01/09/2001 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 9, 2001 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Ted Gladhill, Hassan Saffouri, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson and Nadim Zoberi. Absent were Eric Drenckhahn and Steve Soderling. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Verbrugge added a Legislative Update to the Agenda. Upon motion by Staricha, seconded by Zoberi, the agenda was approved as modified. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Zoberi made a motion to approve the minutes; Thorkildson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Azher Ansari of 2274 Clark Street gave a brief personal background and stated he was present to observe the ARC meeting to determine which Advisory Commission he would be interested in applying to. Chair Gladhill stated that prior Airport Relations Commission's minutes are available upon request. MASAC UPDATE Verbrugge stated industry representatives to the Blue Ribbon Panel to resolve the MASAC dissolution have not been identified. He further stated Jeff Hamiel, Executive Director to the Metropolitan Airports Commission, has been out of town and unable to facilitate an agreement by the airlines to participate on the panel. PART 150 UPDATE Verbrugge stated they will be moving forward with the submittal of the Part 150 Document. Verbrugge stated the document will go to the Metropolitan Airports Commission Planning and Environment Committee in February, the entire Commission later in February, and then to the FAA for final review and approval. Verbrugge further stated our letter and comments would be included in the submittal of the Part 150 Document to the MAC Planning and Environment Committee. Verbrugge stated the average cost of sound insulating increased approximately $10,000 per home this year basically due to larger homes and homes of historical nature. Staricha commented that homes within the 65 DNL under the prior footprint will proceed forward with sound insulation, but there could be potential for delay on new homes being added to the program. Verbrugge stated the 1996 DNL 65 homes are projected to be completed in the year 2002. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 9, 2001/2 SOUND INSULATION PROGRAM Verbrugge stated John Nelson is the new Sound Insulation Program Manager at MAC. He further stated they are projecting 740 homes to receive sound insulation this year, leaving approximately 340 homes to be completed next year under the 65 DNL 1996 schedule. Verbrugge stated that homeowner satisfaction showed very favorable responses. Gladhill questioned if they have ever approached giving homeowners a choice of insulation modifications with a cap of a specific dollar amount. Verbrugge stated he does not think that type of menu has been approached, but stated it may come up as a discussion item in the future with MAC. Zoberi stated that new technology may increase efficiency and also cost. 2001 WORK PLAN Commission members discussed issues for the 2001 Work Plan. 1.) Communications Program — Cable Television 2.) Contract 3.) Form a collaborative group with adjacent cities having common issues 4.) One working session with the City Council each year Thorkildson commented on issues discussed at the Twin Cities Airport Task Force throughout the year. Zoberi discussed Northwest Airlines purchasing additional fleet and retiring aircraft. Gladhill stated the possibility of Northwest Airlines not using MSP as a hub if they were to merge and questioned if the new runway would be needed. Verbrugge stated that once the Part 150 Document responses have been formulated, he will contact Commission members informally to receive feedback from ARC members so that the ARC can send comments prior to the next meeting. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Verbrugge discussed recent legislative issues regarding options for mitigation. He further stated that a special tax increment financing district for airport mitigation is not a likely option in our community. Verbrugge stated one proposal was to take sale tax generated at the airport since the expansion and create a mitigation pool from which each respective community would determine how the monies should be used. There was discussion among Commission members identifying efforts for mitigation funding. Staricha made a motion that the Eagan Airport Relations Commission make recommendation to the City Council in support of legislation efforts beyond the Part 150 Document. All members voted in favor. Airport Relations Commission Minutes January 9, 2001/3 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Thorkildson the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY