08/20/1984 - Airport Relations Commission CITY OF RAGAN MINUTES OF AIRPORT NOISE COIMMIT ME SEPTEMBIER 20, 1984 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Noise Committee was held at the City Municipal Center on September 20, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were Members Don Giblin, Carol Dezois, John Gustin, Tom Baker, and Joe Harrison. Absent were Swenson and Randall. Also present were City Planner Dale Runkle and City Attorney Paul Hauge. Dale Runkle chaired the meeting and stated that the main purpose of the meeting was to review the draft Findings and Recommendations dated August 16, 1984 covering proposed Findings to be submitted to the City Council by the Noise Committee. Some of the items that were discussed by the Noise Committee members and proposed to be submitted to the City Council at its meeting on October 16, 1984 include the following: 1. The City Attorney was asked to redraft the Findings and Recommenda- tions to include specific additional items requested and approved by the members at the September 20, 1984 meeting. 2. In 1972 the FAA office in Washington promulgated the use of 11L and 11R as a major take -off and landing runway with 105 degree heading, but that the 105 degree headings are not being adhered to and that no official change has been adopted. 3. This policy has been repeatedly violated by the airlines, the FAA and the MAC, including flying at low altitudes and in addition, diversion from the designated corridors. 4. There is a reasonable and viable corridor for landing and take -offs under the preferential runway system. 5. In addition, the restricted quiet hour policy is not being adhered to by the airlines. 6. The aircraft are flying diversionary patterns into and out of runway #22, rather than following the Cedar Avenue corridor, as was originally proposed. 7. Eagan is receiving nearly all of the take -offs and landings during the curfew hours. 8. The ground run -ups have repeatedly created excessive and unnecessary noise and there are reasonable steps that can be taken by MAC and the airlines to alleviate this excessive noise. 1 Noise Committee Minutes September 20, 1984 9. Muffler devices should be required on all run -ups and special measures should be undertaken to restrict run -ups during night time and week- end hours. • 10. The statistics that were prepared in 1984 covering take -offs and landings should be included in the Findings and Recommendations. 11. It was recommended that the preferential runway corridor be extended to five miles to implement quiet take -off procedures, including potential climb in altitude to 3,000 feet. 12. Accurate monitoring devices should be installed and utilized to determine whether certain airlines or pilots are violating the procedures. 13. Violations in flight procedures should be cited and penalties and fines should be implemented to assist in the enforcement of applicable pro- cedures. 14. The City Council should implement monitoring procedures covering Runway #22 which would clearly impact the volume and diversion of traffic in the south and westerly portions of the city. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. PHH 2