/2 The Commission discussed turbo prop aircraft and runway usage, DC9's, and compliance in the Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor. Krahn discussed compliance and non - compliance issues and the relationship of having no reward or punishment for being compliant or non - compliant. Lord stated Cindy Greene, MSP ATCT Manager for the FAA, and Chad Leqve, Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs for MAC, will be at the September 9, 2003 ARC meeting. Lord requested the Commissioners e -mail her questions they would like Ms. Greene and Mr. Leqve to address at the September meeting. RESOLUTION RE: EAGAN'S REPRESENTATION ON THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Lord gave a brief background regarding legislation and redistricting attempts to achieve additional representation on the Metropolitan Council and MAC. The Commission discussed the Met Council and districting of boundaries. DISCUSSION RE: SEPTEMBER ARC MEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM MAC AND FAA Staricha stated that Chad Leqve from MAC and Cindy Greene from the FAA will be guest speakers at the September 9, 2003 ARC meeting. The Commission discussed questions and issues to present to Mr. Legve and Ms. Greene at the September meeting. The Commission requested a minimum agenda for that meeting to have ample time for discussion. Krahn commented on Mr. Leqve's title and questioned whether Ms. Greene and he were knowledgeable in areas other than noise; such as environmental issues, safety, emergency responses and disastrous events. AIRPORT DISCLOSURE/DECLARATION LEGISLATION : STATE OF CALIFORNIA Staricha stated that the City Council at their July 22 workshop directed the ARC to discuss the issue of disclosure. He further stated the Council approved a policy in 1996 or 1997 regarding construction restrictions and notification to buyers. Lord noted she would locate the document for discussion at the September or October ARC meeting, and also noted she would provide an update to the City Council regarding this issue of disclosure /declaration. The Commission discussed the issue of legislation, the affects on property containing a disclosure and what happens when contours change. ADDITION TO FAA REAUTHORIZATION BILL Staricha gave background on the Reauthorization Bill and stated this was an informational item only and no action was needed. STAFF REPORT Noise Oversight Committee Staricha stated the public input form used for public comment was approved by the Noise Oversight Committee. Lord stated the next meeting for NOC is August 21, 2003. City Councilmember Fields is the City's representative and Assistant to the City Administrator Lord is the alternate. Airport Relations Commission Minutes August 12, 2003/3 MAC Input Meeting Update Lord gave a brief update on the MAC public input meeting held on July 22, 2003. She stated two issues expressed by attendees were; accurately forecasting noise impacts and nighttime noise. The next quarterly public input meeting is scheduled for October 28. 2003. MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board (JAZB) Lord stated the MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board has not met since they submitted the final Draft Airport Zoning Ordinance to MnDOT and, further, stated that once they receive a response from the MnDOT Commissioner, JAZB will reconvene. Commissioner DiNella: Acoustics Information DiNella enclosed information in the ARC packet entitled "Introduction to Acoustics" for Commission review regarding decibels, frequency weighting, metrics /mathematical formula and attenuation. The Commission further discussed the monitoring of noise. Schlax made a motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes to complete the items on the agenda. Thorkildson seconded the motion. Aye: 8 Nay: 1 (Krahn) MSP Noise News Staricha stated Chad Leqve currently writes the MSP Noise News bulletin and since Commission members are now receiving this piece in the mail, it will no longer be necessary to include the document in the ARC packet. ROUNDTABLE Jon Hohenstein was introduced by Lord as the City's new Community Development Director. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Krahn, seconded by Schlax, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY