12/03/2001 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Monday, December 3, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Joe Kinard, Mike Schlax, Steve Soderling, Charles Thorkildson and Bruno DiNella. Absent were Lance Staricha and Michael Weller. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Kinard, the agenda was approved. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Drenckhahn made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2001 meeting; Schlax seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. NOISE ATTORNEY Verbrugge gave background on the status of retaining a noise attorney stating that it is one of the primary goals of the City Council and the Airport Relations Commission. He gave background of four attorneys, describing each as to what type of law they specialized in, accomplishments and their location. The Commission discussed what they hoped to accomplish by retaining an attorney, what airport issues they felt should be included in the plan, concerns they had for hiring a local versus out of state attorney and, from Verbrugge's description and discussion of each, who they were favoring and most interested in retaining. Gladhill made a motion to eliminate the two local attorneys and continue to review the national attorneys; Soderling seconded. All members voted in favor. Commission members agreed upon three issues of concern; 1.) contract from the 1996 legislation, 2.) five flight paths over the City of Eagan with the opening of the North -South Runway November of 2004 /were local concerns addressed, and 3.) low demand flight tracks. Soderling made a motion for the ARC to recommend attorney Clem Shute to the City Council as the noise attorney to review and prepare a plan for the City of Eagan regarding airport issues, as long as contractual issues and concerns are in agreement; Gladhill seconded. Aye: 5 Nay: 1 Kinard stated two questions he would like to pursue with an attorney; 1.) Is Northwest Airlines considering moving their headquarters /hub to Detroit? 2.) Why is the North -South Runway still needed? Soderling also asked if a moratorium could be placed on the completion of the North- Airport Relations Commission Minutes December 3, 2001/2 South Runway. There was further discussion regarding the loss of Northwest Airlines to our community. PART 150 UPDATE Verbrugge stated there are two Commissioners who have raised issue of reviewing the sound insulation recommendation out to the 60 DNL contour. He stated this will be discussed during the December 4 Planning and Environmental Committee meeting and also the impacts on the aviation industry since the September 11 events. MASAC BLUE RIBBON PANEL Verbrugge stated that members of the Blue Ribbon Panel, representing the communities and the industry users, have been identified. He stated the three community representatives are Jamie Verbrugge /Eagan, Jill Smith/Mendota Heights and Councilmember Barrett Lane /Minneapolis. The Commission members discussed ways of improving airport issues without Northwest Airlines suffering additional financial restraints. JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD Verbrugge gave an overview of the Joint Airport Zoning Board meetings that he and Schlax have attended. He stated these meetings have basically been technical reviews. He further stated that Mary Hill Smith was named Chair to the Board. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Verbrugge stated that Commission terms for Soderling, Thorkildson, Schlax and DiNella will expire in January of 2002. Applications for reappointment must be submitted to the City Administrator's office by December 14, with interviews being held on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 and appointments will be made at the January 22 City Council meeting. NEXT ARC COMMISSION MEETING The next ARC meeting will be held either on Monday, January 7, or Tuesday, January 15, instead of the regular meeting date being the second Tuesday of the month, because of a scheduling conflict with the City Council Chambers. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Soderling, seconded by Drenckhahn, the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY