05/09/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 9, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Alice Kreitz, Lance Staricha, Charles Thorkildson, Nadim Zoberi and Hassan Saffouri, Alternate. Absent was Steve Soderling. Also present were Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Upon motion by Gladhill, seconded by Thorkildson, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Drenckhahn made a motion to approve the minutes; Zoberi seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. NORTH -SOUTH RUNWAY FLIGHT TRACK UPDATE Verbrugge gave a brief overview of the North -South Runway flight track update stating that on May 2, 2000 the Eagan City Council took the position that strongly supports concentrating departing aircraft on the two most westerly departure tracks in Eagan. The position supports the elimination of flight track A; the 95 degree heading that roughly parallels Wescott Road toward Inver Grove Heights. He further stated there are 575,000 annual operations projected for the North -South Runway in 2005. Verbrugge also stated that 37 percent of all departures and 17 percent of all arrivals will fly over the City of Eagan. He further stated that three departure flight tracks in the EIS impact southwest Eagan and those flight tracks are the 95 degree, 160 degree and 170 degree. Verbrugge presented to the Airport Relations Commission a presentation on the 17/35 Runway Flight Tracks, discussing each case scenario of fanning and the projected impact each flight track would have over the particular area of Eagan affected, stating favorable and unfavorable scenarios of each case. He stated that HNTB, technical consultants to the Airports Commission, recommended the 150 degree fan be implemented because it provided 1,000 fewer people in the noise exposure area and it also provided the greatest operational flexibility for the air traffic control tower because of the wide area of distribution. He also stated the 60 degree fan provides the greatest population impact benefit within the noise impact contour. The Bloomington City Council's position is to eliminate the 285 degree fan and replace it with a 245 degree fan, the river flight track, which is consistent with our position because the intent is to limit residential overflights. Burnsville favors the EIS distribution of 190 degrees and full utilization of the fan as modeled, and the City of Apple Valley to -date has not taken an official Council position. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 9, 2000/2 Verbrugge stated that MAC and HNTB have asked for direction from the communities regarding flight tracks. He stated that flight track A creates complete community flyover for the City of Eagan. He also stated the 85 degree and 60 degree fan will not increase the number of departures in the Cedar Avenue Corridor. The discussion conclusion at the May 2n City Council meeting was support for the 85 degree fan which is the recommendation of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission. Gladhill stated that no other city faces the dilemma of having every inch of the City impacted by airport noise. He also stated the need to concentrate certain flight tracks and wondered why more air traffic couldn't be moved to the Cedar Avenue Corridor. Drenckhahn agreed with comments by Gladhill and stated he would like to avoid additional air traffic over Eagan or at the least see a concentration of it. Verbrugge stated that Cindy Greene, FAA Tower Support Manager, informed them that the modeling and analysis of how this runway will operate indicates that 50 percent of the time aircraft will not be able to fly a heading any further east of 160 degrees because of requirements for separation. PART 150 LAND USE DISCUSSION Verbrugge gave a brief overview of the Federal Aviation Regulation Part 150 Program and stated the federal program prescribes procedures, standards and methodology governing the development and review of airport noise exposure maps and airport noise compatibility programs. He then gave a Power Point presentation entitled, "Existing MAC Part 150 Land Use Measures ", discussing land use measures 1 -8 which are described as follows: LU1) amend local land use plans to bring them into conformance with Met Council's noise compatibility guidelines; LU2) zone for compatible development; LU3) apply zoning performance standards; LU4) establish a public information program; LU5) revise building codes; LU6) acquire developed property in incompatible use; LU7) property purchase guarantee; and LU8) Part 150 Sound Insulation Program. Verbrugge stated there was a unanimous recommendation from MASAC on land use measures 1 -8. Verbrugge discussed land use measures 9 -14 described as follows: LU9) dedication of avigation easements; LU10) fair property disclosure policy; LU11) land banking; LU12) transfer of development rights; LU13) purchase and development rights; and LU14) creation of sound buffers/barriers. Verbrugge asked the Airport Relations Commission if they would like to make a recommendation to the City Council on land use measures 9 -14. The Commission discussed the benefits and negative aspects of including a disclosure referring to airport noise on impacted homeowners' mortgage titles and language used if a disclosure was required. There was further discussion by commissioners about types of compensation, guarantee purchase policy, who should be given the disclosure and who would benefit; the existing homeowner or potential owner, if a disclosure should be limited to residential new construction and/or existing homes /commercial, and who is responsible for educating. Drenckhahn stated he is concerned about airport noise, but recommends protection for existing homeowners from potential loss in property value when selling their home. Staricha suggested keeping compensation on the table and the possibility of having the airport purchase avigation easements from property owners. Gladhill stated he would recommend a modified version of disclosing airport noise to residents buying new construction only. Verbrugge stated the area for disclosure would be 60 DNL and higher. Commission members expressed support for land use measures 9 -13 and recommended LU9 -13 be forwarded to the City Councilmembers. Verbrugge stated he will present this information to the City Council on Tuesday, May 16. Airport Relations Commission Minutes May 9, 2000/3 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Verbrugge gave a very brief legislative update stating the Tax Conference Committee did not include airport language in the bill. MASAC UPDATE Commissioner Thorkildson attended the April 25, 2000 MASAC meeting and stated his summary of that meeting was included in the packet. TWIN CITIES AIRPORTS TASK FORCE Commissioner Thorkildson attended the April meeting of the Twin Cities Airports Task Force and included a summary of that meeting in the packet. Verbrugge gave a very brief overview of the Twin Cities Airports Task Force forum on Airline Competition and Global Alliances which was held on Monday, May 8. MAC PUBLIC MEETINGS Verbrugge stated the Metropolitan Airports Commission will hold two public meetings, May 23 and 25 in the Eagan community. The first MAC public meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 23, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Community Room on the second floor of the Eagan City Hall. The meeting on Thursday, May 25, will be held at the Royal Cliff Conference Center from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Verbrugge stated theses public meetings will include noise exposure maps and an explanation on how noise is measured. He further stated that residents with questions can call him directly or e-mail him with questions. He also stated residents can file a noise complaint on line through the MAC web site and also receive realtor and flight track information. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Drenckhahn, seconded by Gladhill the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. mis DATE SECRETARY