05/08/1984 - Airport Relations Commission CITY OF EAGAN MINUTES OF AIRPORT NOISE COMMITTEE MAY 8, 1984 The first meeting of the City of Eagan Airport Noise Committee was held Tuesday, May 8, 1984, at 4:15 p.m. in the Eagan Municipal Center building. Present were Committee members Tom Baker, Joe Harrison, Roger Sperling, Carol Dezois, Bob Swenson and Don Giblen. Newly appointed Committee members Dick Victor, John Gustin and Bart Schmidt were absent. Also present were Paul Hauge, City Attorney, Dale Runkle, City Planner, and Tom Hedges, City Administrator. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS City Administrator Hedges stated that the Airport Noise Committee was created by the City Council to examine increased airplane noise over the City of Eagan. Members of the newly appointed Committee introduced themselves identifying their residency and interest in serving on the Airport Noise Committee. GENERAL COMMENTS REGARDING AIRPLANE NOISE & NOISE FOOTPRINT City Administrator Hedges reviewed the airplane noise issue stating that a committee was formed in the early 1970's by the City of Eagan that was successful in adopting the Runway Use /Noise Abatement program that clearly defined air traffic corridors around the airport for takeoffs and landings. He further reviewed the City Council involvement during 1983 when aircraft noise was severely increased due to deviation of air traffic from the defined runways. The City Administrator reported that representatatives of the Metropolitan Airports Commission were invited to attend City Council meetings to discuss the experiment that was implemented by MAC causing the deviation of air traffic from defined corridors and also to inform MAC that the noise was intolerable and not in compliance with the adopted regulations. City Planner Runkle reviewed aircraft noise zones explaining how the zones relate to the land use compatabilities that were determined by land use criteria. He further stated that grant monies are available to study the air traffic impacts through a detailed noise analysis. A question was raised by Committee members as to whether the City of Eagan should apply for grant monies or fund their own noise analysis stating that total objectivity is maintained if the study is funded by the municipality. DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Committee member Sperling stated that the City should implement independent testings and noise monitoring of air traffic noise throughout the community. He further indicated that air traffic noise data could then be submitted to the City Council for legal action if air traffic is found to be in noncompliance with the approved departure and arrival corridors. Committee member Sperling also suggested that the City resign from the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC), realizing that Eagan does not receive fair representation on that Council. He further suggested that letters be sent to the major airlines expressing the City of Eagan's concern about airplane noise over the community. Committee member Giblin stated that Airport Noise Committee Minutes May 8, 1984 he is objecting to the Metropolitan Airport Commission's deviation from the aircraft engine run —up procedures. He stated that airlines are constantly violating procedures by exceeding the 7 :00 a.m. to 10 :00 p.m time in which aircraft engine run up is authorized. Committee member Giblin also expressed objection to the airlines casual attitude toward aircraft that is landing before or after time guidelines designated for departures and arrivals over the City of Eagan at Minneapolis International Airport. He stated that when MAC is made aware of these flights, residents are informed that the flight was classified emergency and therefore acceptable as a deviation from the guidelines. Committee member Giblin further recommended that additional study be made to require the airlines to use suppressors to comply with airlines throughout the world, control the altitude in which commuter planes are departing over the City and monitor departures on 11R and 11L that are violating the 105 heading. Dave Rolland, a resident of Hilltop Estates, appeared and expressed concern about the noise impact residents are experiencing in his subdivision due to both takeoffs and landings over the center of Eagan. Committee members stated that they have received complaints and are aware of takeoffs and landings that affect approximately 70 -80% of Eagan which magnifiesthe noise abatement problem. Committee member Giblin discussed a need to approach the leaders at the Metropolitan Airports Commission and review the problems Eagan residents are confronting with the increased aircraft noise. Committee member Sperling discussed the possibility of establishing an independent footprint to determine if airlines are violating the approved regulations. Committee member Giblin expressed an interest to invite the City's representative and senator to a future Committee meeting and ask whether legislative assistance could help the Committee find solutions to the aircraft noise problems. Committee members summarized Committee goals by defining the following objectives: 1) Provide private aircraft noise monitoring by utilizing staff and equipment from the University of Minnesota. 2) Consider withdrawing from the Metropolitan Airport Sound Abatement Council (MASAC). 3) Review legislative options with State Senator Howard Knutson and State Representative Art Seaberg. 4) Identify noise violations created by the airlines and serve notice on the Metropolitan Airport Commission of these violations. 5) Request the Metropolitan Airports Commission to require noise suppressors on all aircraft. 6) Arrange for a future meeting with airport leaders to discuss the air noise issue. Airport Noise Committee Minutes May 8, 1984 7) Gain statistical information about noise levels throughout the country that will help better define acceptable noise standards for air traffic over the City of Eagan. 8) Define an acceptable level of airplane noise for the City of Eagan. MASAC Committee member Baker stated that he is the City of Eagan's representative on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC). He explained the objectives and the types of issues that MASAC is reviewing as a part of their monthly meetings. Committee member Baker also provided a history of how MASAC was formed and related the frustation that the City of Eagan has such a minority vote on that Council. There being no further action, the City Administrator was directed to contact Senator Knutson and Representative Seaberg and ask that both appear at the next Airport Noise Committee meeting to be scheduled for Tuesday, May 29, 1984. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Dated: TLH City Administrator