06/11/2002 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 11, 2002 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Joe Kinard, Eric Pehle, Mike Schlax, Lance Staricha, Jerry Thompson and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Bruno DiNella and Michael Cook, Alternate. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Kinard, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Kinard made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2002 meeting; Thompson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD Verbrugge and Schlax attended the most recent Joint Airport Zoning Board Meeting that was held on May 30, 2002. Verbrugge stated 1984 was the last time zoning issues, such as land uses and building heights, had been addressed and gave a brief background on the JAZB, which reconvened last year. Verbrugge discussed the safety and economic issues for Bloomington and Richfield. Verbrugge stated two zoning standards' issues are; 1) height restrictions around the airport — 50 ft. to 1 ft., and 2) land use /safety zones A & B. He further stated the next JAZB meeting will be held on June 20, 2002. Schlax stated the 1984 statute is still in place today and further discussed the position of MAC and the cities of Richfield and Bloomington, along with the recommendation from the State of Minnesota. Schlax discussed his the engine -out procedure and further discussed his recommendations to the ARC Commission. Runways of the MSP Airport were displayed while Commission members discussed the size of safety zones, areas affected, who /what are grandfathered in these areas and who actually benefits. Schlax made a motion that the City of Eagan support the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation proposal for no change in boundaries, height restrictions or the land use provisions in the present law and that engine -out criteria be added to the statute. Additionally, the City of Eagan support the maximum safety provisions of the law and, therefore; 1) the provisions of the law should apply to all runways at all times and there should be no erosion of the protection based on use or other mitigating circumstances, 2) engine -out criteria should be applied to all runways, and 3) HTNB do research on engine -out accident /incident and directional control of aircraft and possibly expand Airport Relations Commission Minutes June 11, 2002/2 engine -out criteria beyond the limits of the present RPZ and state zone 1 and 2; Kinard seconded. Aye: 4 Nay: 3 Verbrugge stated this item would go before the Eagan City Council on June 18, 2002 as item B. under New Business on the agenda. AVIATION POLICY PLAN UPDATE 2002 - 2020 Verbrugge gave a brief background on the Aviation Policy Plan and discussed issues that are still unresolved; 1) Eden Prairie Flying Cloud Airport, 2) Anoka County Blaine Airport, 3) Noise Exposure Map for Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport, and 4) Traffic projections. Staricha made a motion recommending the Metropolitan Council move ahead with the Aviation Policy Plan to incorporate this policy into the regional blueprint; Schlax second. All members voted in favor. There was further discussion on contour maps, number of operations since September 1 lth and fleet mix. Verbrugge stated the final contour map has been withdrawn and a new contour map with be redrawn in 2003. COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS At the April ARC meeting, several Commissioners volunteered to do some research on various issues for presentation at the monthly ARC meetings. Commissioner Schlax discussed research materials he presented to the Commission in their packets showing a timeline for the MAC, MASAC, Eagan /Mendota Heights Corridor, the City of Eagan, ARC Commission, research articles and meeting notes. Noise Events — Staricha and Cook: Verbrugge stated he will be receiving from MAC the Technical Advisors Report back to June of 1998 in disk form and will forward to Staricha and Cook for their review. Communications — Pehle and Thompson: Pehle stated the next step would be to meet with Communications Director Garrison for further direction and reinforcement from the City. Verbrugge stated a dedicated cable television staff person has been hired who will work solely on Eagan related issues and will be responsible for creating new programming for Eagan local access. He further stated one of the first projects assigned to her will be the ARC Communications Program. DECLARE COMMISSION VACANCY Drenckhahn made a motion to recommend the City Council declare the seat held by Michael Weller on the Airport Relations Commission vacant and replace the seat with Alternate member Michael Cook and an Alternate commission member be appointed; Thorkildson seconded. All members voted in favor. Airport Relations Commission Minutes June 11, 2002/3 UPCOMING MEETINGS MAC Open House — June 13, 2002 from 7:00 -9:00 p.m. at the Ramada Inn in Bloomington. The Open House will be related to Runway 17/35 and environmental review process. Blue Ribbon Panel — June 18, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. at MAC General Offices. The Blue Ribbon Panel will make its recommendation in July. MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board — June 20, 2002 at 4:30 p.m. at MAC General Offices. There will be discussion and recommendations relating to federal and state required airspace amendments and one - engine- inoperative departure surface and zone amendments. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Kinard, seconded by Drenckhahn, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY