09/11/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Monday, September 11, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Hassan Saffouri, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson and Nadim Zoberi. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Zoberi, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Gladhill made a motion to approve the minutes; Zoberi seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. AIRPORT CABLE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Verbrugge presented a revised draft outline of "The Airport and You ", a public service educational program being produced by the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. He stated the draft outline of the program is divided into six sections. Verbrugge stated that Section I. "Eagan Airport Relations Commission" would give a brief introduction of what the Commission does and suggested that Mayor Awada and Chair Gladhill discuss the importance of recommendations made by the ARC and a range of airport issues. It was suggested by Commission members to remind viewers of the group of advocates working for the residents of Eagan and to further let them know this is an on -going function of City of Eagan staff and Commission members. It was also suggested during this segment to note organizations and groups which ARC members have participated in such as; MASAC, Cedarvale redevelopment, Comprehensive Guide Plan, etc. Section 11. "Eagan and MSP" would provide a historical perspective between Eagan and the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport and a technical understanding of the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. Key people to speak could be Eagan's City Administrator Tom Hedges discussing the growth of Eagan, former Mayor Tom Egan who served as President of N.O.I. S.E., and MAC Executive Director Jeff Hamiel. Verbrugge suggested showing graphics of the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor, zoning maps and also footage of airport construction and a MASAC meeting. Gladhill suggested including information on the on -going membership /relationship the City has with N.O.I.S.E. and, further, suggested showing a comparison between the growth at the airport and growth in the City of Eagan. Soderling asked if we should use this message to talk about the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. Verbrugge stated we could show how Eagan has worked with the corridor for noise sensitive uses to protect residents Gladhill stated it should be addressed that there are opponents to the corridor and also stated we need to take into consideration issues like Northwest Airlines being headquartered in Eagan and how sometimes that conflicts with recommendations. Staricha stated he especially liked the Airport Relations Commission Minutes September 11, 2000/2 item on how the expanded Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport will change the noise environment of Eagan. Thorkildson suggested talking about the different types of aircraft and the work MASAC has done. Section III. "Noise and Noise Mitigation" would help to increase citizen understanding of how noise is measured and explain programs that are in place to reduce noise. Verbrugge stated a key person to speak on this section would be Chad Legve, MAC ANOMS Coordinator, who could talk on the various towers and how they are used. Mr. Legve has been instrumental in implementing the sound insulation program. Soderling stated we could show an aircraft flying over an ANOMS tower. Gladhill suggested having a lay- person explain how DNL differs from a single noise event. Commission members discussed issues the ARC has been instrumental in changing such as the sound insulating to the 60 DNL and also additional ANOMS monitors. Staricha stated the program should play up the evaluation and what can be done, while playing down the sound insulation program because it will only affect a small number of residents. Section IV. "FAR Part 150 Study Upgrade" will help explain the Part 150 Program and increase citizen understanding of future operations. Verbrugge stated that Roy Fuhrmann would be key person to speak and also John Nelson from the City of Bloomington. Verbrugge stated showing a graphic of the existing baseline noise exposure map during this segment. It was suggested by Commission members to let residents know what the recommendations of the Airport Relations Commission are and what the City of Eagan has advocated. Verbrugge stated two goals of the program are 1.) to send a message that we as a Commission are working cooperatively with MAC and other communities; and 2.) that some of the issues don't seen to be in our favor right now, but this Commission is dedicated to working for the Eagan residents. He further stated it is his intent to send a positive message to the public viewers. Verbrugge stated the MAC Public Hearings on the Part 150 document will be November 8 and 9. Section V. "How Will Noise Affect Me ?" will be on a personal nature. Verbrugge stated the program could give a resident's perspective and talk about how the annoyance varies by individual. Commission members also suggested using audio to illustrate a single noise event and also show graphics of ANOMS locations, flight track maps and noise exposure maps. Section VI. "The Future of Airport Noise." Verbrugge stated this section would discuss future innovations and regulations. He suggested this section would discuss hushkitting vs. manufactured aircraft, the difference and the shrinking of the contour. Verbrugge also gave the web site address www.anoms.ay.org as a way to access information on ANOMS towers and locations. Commission members discussed getting Congressman Oberstar to appear and speak and also to have additional legislature do the same. Saffouri asked Verbrugge as to how long he felt this would be an active project. Verbrugge stated the project would probably run one to two years. He further stated this program could be shown to schools, Rotary and Chamber meetings. PART 150 UPDATE Verbrugge showed a Power Point presentation regarding the final recommendations to be included in the Part 150 document: • Runway 17 flight tracks • Contour boundary definition • Sound insulation priorities Airport Relations Commission Minutes September 11, 2000/3 • Part 150 document schedule ➢ Draft document mailed to MASAC Operations Committee September 20 ➢ MASAC Operations Committee briefing on September 22 ➢ MASAC Part 150 comment meeting September 29 ➢ Draft document published October 6 ➢ Comment period for document closing November 15 MASAC UPDATE Staricha stated the minutes of the most recent MASAC meeting held on Tuesday, August 22, are enclosed in the packet and further stated these minutes are his opinion of that meeting. He also stated the motion failed on the Low Demand Flight Tracks for Runway 17 -35. TWIN CITIES AIRPORT TASK FORCE Thorkildson gave a brief summary of the most recent TCATF meeting and discussed reliever airports and the Part 161, stating the Part 161 is a more strict variation of the Part 150 Program. INFORMATIVE Verbrugge stated there was no news on the medical condition of the MAC Chairman Charles Nichols. Verbrugge gave a brief overview of Metropolitan Airports Commission Preliminary 2001 -2007 Capital Improvement Program. He also stated www.macaysat.org is the MAC's web site address and discussed information to be found at that site. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Soderling, seconded by Thorkildson the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY