02/08/2000 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 2000 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, February 8, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Eric Drenckhahn, Ted Gladhill, Alice Kreitz, Steve Soderling, Charles Thorkildson, Nadim Zoberi and Hassan Saffouri, Alternate. Absent was Lance Staricha. Also present was Jamie Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator and Mary Swenson, Recording Secretary. AGENDA Verbrugge stated he would like to make an addition to the agenda under Staff Report, adding item D. Legislative Update; and under B. MASAC Update of the Staff Report, adding a Part 2, Appointment to Twin Cities Airports Task Force. Upon motion by Thorkildson, seconded by Drenckhahn, the agenda was approved as presented. All members voted in favor. MINUTES Drenckhahn made a motion to approve the minutes; Soderling seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Verbrugge stated the role, duties and term of the Chair and Vice Chair positions. He then opened the floor for nominations to elect a Chair. Soderling made a motion to nominate Gladhill as Chair, Zoberi seconded the motion. Nominations were then closed. All members voted in favor. Gladhill opened the floor for nominations to elect a Vice Chair. Gladhill made a motion nominating Soderling as Vice Chair, Zoberi seconded. Nominations were then closed. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. NORTH -SOUTH RUNWAY COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Verbrugge passed out the latest draft of the North -South Runway Communications Plan to members of the Commission. He stated the original layout for section V. suggested that we also have an interview with MAC Deputy Executive Director, Nigel Finney, to further explain the planning process of the North -South Runway and how MAC is considering mitigating the potential impacts. Verbrugge told Commission members to jot down any suggestions or changes prior to the next meeting so these suggestions could be discussed at the March meeting. NEW COMMISSIONER ORIENTATION New and existing members of the Commission introduced themselves. Alice Kreitz was appointed to a one -year term. Hassan Saffouri was appointed to a one -year alternate position. Eric Airport Relations Commission Minutes February 8, 2000/2 Drenckhahn and Ted Gladhill were re- appointed to serve three -year terms. The Oath of Office was administered to the re- appointed and new commission members. Verbrugge passed out a new member orientation document to all members. The first part of the packet contains background information on the Commission along with members' and staff's duties and responsibilities /authority, glossary of terms, and a land use and noise contour map for 2005. Verbrugge gave background information on the airport stating that the 1996 Minnesota legislature mandated that the Metropolitan Airports Commission expand the existing airport rather than relocate to a new airport and also included the 60 DNL as the line in which noise mitigation in the form of sound insulation be performed. Verbrugge also discussed commercial and residential development and compatible land uses in the City of Eagan and stated that because of existing noise patterns, the northern one -third of Eagan was designated for commercial /industrial purposes and the southern two- thirds for residential growth. Verbrugge discussed Airports and Aviation, a section out of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Draft, FAA Integrated Noise Model, December 1999 MSP Carrier Jet Fleet Composition and Stage 2 and 3 fleet criteria. He further stated the final pages of the new member orientation packet contain illustrations of various aircraft. GOVERNOR'S AIRPORT FUNDING TASK FORCE Verbrugge stated the final report for the Governor's Airport Funding Task Force has been completed and submitted to the Minnesota State Legislature. He gave an overview of the Executive Summary from the final report highlighting the conclusions and recommendations. He further stated that the Task Force recommends that the Minnesota Legislature, in cooperation with the MAC, FAA, the airline industry and surrounding communities, appropriate funds to conduct noise related mitigation activities. Verbrugge also stated that it was recommended that the MAC continue with the existing noise mitigation efforts including the Part 150 Update, the Minnesota State Legislature give mitigation plans priority to state programs, and the Minnesota State Legislature make money available to school districts that have a temporary decrease in students during mitigation activities. Verbrugge further discussed types of funding sources, programs and projected dollar amounts these sources could generate. Verbrugge stated that it was unlikely we would see significant movement on these issues during the 2000 legislature. He further stated the Governor's office is focused on the Bonding Bill. Gladhill commented on an Executive Summary finding stating that without a timeframe, the decision by the Minnesota Legislature to expand rather than relocate MSP will save taxpayers approximately $2 billion, is meaningless. He further commented on forcing a local property tax levy on local communities, stating this would be paid by people most impacted by the expansion and noise. Verbrugge stated the MAC does have the authority to levy a property tax in the seven county metro area. He further stated they have no desire to do so because of political unpopularity. MASAC UPDATE Verbrugge stated that attached is Commissioner Staricha's summary of the January MASAC meeting. Verbrugge discussed the 2000 MASAC goals and objectives calendar stating the timeline for the entire year for MASAC and the Operations Committee. He further stated the majority of the first Airport Relations Commission Minutes February 8, 2000/3 half of the year will be spent on the Part 150 Update. Verbrugge stated he suspects the Part 150 Plan will be submitted to the FAA approximately September /October. He also stated other issues of importance will be runway use and fleet mix. Soderling asked what would be discussed during the Operations Committee meeting on the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor Recommendations. Verbrugge stated that Mendota Heights and Inver Grove Heights still have outstanding concerns regarding the use of the corridor. He also stated Eagan has proposed some runway use alternatives for the North -South Runway that will affect the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. Saffouri asked how the 38 members of MASAC are chosen. Verbrugge stated that the MASAC membership under went revision a couple of years ago to be more representative of the impacted communities. He further stated the City of Minneapolis has 5 to 6 representatives, St. Paul 2, Bloomington 3 to 4, Richfield 2, Eagan 2, Mendota Heights 2, Inver Grove Heights 1, St. Louis Park 1, and the airport users also have representation. There are equal numbers of users and community member representatives. Kreitz asked if homes, schools or businesses in the City of Eagan have been insulated as part of the Part 150 Program. Verbrugge stated that since 1992, 180 homes had been insulated for sound including the McKee neighborhood and homes on the northern part of Pilot Knob Road. Verbrugge also stated there is still an outstanding issue with the Valley View Plateau. He further stated that businesses are not eligible for the program. The Eagan City Council re- appointed Verbrugge to serve as one of the MASAC representatives. Verbrugge stated that Staricha has served the last couple of years as a MASAC representative and would be interested and willing to continue in that capacity. Zoberi made a motion to elect Staricha as the second MASAC representative, Soderling seconded. All members voted in favor. Drenckhahn made a motion to elect Thorkildson to serve as the alternate MASAC representative, Zoberi seconded. All members voted in favor. TWIN CITIES AIRPORTS TASK FORCE APPOINTMENT Verbrugge gave an overview of the Twin Cities Airports Task Force. He then opened the floor to nominations to elect a representative to the Task Force. Gladhill nominated Thorkildson to serve as representative from the City of Eagan, Soderling seconded. All members voted in favor. Soderling questioned if more cargo business would mean more late night operations. Thorkildson stated no, the aircraft's destination determines when the plane actually needs to depart. He stated that some of the business is tied to night -time operations, but the majority of the business is linked to international passenger flights which go out primarily afternoon and early evening. CORRESPONDENCE Verbrugge gave an overview of a letter from the City of Burnsville to Roy Fuhrmann of the Metropolitan Airports Commission stating this letter was in response to comments made by the City of Eagan specific to operations for the North -South Runway. The City of Eagan has advocated for the elimination of the 100 degree flight heading which cuts through the middle of the community. Verbrugge stated that essentially the City of Burnsville is requesting that all flight tracks be consolidated, eliminated or changed to eliminate all flight track operations over their city. Airport Relations Commission Minutes February 8, 2000/4 Soderling sta ted that the letter misses the fact that Eagan already has operation traffic and this traffic is not equitably distributed. He further asked if we should respond. Verbrugge stated he would place a call to Tom Hansen. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Verbrugge gave a summary of the Bill Bonding Session, further stating there were 2,000 bills introduced the first week of the session. He further stated this bill is authored by Dave Johnson of Bloomington, advocating the creation of an airport impact district to create a special tax increment financing district that would be eligible for redevelopment projects. He further gave an overview of this bill. Verbrugge stated we will have to become more creative in the things that we look at for mitigative activities. He suggested a property value guarantee program as a creative mitigative activity along with encouraging people to perform sound insulation and renovation, such as new windows and home improvements that would meet standards of the Sound Insulation Program and reward people. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Thorkildson, seconded by Soderling the Commission members adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p. m. mis DATE SECRETARY