06/13/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 13, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, June 13, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Steve Soderling, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson and Nadim Zoberi. Absent were Alice Kreitz and Hassan Saffouri, Alternate. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Drenckhahn, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Zoberi made a motion to approve the minutes; Thorkildson seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. PART 150 UPDATE Verbrugge gave an overview of the new North -South Runway which is projected to be operational in December of 2003. He presented an overhead showing flight tracks off the runway and further explained which flight tracks would affect the City of Eagan and its neighboring communities. Verbrugge stated the purpose of the flight tracks over Eagan is to disperse aircraft over as large an area as possible to minimize concentration of aircraft in any particular area. He also presented an overhead showing shaded areas, from dark to light, indicating fanning and over flights that would take place off each individual flight track. He stated the dark shading being an area more concentrated with aircraft than the lighter shaded area. Verbrugge stated the Airport Relations Commission along with the City Council recommended the 85 degree departure flight track fan to the MASAC Operations Committee. The City made a request to MASAC at the June 9 meeting to re- evalute our second choice recommendation regarding the 60 degree departure fan. Verbrugge stated that MASAC came back with a recommendation of a 105 degree hybrid fan. He presented an overhead showing the 105 degree hybrid fan with shaded areas indicating where over flights will occur. Verbrugge stated a copy of the 105 degree hybrid fan can be obtained by logging on to www.macaysat.org. Soderling stated he would like to see a map showing all flight tracks and runways and the affects over the City of Eagan. Verbrugge stated he had also asked to see a projected map with all runways and would try to obtain such a map by the next ARC meeting. Verbrugge presented an overhead showing a 2005 DNL contour map including the North -South Runway. Gladhill voiced his disappointment in MASAC's recommendation because of the amount of air traffic the new runway will bring over the entire City of Eagan. Staricha commented that certain areas of 60 DNL and over in Burnsville and Minneapolis are shown on the maps as being eliminated, with Eagan picking up areas under 60 DNL, so that insulation of homes can be avoided. Soderling stated concentration of aircraft is a better solution to noise than dispersion. Airport Relations Commission Minutes June 13, 2000/2 Verbrugge discussed several e-mail messages he received from residents after the two MAC public informational meetings which were held in Eagan on May 23rd and 25th. He stated the e-mails were in reference to a single noise event, contours, where they could go to gage noise projected for their neighborhoods and questions related to what it will be like once the new runway is operational. Verbrugge stated there are 575,000 annual operations projected for the North -South Runway in 2005. He also stated that 37 percent of all departures and 17 percent of all arrivals, which is approximately 300 departures and 133 arrivals per average day, will fly over the City of Eagan. Verbrugge stated that recommendations from the MASAC Operations Committee regarding departure profiles, flight track departure fan, Runway Use System, low demand priorities and all operational assumptions will be voted on at their regular meeting later this month. He further stated that land use measures LU1 -8 and LU14 are going forward. Soderling questioned what Eagan can do at this point. Verbrugge stated there are two things that can be done; 1.) least likely to benefit, legislative intervention, and 2.) most likely to benefit, continue to educate people. Gladhill asked if the ARC should continue to participate at MASAC. Verbrugge stated the ARC should continue their participation. He also stated that this runway is actually reducing the number of people from the most severely noise impacted area around the airport and adding a large number people to the less severely noise impacted area. Verbrugge stated that possibly once the new runway has been operational through several peak seasons, we could ask the FAA and MAC to take another look and re- evaluate the flight path situation. MASAC UPDATE Commissioner Staricha's summary of the May 23 MASAC meeting was included in the packet. No questions or comments were raised at the meeting. NORTH -SOUTH RUNWAY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Verbrugge stated the Eagan Community Cable Television Program, "Community Journal ", for the month of June, has a segment regarding the MAC public meetings and the North -South Runway issue. He also presented an overhead showing DNL contours of the new Part 150 Program. Verbrugge stated there is a very good article coming out in the Experience Eagan newsletter entitled "Airport Noise — Taking Off Over Eagan". He stated the article is their cover story and is being printed this week and should be delivered to residents in about 10 days. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Drenckhahn, seconded by Zoberi the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY