04/08/2003 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 8, 2003 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Michael Cook, Bruno DiNella, Clint Hooppaw, Nathan Krahn, Stephen Nierengarten, Mike Schlax, Lance Staricha, and Charles Thorkildson. Absent was Jerry Thompson. Also present was Dianne Lord, Assistant to the City Administrator, Pam Dudziak, Planner and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Schlax, seconded by DiNella, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Thorkildson made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2003 meeting; Hooppaw seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Staricha reviewed page 7 of the ARC packet entitled Eagan ARC Communication Plan Overview, which he prepared on March 31, 2003. He discussed each of the five topics highlighted in the material; 1.) ARC Materials — notebook, 2.) Materials for Public — booklets & web site, 3.) Cable TV, 4.) City's Annual Report, and 5.) City Newsletter. The Commission discussed the ARC Notebook idea and it was suggested that the Notebook become a Commission priority containing information such as the City's position on airport issues. There was further discussion on Cable TV and Eagan Newsletter as a media to reach the largest number of households. Commissioners DiNella, Hooppaw, Thorkildson volunteered to write a short article on current airport issues for the Eagan Newsletter which is published on a bi- monthly basis. A meeting with Communications Director Garrison will be set -up to help coordinate the inclusion of the article. Commissioners Schlax and Staricha volunteered to work on further development of a facts sheet for the ARC Notebook. Commissioner Nierengarten will continue the work on the draft Cable TV program. REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NOISE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Lord gave a brief background on the formation of the MSP Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) and, further, stated by request of the MAC, the ARC Commission recommend a representative to serve on the committee. Airport Relations Commission Minutes April 8, 2003/2 Commissioner Schlax made a motion to send a request to the City Council asking them to appoint an Eagan representative to serve on the MSP Noise Oversight Committee, preferably a member of the City Council and also noting that City Councilmember Fields is the liaison to the ARC; and, further, that it is the recommendation of the Airport Relations Committee to appoint Assistant to the City Administrator Lord as the alternate representative. Thorkildson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. The Commission discussed qualifications, appointees, Council v. staff, training and time commitment of the Eagan representative to NOC. REVIEW 2003 ARC GOALS Commissioner Staricha made a motion to adopt pages 8 & 9 from the ARC packet as a summary of the discussion from the Airport Relations Commission Work Shop held on March 3, 2003 as the ARC's Goals and Priorities for the year 2003. Cook seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. REALTOR'S FORUM Lord gave a brief background on the annual Realtor's Forum which the City will be hosting on May 21, 2003 and stated staff and /or Commissioners have an opportunity to speak to realtors about the North -South Runway which will be operational in late 2005. Commission members discussed relative information for the forum such as; land use restrictions, 2005 contours, the delay of the new runway and also benefits of the airport, including quality of life, increased property values, proximity to airport and employment. Commissioner Hooppaw volunteered to be present at the forum along with Assistant to the City Administrator Lord. MAC MEETING RECAP -MARCH 17, 2003 Lord gave a brief recap of the Metropolitan Airport Commission's March 17, 2003 meeting. She stated the North -South Runway has been delayed further and will not be operational until sometime in late 2005. Lord stated issues discussed were; the noise mitigation program and its outdated contours, the CIP, and also stated Kathleen Nelson has been appointed as MAC's NOC representative. MAC COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENT PROCESS Lord gave a presentation on the appointment process of the MAC Commission. She stated anyone can apply to the Commission. The applications go to the Office of the Secretary of State and their recommendations are directed to Governor Pawlenty who will make the final appointments. MAC'S RESPONSE TO THE ARC'S CORRIDOR INQUIRY Lord summarized correspondence from Chad Leqve, MAC Manager of the Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs. There was discussion regarding turboprop operations that are given headings Airport Relations Commission Minutes April 8, 2003/3 outside the Corridor departure headings to get those aircraft out of the flow of the faster moving jet aircraft in the Corridor and further discussion on the increase in demands within the Corridor from jet operations. CORRESPONDENCE TO MAC RE: ARC'S REQUEST FOR TELEVISED MEETINGS Lord stated a letter was sent to the Metropolitan Airports Commissioners, c/o Lynn Sorensen, from Mayor Geagan on behalf of the City of Eagan and per the request of ARC requesting that MAC videotape their monthly meetings to allow Eagan and other local communities the opportunity to playback the MAC meetings through their local cable access stations. Lord stated at this time, we are waiting to hear back from Lynn Sorensen. MSP JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD MEETING RECAP -MARCH 6 & 27, 2003 Planner Dudziak provided a brief update on two recent MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board meetings. She summarized specific areas of the draft MSP International Zoning Ordinance, which will be sent to MnDOT for review, highlighting areas such as; land use and height restrictions, ponding issues, grandfather /1984 MSP Zoning Ordinance — uses and exceptions, and permit and exception to permit requirements. Dudziak stated there will be another comment period on this document. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Cook has volunteered to research current corridor violations and will present his findings at the May 13, 2003 meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Thorkildson, seconded by Krahn, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY