04/10/2001 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 10, 2001 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Mike Schlax, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson and Bruno DiNella. Absent were John Clark, Joe Kinard, and Michael Weller. Also present was Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator. AGENDA Upon motion by Soderling, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Soderling made a motion to approve the minutes; Schlax seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Verbrugge passed out a revised copy of The Airport and You to Commission members. He stated the purpose is to complete a program for our local access cable viewers to serve as an educational vehicle to residents for a better understanding of Eagan's relationship to the airport and how the airport affects our community. Verbrugge discussed each section of the presented material that would be covered in this program, briefly describing individual issues of importance to Eagan residents. He stated the longest segment of the program will be devoted to flight paths, noise levels and how these will affect residents. RUNWAY CONTRACT Verbrugge gave a brief background on the runway contracts. He distributed to Commission members copies of the Mendota Heights and Minneapolis Contracts for their review. There was discussion among Commission members regarding the new North -South Runway and the previously proposed Third Parallel Runway. Verbrugge suggested the Commission review recommendations that have been made in the past and also analyze provisions that were included in earlier Contracts. Commission members agreed they could foresee these issues and future issues needing legal counsel. ZONING BOARD APPOINTMENTS Verbrugge stated the Metropolitan Airports Commission is reconvening the Wold- Chamberlain Field Joint Airport Zoning Board, which is a result of the new runway being under Airport Relations Commission Minutes April 10, 2001/2 construction. He further stated the City Council appointed him and a member of the ARC to serve on the zoning board, and also a member of the City of Eagan's Planning staff, Bob Kirmis, as an alternate. Commissioner Schlax volunteered to be the ARC's representative to the zoning board. Soderling made a motion to appoint Schlax to serve on the zoning board. Gladhill seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. OTHER BUSINESS Staricha stated that he and Thorkildson attended the MASAC Communities Caucus. He stated there is a proposed resolution to communicate to MAC that the communities are still in support of the Part 150 Program and would like to continue to move forward. The Commission members further discussed the Part 150 Program and the proposed resolution. Drenckhahn made a motion to recommend to the City Council to adopt the resolution reaffirming the City's support of expansion of the MAC Sound Insulation Program to the DNL 60 -64 area. Gladhill seconded the motion. Aye: 6 Nay: 1 STAFF REPORT Verbrugge stated the Metropolitan Airports Commission will hold a public meeting at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at the Thunderbird Hotel to receive public input and comment regarding proposed mitigation packages for houses between the 60 -64 DNL contours. For additional information, the MAC web site is www.macaysat.org. Verbrugge gave bill summaries for H.F. 1451 and S.F. 888 for noise mitigation. FUTURE MEETINGS AND AGENDA ARC Goals Workshop — Monday, April 30, 2001, 6:30 p.m. Next ARC Commission Meeting — Tuesday, May 8, 2001, 7:00 p.m. Community Services Open House — Thursday, May 31, 2001, 4:00 — 7:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Drenckhahn, seconded by the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY