10/30/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 30, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Monday, October 30, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Hassan Saffouri, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha and Nadim Zoberi. Absent was Charles Thorkildson. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Soderling, seconded by Zoberi, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Staricha made a motion to approve the minutes; Saffouri seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Joe Kinard of 4158 Blueberry Circle was present and stated he questioned RMT readings included in the Part 150 document and why none were done during warm months. He also asked how much noise is at his house, the Inver Grove Heights border and at the Koch Refinery. Mr. Kinard stated 37 percent of all departures will be on Runway 17/35 and questioned why traffic was directed away from Minneapolis. He said he has gone through this living in Charlotte, NC and Denver, CO and suggested the City get professional help. Verbrugge stated that RMT readings were not done during the summer months because of runway construction and those readings would not have been under normal operations. Gladhill stated Mr. Kinard's concerns mirrors our concerns and further stated that the City of Eagan has worked very hard in addressing its concerns to the MAC. Soderling stated that when talks about relocating the airport were discussed, legislators and City Council wanted the airport where it is. He asked where the residents were at that time and, further, stated that it could have been moved. Gladhill stated that the ARC has explored other options even with our City Attorney. He further stated that we have been effective on some issues and have been shot down on others. Verbrugge talked about Orange County/New Port Beach, California and discussed several different scenarios involving noise reduction alternatives, including the Denver Airport. Curtis Abets of 4730 Westminster Circle came forward and stated he bought a home in Eagan thinking that the flight patterns would parallel the Cedar Avenue Corridor. He further stated that it is proposed to fan over residential areas. He further questioned why 37 percent of all departures will be over Eagan. Soderling stated that, unfortunately, once the new runway is operational, it will be used to its full capacity. He further stated that Eagan seems to be the only community that believes in concentrating Airport Relations Commission Minutes October 30, 2000/2 noise. Soderling also stated that even when we talked about concentrating flight paths over Eagan, they still said no. Gladhill spoke on federal guidelines and hushkits. Verbrugge explained volunteer night- time restrictions and how the Part 161 Study fits in. Mr. Aljets asked what a community would need to do to ensure MAC to listen to Eagan residents. Soderling stated residents should send correspondence to City Councilmembers, state legislators and congressional delegation. Staricha stated that the MAC Part 150 Public Hearings are November 8 and 9 at the Thunderbird Hotel. He also gave out the MAC complaint line (612- 726 - 9411). RIVER VISUAL APPROACH PROCEDURE Verbrugge gave background on the River Visual Approach Procedure and stated this was included in the Part 150 Document. He further stated the approach path follows the Cedar Avenue, which is a straight -in approach. He stated, for normal arrival banks on the new runway, aircraft will line up eight to ten miles out. Verbrugge stated the River Visual Approach Procedure is modeled over the Minnesota River Valley, similar to an approach procedure that is used at Washington National Airport along the Potomac River, and this would allow controllers to avoid heavy residential areas. In order to fully implement this, Verbrugge stated it would require a complete airspace study, which could take the FAA and MAC 2 to 3 years to complete the review. Verbrugge displayed a contour map showing contours that have shrunk because of full implementation of the River Visual Approach Procedure and, further, stated we would strongly advocate this approach. PART 150 DOCUMENT REVIEW Verbrugge gave a brief background on the Part 150 document and stated the MAC has released its Draft Part 150 Document for public review. He stated that in 1996 the Minnesota State Legislature made the decision to end the Dual Track Airport Planning Process and keep the airport at its present location, expanding it by adding significant infrastructure both in the terminal and in the runways and perform a Part 150 Update. He also discussed the high points of the Part 150 scoping comments; 1.) Eagan recommended implementation of the Cedar Avenue Corridor, 2.) recommended ANOMS towers being in place prior to new runway being operational, and 3.) request that MAC consider a new noise differential when evaluating the impact of the new runway. He further stated two recommendations that were not successful were ; 1.) flight tracks off the new runway /Cedar Avenue Corridor, and 2.) low demand flight tracks. Verbrugge stated what we hope to accomplish from the document is to identify areas that may be unfairly documented or to see if there is still something unaddressed. He further discussed ANIONS towers, stating there are noise monitors in 24 locations, with 4 monitors located in Eagan. He further stated Jurdy Lane as being the newest RMT. Verbrugge showed a diagram of the RMT locations and explained the numbers and how they were arrived at; also showing the baseline contour from 1999. He also showed a diagram of flight tracks from Runways 12R and 17/35. He further discussed corridors, areas where fanning is not allowed and how land use has been designated commercial and industrial. Verbrugge further displayed a table showing the average daily flight operations along with fleet mixes and what you can expect to see on a daily basis. Airport Relations Commission Minutes October 30, 2000/3 Verbrugge discussed the federally funded residential sound insulating program. He further stated that homes which are eligible through the program now may not receive insulation because the contour may shrink because of quieter aircraft before their homes are completed. Soderling stated that we need to have the City Council make a strong statement about the unfairness of the flight tracks in general and why Eagan will get 64 percent. Verbrugge and Commission members discussed Low Demand Flight Tracks, the River Visual Approach Procedure, "Crossing of the Corridor" during low demand periods, placement of ANOMS towers in west and southwest Eagan and a technical correction to have Faithful Shepherd School identified. Soderling made a motion that the City should; 1.) strongly encourage the FAA and MAC to immediately conduct a complete airspace study for the area around MSP for the express purpose of implementing a Visual River Approach Procedure on Runway 35, 2.) reiterate its position regarding Low Demand Flight Tracks on Runway 17/35 and emphasize that little consideration has been given to the official position of the community that will be impacted by the various options, 3.) advocate the priority use of Runway 12R when the "Crossing in the Corridor" procedure is utilized, and 4.) encourage MAC to be unfailing in their commitment to have ANOMS receptors in place and collecting data in newly impacted areas of Eagan at least one year before Runway 17/35 is operational; Staricha seconded. All members voted in favor. Soderling made a motion that the City should strongly comment on the inequity of redistributing operations on to the new runway so that roughly 64 percent of all flights at MSP in 2005 will at some point impact the Eagan community, Staricha seconded. All members voted in favor. Saffouri commented that MAC could hold off on using the new runway to full capacity until it was needed and that would alleviate additional impacts and reduce the 60 DNL for a period of time. There was further discussion regarding the number of operations, runway capacity and aircraft delay. Staricha stated that there are more people impacted by the mitigated contour than the non- mitigated contour. He further commented on MAC adjusting its contours to avoid insulating homes, but in the meantime numerous additional homes are being impacted with increased DNL levels. There was further discussion among Commission members in reference to MAC adjusting the contours. Gladhill made a motion to direct the City Attorney to evaluate whether MAC has met the 1996 statutory mandate to negotiate a contract with affected communities, and to possibly pursue legal action for the purpose of using such a contract to achieve City positions not previously considered by MAC, Soderling seconded. All members voted in favor. Staricha made a motion that the ARC strongly endorses sending a letter from the City to our Congressional delegation encouraging them to support legislation similar to the Aviation Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 that would sunset the use of Stage 3- modified hush -kitted aircraft, Zoberi seconded. All members voted in favor. Drenckhahn suggested asking for Stage 4 aircraft by the year 2010 rather than eliminating the hush -kits. Staricha stated he would like to see Eagan take a stand on eliminating hush -kits. Airport Relations Commission Minutes October 30, 2000/4 Soderling made a motion to amend Staricha's motion with the addition of a time limit of the year 2005 to phase -out the Stage 3- modified hush -kitted aircraft, Gladhill seconded. All members voted in favor of the amended motion. Verbrugge recognized and introduced Kelly Hill from Congressman Luther's office who has been in the audience throughout tonight's meeting. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN Verbrugge gave a brief background on the Comprehensive Guide Plan stating we have received some comment back from the Metropolitan Council relative to the City's aviation policies. MASAC UPDATE Verbrugge stated Staricha's minutes of the MASAC meeting held in September are enclosed in the packet. Staricha stated they also met on October and that the Technical Advisors Report is up for revision, and if any one has any ideas that will give citizens a picture of what is going on, please forward these ideas, graphics or charts to him or Jamie Verbrugge. FUTURE MEETINGS Verbrugge stated the MAC Part 150 Public Hearings are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, November 8 and 9, at 7:00 — 9:00 p.m. at the Thunderbird Hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota. Verbrugge stated he would do a press release advertising these meetings and also have Channel 16 notice these meetings. Verbrugge gave out MAC's web site, www.macaysat.org, and the City's web site, www.cityofeagan.com for further information. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Soderling the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m. mls DATE SECRETARY