02/28/1985 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN NOISE COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 28, 1985 The Eagan Noise Committee met at the City Hall on February 28, 1985 at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Chairman Tom Baker, Members Joe Harrison, John Gustin, Carol DeZois and Don Giblin. Also present were Councilman Tom Egan, Administrative Intern John Hohenstein, City Planner Dale Runkle, and City Attorney Paul Hauge. Guests were Jeff Michaels and Kathy Braun. Tom Baker chaired the meeting. MINUTES Minutes of the February 12, 1985 meeting were reviewed. Upon motion by Harrison, seconded Gustin, it was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1985 be approved with the exception on page 2 under 1985 Legislative proposals, number 3, that a moratorium be implemented extending the two -year diversionary flight experiment. All members voted yes. JOINT NOISE COMMITTEE Dale Runkle briefly reviewed the meeting held between representatives from Burnsville, Mendota Heights, and Eagan on Tuesday, February 26, 1985. The general consensus was that no formal committee should be set up but that the communities should be prepared to act ;.Jointly in the event of necessity concerning noise issues. Burnsville's representative expressed frustration in attempting to get resolutions of the noise problem over Burnsville and indicated they were quite willing to act ..Jointly with surrounding communities with similar problems. MASAC MEETING - FEBRUARY 26, 1985 Tom Baker discussed some of the issues that were reviewed at the February 26, 1985 meeting, including the following: 1. There was discussion concerning the Noise Abatement Plan that the MAC filed with the Minnesota Legislature. The PCA has stated it is not adequate and it appears that MAC will not come up with a suitable alternate plan. 2. Mr. Baker noted there were some exemptions that were granted carriers with noisier aircraft, including allowance for night -time hours. MAC has commenced an in;;unction action against two charter carriers which have requested an exemption from night flights through MASAC. 3. It was understood that the Bangor, Maine and Miami airports were given ( special exemption for certain airlines to exceed the noise restrictions. 1 MINUTES OF THE EAGAN NOISE COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 28, 1985 The Eagan Noise Committee met at the City Hall on February 28, 1985 at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Chairman Tom Baker, Members Joe Harrison, John Gustin, Carol DeZois and Don Giblin. Also present were Councilman Tom Egan, Administrative Intern John Hohenstein, City Planner Dale Runkle, and City Attorney Paul Hauge. Guests were Jeff Michaels and Kathy Braun. Tom Baker chaired the meeting. MINUTES Minutes of the February 12, 1985 meeting were reviewed. Upon motion by Harrison, seconded Gustin, it was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1985 be approved with the exception on page 2 under 1985 Legislative proposals, number 3, that a moratorium be implemented extending the two —year diversionary flight experiment. All members voted yes. JOINT NOISE COMMITTEE Dale Runkle briefly reviewed the meeting held between representatives from Burnsville, Mendota Heights, and Eagan on Tuesday, February 26, 1985. The general consensus was that no formal committee should be set up but that the communities should be prepared to act jointly in the event of necessity concerning noise issues. Burnsville's representative expressed frustration in attempting to get resolutions of the noise problem over Burnsville and indicated they were quite willing to act ,ointly with surrounding communities with similar problems. MASAC MEETING — FEBRUARY 26, 1985 Tom Baker discussed some of the issues that were reviewed at the February 26, 1985 meeting, including the following: 1. There was discussion concerning the Noise Abatement Plan that the MAC filed with the Minnesota Legislature. The PCA has stated it is not adequate and it appears that MAC will not come up with a suitable alternate plan. 2. Mr. Baker noted there were some exemptions that were granted carriers with noisier aircraft, including allowance for night —time hours. MAC has commenced an inLunction action against two charter carriers which have requested an exemption from night flights through MASAC. 3. It was understood that the Bangor, Maine and Miami airports were given special exemption for certain airlines to exceed the noise restrictions. 1 Noise Committee Minutes February 28, 1985 RUN —UP LEGISLATION ' It was noted that March 1, 1985 is the deadline for design selection for the installation of aircraft noise suppressing equipment at the ground run —up operation sites of the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport. The staff was requested to acquire more specific information as to the status of the selections. Harrison moved, Gustin seconded the motion to request the staff to investigate the potential for an engineering plan for berming and baffling of the run —up area, including potential funding for such purposes. All members voted yea. LEGISLATORS The staff was requested to contact Representative Frenzel and Senator Duerenberger and attempt to set up meetings with them and acquire whatever information is applicable relating to noise suppression. LEGISLATIVE MORATORIUM After discussion, Gustin moved, Harrison seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council that it investigate the potential for submitting legislation for a moratorium covering the 180 degree turn, to be effective until an Environmental Impact Study is completed and approved and there is full compliance by the Metropolitan Airports Commission with all statutory regulatory requirements regarding noise attenuation, including the noise abatement plan under MSA 473.612; and further that the Burnsville Representatives be requested to ;;oin in such legislation. All members voted in favor. RUN —UP COMPLIANCE Gustin moved, DeZois seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council that it request the staff to determine whether M.S.A. 417.608, Subd. 20 regarding design selections for aircraft run —up noise suppression equipment, has been complied with by MAC and if it has not been complied with, that the City Council take necessary steps to assure compliance, including requesting the Attorney General's office to enforce compliance; further, that the Council review this issue at its regular March 19, 1985 Council meeting. All members voted affirmatively. NEXT MEETING Harrison moved, Gustin seconded the motion to schedule the next meeting of the Eagan Noise Committee for Thursday, March 14, 1984 at 4:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. All members voted yes. 2 Noise Committee Minutes February 28, 1985 REGULATION FOR RUN —UP HOURS After considerable discussion, Giblin moved, Gustin seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council that run —ups at the Minneapolis /St. Paul International Airport be restricted to specified hours until the noise suppression equipment has been installed, which run —ups should be prohibited prior to 10:00 a.m. on weekends and other restricted hours as recommended by the staff' to the City Council. All voted yes. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the motion was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. All voted in favor. PHH • 3