1012 Diffley Rd - Dept of Health letter - Dunn Bros.January 12, 2012 Bryan Hayes 4101 Nicols Road, Suite 100 Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear Bryan Hayes: M I N N E S O T A MDH DEPARTMENToF HEALTH RECE 1AN 177011 Protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans Subject: Dunn Bros. Coffee, 1012 Diffley Road, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, Project No. 120200 Thank you for submitting Rem Food to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) for review and approval. MDH has received and reviewed the plans and specifications covering the Dunn Bros. Coffee project. At this time MDH can not approve the plans as submitted for the following reason(s): 1. There are no food preparation tables or counters in the establishment to support the menu change. 2. There is no food preparation sink for washing produce. 3. The handsink is not easily accessible to new food preparation area. 4 ., e r .. • . MDH will reconsider your plan if you provide the necessary information for the above mentioned items. If you have any questions, please contact me at 651- 201 -5634 or pam.steinbach@state.mn.us Sincerely, 44014.14v ikei4pdaelL- S' Pam Steinbach, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor 625 North Robert Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 pam.steinbach@state.mn.us PRS:sp Enclosures CC: Rothweiler Group, LLC Peggy Spadafore, Minnesota Department of Health Steven Diaz, Minnesota Department of Health Dale Schoeppner, Building Offical Sishir Chang General Information: 651- 201 -5000 • Toll-free: 888-345-0823 • TTY: 651-201-5797 • www.health.state.mn.us An equal opportunity employer MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Health REPORT ON PLANS Plans and specifications on Rem Food: Dunn Bros. Coffee, Project No. 120200 Location: 1012 Diffley Road, Eagan, MN 55123, Dakota County Date Approved: not approval at this time Date Received: November 23, 2011 Submitted by: Rothweiler Group, LLC, 303 Ridgewood Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55403, (612) 871 -6943 Ownership: Bryan Hayes, 4101 Nicols Road, Suite 100, Eagan, MN 55122, (612) 366 -3885 Scope of Project: This is a remodel of an existing small establishment (license #2277). They are upgrading the menu to include sandwiches and salads. This facility was remodeled prior to plan review approval and is in violation of the Minnesota Food Code. This is a report on the plans submitted and is not an approval of the remodel. The following items need to be corrected prior to an approval to be given. In addition, an additional plan review fee of $50.00 is due. No food is permitted in the establishment until approval from the Health Authority is given. 1. Equipment Standards — General Requirements: Food and beverage equipment shall meet the applicable standards for one of the following: • National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). • Edison Testing Laboratories (ETL) to NSF Standards. • Underwriters Laboratory (UL) to NSF standards. • Canadian Standards Association (CSA) to NSF Standards. Wood is prohibited within a foodservice area. Wood doors or frames, wood shelving, wood cabinets and wood windows are not allowed. The wood cap on the half wall does not meet Department standards and needs to be covered with a plastic laminate, solid surface or similar material. 2. Food Service Equipment: Table- mounted equipment that is not easily movable shall be sealed to the table or elevated on four (4) inch NSF legs. The meat slicer and table top oven need to be easily movable. 3. Food contact surfaces — General Requirements: Primary food contact surfaces (tables and counters) shall be of stainless steel construction in compliance with NSF Standard No. 2 or equivalent. There are no food preparation counters or tables in the establishment. In order to support the intended menu, tables or counters need to be provided. 4. Non -Food Contact Surfaces, Cabinetry (including salad bar and buffet tables): Non -food contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage or frequent cleaning shall be constructed of a corrosion- resistant, nonabsorbent and smooth material. The counter the meat slicer is on must be made of materials that meet the above requirements. Also, the sneeze guard separating the refrigerated prep table and customers must be at least 60 inches high. Dunn Bros. Coffee Rem Food 120200 Page 2 Not Approved 5. Refrigeration — General Requirements: All refrigeration and freezers must meet NSF Standard 7 or equivalent. The project includes the addition of an undercounter True freezer, Master -Bilt sandwich /salad prep unit and Beverage -Air undercounter cooler. 6. Ventilation System: Provide an NSF approved ventilation hood over cooking equipment. The Turbo 0 Chef oven requires a hood. This oven is 5.0 KW only ovens less than 3.7 KW are permitted without exhaust ventilation. In addition, raw chicken may not be cooked in this oven without proper ventilation. All ventilation systems, furnaces and water heaters shall be designed, installed and operated according to chapter 1346 of the Minnesota Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes, chapter 1305 of the International Building Code and chapter 7510 of the State Fire Code. Contact the building official regarding ventilation requirements for the oven. All rooms shall have sufficient tempered make -up air and exhaust ventilation to keep them free of excessive steam, condensation, vapors, obnoxious or disagreeable odors, smoke and fumes. All open sides of a canopy hood shall overhang equipment by at least six (6) inches. Ventilation hoods shall provide at 50 foot - candles of light at the working surfaces. 7. Food Preparation Sink: Provide a separate food preparation sink that meets NSF International or equivalent standards for washing produce or thawing foods. The three compartment sink may not be used for food preparation. A separate food prep sink needs to be provided if produce is to be washed on site. A dual basin food preparation sink to prevent cross contamination between produce preparation and raw meat, seafood or poultry preparation or thawing has been provided. The three compartment sink may not be used for thawing frozen raw chicken. A dual prep sink is recommended. 8. Hand Sinks: Provide an NSF International or equivalent hand sink in the following areas: There is no handsink in the sandwich /salad area. The handsink located at the other end of the service area is not accessible due to the high volume of business that is done at this end of the store and this sink is being used to store the wiping cloth bucket. 9. Walls — General Requirements: Wall surfaces in splash zones or high moisture areas such as warewashing, food preparation sinks, handsinks and janitorial sink areas shall be finished with smooth, light colored, durable, non- absorbent materials. Dunn Bros. Coffee Rem Food 120200 Page 3 Not Approved Approved materials include: a. A fiberglass re- enforced panel (FRP), or b. Ceramic tile that is smooth and cleanable. c. Stainless steel or equivalent materials. The wall behind the oven calls for stainless steel to be installed. Insulated stainless steel or equivalent shall be installed behind cook's line. May be required (See Appendix #1 below) EMLUST HOOD WALL DETAIL Dunn Bros. Coffee Rem Food 120200 Page 4 Not Approved 10. Floors — General Requirements: Floors in kitchens, bars, other rooms where food is stored, prepared or washed, employee dressing or locker rooms, toilet rooms and janitorial rooms shall be smooth, non - absorbent, durable and easily cleanable. The flooring proposed is tile to match existing floor. A four inch integral base cove shall be installed at the floor /wall junctions. Base cove needs to be properly installed. Appendix #2 - Caved Base 11 Ceilings — General Requirements: Ceilings in kitchens, bars and bar service areas, other rooms where food is stored, prepared, or washed, toilet rooms and janitorial rooms shall be smooth, non - absorbent, durable and easy to clean. Acceptable materials include: a. Vinyl coated acoustic ceiling panels; b. Semi -gloss painted gypsum board (washable); c. Non - absorbent; d. Smooth in texture; and e. No exposed rafters bar joists or trusses are permitted. Ceiling finish must be one of the above. Dunn Bros. Coffee Rem Food 120200 Page 5 Not Approved 12. Plumbing — General Requirements: All plumbing plans shall be approved by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) or delegated agent. For information on submittal contact Department of Labor and Industry at 651- 284 -5067 or visit their website at http: / /www.dli.mn.gov /CCLD/Plumbing.asp. If plumbing is to be installed, contact the local building official for requirements. Sincerely, Pam Steinbach, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor 625 North Robert Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 pam.steinbach@state.mn.us