07/31/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JULY 31, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Monday, July 31, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Ted Gladhill, Hassan Saffouri, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha and Charles Thorkildson. Absent were Eric Drenckhahn and Nadim Zoberi. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Thorkildson, seconded by Saffouri, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Soderling made a motion to approve the minutes; Staricha seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. N.O.I.S.E. CONFERENCE UPDATE Verbrugge introduced Mayor Awada who was present to give a brief recap of the N.O.I.S.E. Conference she and City Councilmember Carlson recently attended in Louisville, Kentucky. She stated Eagan has been a member of the N.O.I.S.E. organization for well over a decade. She further stated their goal has been to do whatever they can to limit the impact of aircraft noise. She stated the organization has had an excellent working relationship with the FAA. Mayor Awada stated there were speakers from NASA and the FAA at the conference. She stated that approximately one -third of the conference was spent on the Stage 4 aircraft and when implementation will take place. She also stated there are some airports in Europe that are not allowing hushkitted aircraft. Soderling inquired if the Stage 4 aircraft would be implemented within the next decade. Mayor Awada stated she felt we would see implementation within the decade. NORTH -SOUTH RUNWAY FLIGHT TRACKS Verbrugge introduced Chad Leqve from the Metropolitan Aircraft Commission, who was present to give a technical perspective of the shift of Flight Track A, and Joe Harris, Noise Specialist. Leqve stated the July -00 Preliminary Mitigated Contour and Flight Tracks w/ 2.2nm Turn Point graphic shows Flight Track A being shifted to the north, between Lone Oak Road and Yankee Doodle Road. He stated what this represents is not a proposed procedural change at the airport, but represents an enhancement to the model for the purpose of modeling the noise impacts. Leqve presented an overview outlining the Part 150 Update; 1.) Process, 2.) Goals, 3.) Proposed Noise Compatibility Program, and 4.) Part 150 Update schedule. He stated MASAC began work on the Airport Relations Commission Minutes July 31, 2000/2 Part 150 Update in February of 1999. He stated that within the Part 150 Process are noise abatement measures and land use measures. He stated the goals for the Part 150 Update are; 1.) effort to address future increase, 2.) provide noise insulation out to 60 DNL, 3.) provide comprehensive plan for noise abatement measures, and 4.) address low- frequency noise as related to future operation of airport. Leqve also presented in detail the Proposed Noise Compatibility Program; distant NADP off all runways, the Runway Use System, low -demand flight tracks, Runway 17 Flight Track to reduce noise, provision for on -going evaluation of GPS, voluntary agreements to reduce night -time hushkit operations, exploring differential landing fee schedule, and nine corrective land use measures. Leqve stated that the Part 150 Update draft document should be finalized in August and the Public Hearing is scheduled for early October of 2000. He stated the EIS record of decision is the criteria for evaluation of Runway 17 Tracks. Leqve and Commission members discussed the shift of noise from one community unto the next. Leqve stated the recommendation of the MASAC Operations Committee of May 12, 2000 was; to implement 105° fan, reduce population within the DNL 60 contour, avoid increase in over - flights in other communities, allow aircraft turn point to turn to westerly destination heading at higher altitudes and over less populated areas and eastbound turns immediately off runway ends. Leqve stated the total change from the unmitigated contour was the addition of 2,870 people to the 60 DNL contour. Commission members discussed the July -00 Preliminary Mitigated Contour and Flight Tracks, the flight track map being a three dimensional model, future aircraft and different scenarios of arrivals and departures off Runway 17 and the parallel runways. Verbrugge stated the number of operations coming off Flight Track A is 30 operations per day, Flight Track H — 15 operations per day, Flight Track I — 12 operations per day, and Flight Track B — 25 operations per day. Verbrugge stated one of the issues for consideration is the low -demand flight tracks. He stated MASAC's recommendation for low -demand flight tracks for Runway 17 are A, B, and D flight tracks. He stated the second issue is flight track dispersion and fanning. Verbrugge stated the ARC and City Council's recommendation is the 85° departure fan. Gladhill asked Leqve what mitigation efforts are being done for the City of Eagan. Leqve stated FAA needs headings to safely depart aircraft. He further stated there are a lot of variables, such as heading divergence, separation and fanning. Verbrugge stated that Runway 17 will create capacity enhancement and delay reduction of flights. Leqve stated the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor will still be used and is considered affective and valuable. Saffouri asked what the net Eagan residential affect for the new model Track A versus the old model Track A. Verbrugge stated the number of persons in the DNL 60 contour for the City of Eagan do not change with the shift of Track A. Soderling made a motion to extend the meeting beyond the agreed 8:30 p.m. By consent of the Commission members the meeting was extended. Soderling made a motion to revise the City's position on Low -Demand Flight Tracks to request Flight Tracks A, C and D be used, Gladhill seconded. All members voted in favor. There was discussion among Commission members regarding concentrated aircraft noise versus fanning; if there is a preference and who wins. Commission members also discussed how long an aircraft stays on a specific flight track and heading before being handed off to continue to their final destination. Airport Relations Commission Minutes July 31, 2000/3 FAA AVIATION NOISE ABATEMENT POLICY 2000 Verbrugge and Commission members discussed proposed comments to be submitted on goals and policies relative to the FAA Aviation Noise Abatement Policy 2000. It was stated that the FAA should commit to; encouraging Congressional action to sunset Stage III modified aircraft, encourage Congressional action to increase funding of joint FAA/NASA source noise research, aggressive implementation of NASA's research outcomes relative to environmental compatibility, implementing a date when all commercial aircraft must be equipped with flight management systems, adopt FICON criteria for predicting changes in community annoyance as an additional eligibility consideration for FAR Part 150 programs, and revising its criteria for approving the Part 161 programs. MASAC UPDATE Commissioner Staricha's summary of the July MASAC meeting was handed out. Staricha and Thorkildson attended the MASAC meeting. Verbrugge stated, that at the July 28 MASAC Operations Committee meeting, MASAC's recommendations for the Residential Sound Insulation Program are very similar to the ARC's recommendations with the exception of the priorities to multi - family housing. He stated they want to elevate multi- family to the same level as single - family. Leqve discussed single - family and multi- family Part 150 programs. He displayed a graphic showing a timeline of multi - family and single - family insulation. There was a discussion on the type of insulation for single - family homes in the 60 to 64 DNL; a.) insulation and no air conditioning, b.) just air conditioning and no new windows, and 3.) cash avigation easement payment. Gladhill made a motion to approve the MAC's Insulation Priority Schedule, but urge separate MAC funding for multi- family housing, Soderling seconded. Aye — 4, Nay — 1. STAFF REPORT Verbrugge announced the resignation of Commission member Alice Kreitz and further stated that Commission alternate Hassan Saffouri would fill her position. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Soderling the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY