07/08/2003 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8, 2003 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Bruno DiNella, Steven Grooms, Clint Hooppaw, Nathan Krahn, Stephen Nierengarten, Mike Schlax, Lance Staricha, Jerry Thompson and Charles Thorkildson. Absent was Michael Cook. Also present were Dianne Lord, Assistant to the City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Thompson, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Hoopaw made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2003 meeting; DiNella seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ARC COMMUNICATION PLAN Chair Staricha provided background on the development of the communication plan. Commissioner Hooppaw noted topics for the City newsletter and Your Town News and suggested focusing on how noise is monitored (currently and in the future), the Commission's role /relationship to MAC, and address noise complaints. Commission members suggested including material relative to the impacts of the new runway and reiterating portions of the newsletter article. Lord commented on the number of phone calls she received once the newsletter was mailed to Eagan residents. Commissioners discussed corridor operations and fanning from the new runway and the impacts of both. Staricha presented the ARC Notebook in its near complete version and the Commission discussed the purpose and location of the book in its final state. Nierengarten suggested the cable television program progress from the City newsletter and also continue informing residents on the impacts of the new runway. The Commission noted that Jon Hohenstein would be returning to the City of Eagan as the Director of Community Development and also noted his expertise on airport issues. EAGAN/MENDOTA HEIGHTS CORRIDOR ANALYSIS Lord stated she has not had a response to the letter that was sent to the Metropolitan Airports Commission on June 23, 2003 regarding noncompliance within the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. Airport Relations Commission Minutes July 8, 2003/2 The Commission further discussed the Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor and land use, compliance with MAC, noise and complaint issues, and the Met Council. RESOLUTION RE: EAGAN'S REPRESENTATION ON THE METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Staricha gave background information on the composition and structure of MAC and discussed the latest legislative proposal that had been before the Minnesota Legislature regarding representation of MAC. Staricha suggested this issue be proposed until the 2004 legislative session. Schlax made a motion to recommend the City Council send a letter to Governor Pawlenty asking his position on the current structure of the MAC and if he would be in support of legislation changing the structure of the MAC, particularly if the change resulted in increased representation to the City of Eagan; Thompson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. RESPONSE TO INQUIRIES FROM THE APRIL 22, 2003 PUBLIC INPUT MEETING Staricha responded to an inquiry from the April meeting regarding the top ten noise events in Eagan, which was included in the Commission's packet. Staricha noted he would summarize these statistics and report back to the Commission at their August meeting. Staricha further discussed an inquiry from the previous ARC meeting regarding fuel dumping. A response regarding fuel dumping was e- mailed to Lord from the MPCA and briefly states FAA and airline protocols require /suggest a pilot jetison fuel when aborting a flight shortly after takeoff or during an emergency landing. STAFF REPORT Noise Oversight Committee Lord gave a brief background of the first Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) meeting which was held on June 26 stating all members were present. She stated the first meeting was an introduction of members and ground rules were established. Lord further stated that Vern Wilcox, Bloomington City Councilmember, was appointed Community Chair and Kathleen Nelson, Director of Airport Affairs for Northwest Airlines, was appointed User Chair and the two Chairs will alternate meetings. Lord stated two significant actions were taken at the meeting; 1.) to recommend that MAC address the Part 150 operations assumptions at their next meeting in August to allow the NOC time to review the assumptions at their next meeting, and 2.) the committee unanimously voted to recommend to MAC that the Distant Profile be used on 30L and 30R. MAC Meeting Update Lord gave a brief update on the MAC meeting which was held on June 16, 2003, stating that at the meeting, MAC delayed the vote on the Part 150 forecast assumptions so the NOC will have an opportunity to review the assumptions prior to MAC's consideration of the assumptions at their meeting in August. Airport Relations Commission Minutes July 8, 2003/3 Realtor's Forum Airport Presentation and N.O.I.S.E. Publication Lord noted the Power Point Realtor's Forum airport presentation, along with the most recent edition of the N.O.I.S.E. newsletter, were enclosed in the packet for Commission review per their request. ROUNDTABLE Thompson handed out information to the Commission regarding runway usage and statistics on safety. Schlax commented on an article he read on the Internet regarding the Los Angeles Board of Commissioners taking legal action because of repeated noise violations and noted previously that it was his understanding that legal action could not be pursued on a government agency. There was discussion by Commission members on the integrated noise model and further discussion regarding noise events, decibels and procedures used for determining contours. The Commission noted a long -term project could be to monitor the formula used to determine DNL projections. Nierengarten commented on information regarding Runway 22 that was detailed on "All Operations Runway Use Reports" from the last several months. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Schlax, seconded by Thorkildson, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY