01/15/2002 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 15, 2002 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Mike Schlax, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson and Bruno DiNella. Absent were Ted Gladhill, Joe Kinard and Michael Weller. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Schlax, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was amended with the addition of items B.) Resignation Memo of Chair Ted Gladhill, C.) Spectrum Development/Highway 55 and D.) Blue Ribbon Panel, under Staff Report. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Drenckhahn made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 3, 2001 meeting; DiNella seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD Verbrugge stated Commissioner Schlax and he represent the City of Eagan on the MSP Joint Airport Zoning Board, which reconvened in 2001. He gave background, stating the Joint Airport Zoning Board establishes the land use compatibility guidelines around the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport. The communities represented are St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Eagan, Minneapolis, Richfield, Bloomington, along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Verbrugge displayed several maps showing MSP runways, the new North -South Runway and the location of safety zones. He further displayed maps of Minneapolis and Bloomington showing areas located within the runway protection zones. Verbrugge discussed Districts I, II, and III and criteria for each district. There was further discussion on which locations and buildings /commercial or residential that would have to be removed due to land uses within runway protection areas. Drenckhahn made a motion to table this issue until further information from staff could be received, Thorkildson seconded. All members voted in favor. PART 150 SOUND INSULATION PROGRAM Verbrugge gave background on the Sound Insulation Program and stated that MAC voted in November 2001 to rescind their earlier decision to provide full insulation packages to homes beyond 65 DNL and further stated they will be discussing this item at their January 22 meeting. He also discussed a letter dated June 25, 2001 sent to Jeff Hamiel, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 15, 2002/2 Airports Commission, from City Administrator Hedges stating the City of Eagan's recommendations at that time in regards to the Part 150 Sound Insulation Program. Verbrugge stated there are over 7,000 homes to be soundproofed under the previous program and these homes should have been completed in 2003. Drenckhahn made a motion recommending the City Council authorize a letter to the Metropolitan Airports Commission reaffirming the ARC's original and previous recommendation to the MAC and further stating the City of Eagan's preference would be full insulation. Schlax seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. NOISE ATTORNEY UPDATE Verbrugge stated that on December 18, 2001 the City Council ratified the ARC's recommendation to retain Clem Shute, of Shute Mihaly and Weinberger, as the City's noise attorney. He further stated retaining a noise attorney was a goal of last year made by the Commission. Verbrugge stated he has spoke with Mr. Shute and work would be started very soon. RESIGNATION MEMO Verbrugge read a memo from former Chair Ted Gladhill resigning from the Airport Relations Commission. There was discussion regarding recommendations Gladhill made in his memo to the ARC. DiNella made a motion recommending Verbrugge draft a letter for City Council approval that legislation be authored that would place a moratorium on any MAC expenditures related to the expansion of MSP, including construction of the North -South Runway, until such time as operations at MSP recover to the pre - Sepember 11 levels. Drenckhahn seconded. All members voted in favor. Verbrugge stated he would analyze and compare MAC reports as to the number of operations from August of 2001 going forward with reports of the previous year. SPECTRUM DEVELOPMENT Verbrugge discussed the new Spectrum Development located off Highway 55 in Eagan. He stated Pan Am and Masaba Airlines hold offices and training simulators in this development. He further stated he would set up a tour of the simulators for the ARC sometime in March or April. Verbrugge thanked Commissioner Soderling for his eight years of service on the Airport Relations Commission. He stated Soderling would be invited to tour the training simulators along with the Commission and would notify him of the date. BLUE RIBBON PANEL Verbrugge gave background and information on the Blue Ribbon Panel, formerly known as MASAC. He stated there are 3 community members, 3 users and a Chair on this panel, which will meet approximately once a month. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 15, 2002/3 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Drenckhahn, seconded by Thorkildson, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY