12/12/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, December 12, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Hassan Saffouri, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson and Nadim Zoberi. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Zoberi, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Soderling made a motion to approve the minutes; Gladhill seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD City Councilmember Masin was present and gave a brief report on her recent trip to Boston for the NLC NOISE conference. She further stated next year's conference will be held in Portland, Oregon. Joe Kinard of 4158 Blueberry Circle was present and stated that today he had met with Commissioners from Dakota County. He distributed 2 pages of comments he prepared regarding the Public Hearings put on by the Metropolitan Airports Commission November 8 & 9 on the Draft Part 150 Document. Mr. Kinard suggested the City band together with its neighboring communities to determine the use of Runway 17/35. He further stated the need to have RMT's placed at Eagan City Hall to have current baseline information prior to the new runway becoming operational. Mr. Kinard further gave alternative scenarios for the use of Runway 17/35. Gladhill stated if the City pursued legal action against the MAC, the publicity and notoriety the action would receive could work in a positive direction for the City. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Verbrugge stated there are three Commission appointments and one alternate position available. He stated the three Commission members who are up for re- appointment are Saffouri, Staricha and Zoberi. Verbrugge stated the application is available on the City's web site at www.cityofeagan.com or call City Hall at 651- 681 -4613 to request an application. He further stated the applications are due back at City Hall by December 22, 2000. MASAC UPDATE Verbrugge gave background on the mass resignation by Northwest Airlines and nine other airport users from MASAC in late October. He also stated that due to the lack of quorum at the November MASAC meeting, no official business was conducted. Verbrugge further stated that MAC Airport Relations Commission Minutes December 12, 2000/2 Executive Director Jeff Hamiel was present at the November MASAC meeting and discussed the situation and expressed his desire to coordinate a Blue Ribbon Panel in an effort to resolve the situation. Verbrugge stated MASAC Chair Charles Mertensotto has appointed Minneapolis City Councilmember Barret Lane, Mendota Heights MASAC Representative Jill Smith and Eagan Assistant City Administrator Jamie Verbrugge to represent the community interest on the MASAC Blue Ribbon Panel. He further stated that he did not know who the industry representatives would be at this time. There was discussion among Commission members regarding whether the airport carriers had legitimate merit in leaving MASAC and whether there is substance to their grievances. There was further discussion as to who benefits from MASAC. Verbrugge then gave a brief background on the formation of MASAC, further stating MASAC's purpose is to function as a technical advisory committee to MAC and was created by MAC. Thorkildson stated the need for industry representatives to make MASAC a credible organization. Saffouri questioned the ARC withdrawing its support of the Part 150 Update. Commission members discussed which would benefit Eagan more, support of the Part 150 document but opposing certain specific items within the document or non - support of the document, and would the end result be the same. Verbrugge stated he would look into this issue further and report back to the Commission at the January meeting. Gladhill also stated he would like the City Council to answer the question proposed earlier regarding the City of Eagan taking legal action. PART 150 UPDATE Verbrugge gave a brief background on items submitted by the City of Eagan to the Metropolitan Airports Commission regarding 14 CFR Part 150 Update for the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport. Verbrugge stated two issues that have not been addressed at this time are inequitable redistribution and phased -in use of 17/35. Gladhill made a motion to extend the meeting beyond 8:30 p.m. to complete business, Zoberi seconded. All members voted in favor. AIRPORT COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Verbrugge stated the Eagan Airport Communications Program has been put on hold pending the resolve of certain issues, but presented a 14 minute video borrowed from the City of Richfield on the Richfield community and airport noise. The video gave background on the City of Richfield along with expansion of the airport. The video showed Richfield progressing from a small town and the results of the progression on the community, the airport and the quality of lives. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Soderling the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY