05/14/2002 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 14, 2002 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Bruno DiNella, Eric Drenckhahn, Eric Pehle, Mike Schlax, Lance Staricha, Jerry Thompson, Charles Thorkildson and Michael Cook, Alternate. Absent were Joe Kinard and Michael Weller. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Thompson, seconded by Pehle, the agenda was approved as amended with the addition of item B. under Old Business entitled "Newspaper Article ". All members voted in favor. MINUTES Thorkildson made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2002 meeting; Thompson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. MSP JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD Commissioner Schlax attended two MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board meetings since the ARC's April meeting. The most recent meeting was Thursday, May 9, and he provided an update on the presentations from those meetings. Schlax stated there would be at least three additional meetings scheduled and possibly a fourth meeting. He gave a brief background on the MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board stating 1984 was the last time zoning issues, i.e. land use and building heights, have been addressed. Schlax stated the problem areas are mostly land use and not building /obstruction heights and further stated these issues are of greater concern for Bloomington and Richfield. Eagan has a small area in safety zone B near the corner of Highway 13 and Interstate 494. Schlax stated Eagan has no land in safety zone A. There was discussion among Commission members regarding safety zones A, B and C. Verbrugge stated the big concerns for Bloomington and Richfield are safety and economics. He further stated the land within safety zone areas on the south end is considered to be expensive and valuable property for both communities. NEWSPAPER ARTICLE "AIRPORTS PANEL COULD REVIEW NOISE INSULATION CONTOUR" Verbrugge gave a brief background on the statute and language of the Part 150 Program. Verbrugge stated that MAC had recently come forward saying it would sound insulate homes beyond the 64 -63 DNL, 62 -61 DNL would receive air conditioning and mechanical improvements and, if the homeowner had put in air conditioning or new windows that met specified standards, they would be Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 14, 2002/2 subject to reimbursement by MAC. He stated now MAC has decided to revise the contours and, as a result, eligibility will shrink along with the contours. There was discussion regarding the Rolling Hills neighborhood, located near the IGH border, and it losing its eligibility to be included in the Part 150 Program if MAC revises the contours. There was further discussion on aircraft traffic and the contours changing in size because of growth and projections. COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS At the April ARC meeting, several Commissioners volunteered to do some research on various issues for presentation at the May 14, 2002 ARC meeting. Noise Events — Staricha and Cook stated they would be compiling data from the Technical Advisory Report. It was further stated they would be looking at some historical trending and the number of noise events prior to, during and after airport construction. Cook stated he would put together data on seasonality comparisons and history of noise events. Staricha stated he was interested in seeing data on northern Eagan, southern Eagan, number of flights /amount of noise, daytime and nighttime flights, number of telephone complaints and noise events over 65 DNL on all Eagan ANOMS towers. ANOMS Towers — DiNella gave a presentation on data gathered on the ANOMS towers in Eagan. He collected data showing a daily RMT noise level summary on four Eagan ANOMS towers. He further presented a MSP RMT noise events greater than 65, 80, 90 and 100 dB report from April 1, 2002 — April 20, 2002 on 29 RMT's located in the Twin Cities. Communications — Pehle and Thompson presented an outline on communications strategy and strategic plan for the ARC Commission along with a PowerPoint presentation. The outline contains framework for the Commission as to goals, key messages, defining our audience and a plan with various media/tools on how we can get there and make a difference to the community. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Drenckhahn, seconded by Thompson, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY