03/14/1985 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT NOISE COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 14, 1985 The Eagan Airport Noise Committee met at the City Hall on March 14, 1985 at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Chairman Tom Baker, Members Joe Harrison and John Gustin. Also present were City Administrator Hedges, Administrative Intern John Hohenstein, City Planner Dale Runkle, and City Attorney Paul Hauge. Guest was Jeff Michaels. MINUTES Joe Harrison moved, John Gustin seconded the motion to approve the minutes as prepared. All voted in favor. AIRCRAFT NOISE SUPPRESSING EQUIPMENT City Planner Dale Runkle indicated that he had talked with Metro Council representatives concerning noise suppression in run -up facilities, including Mark Ryan, who stated there are no practical noise run -up suppression devices that are available indoors or outdoors. He did state it would cost about $6,000,000.00 for an indoor run -up suppression hanger for one plane and felt it was not feasible in light of the cost involved. In addition, Mr. Ryan and also Dave Braslow, a independent noise consultant in the Twin Cities, stated that suppression systems are very unique and expensive and would be required to be devised especially for each type of aircraft. He further indicated that the MAC has not reported to the Minnesota Legislature concerning design selection for noise suppression equipment under Chapter 473.608, Subd. 20. The MPCA is monitoring the progress but no action has been taken at the present time. SAFETY ISSUES The members present indicated that two aircraft during the past two weeks have developed engine problems on take -offs over Eagan, the latest being March 5, 1985. City Council members also were concerned about safety and recommended that greater emphasis be placed on that issue. Gustin moved, Harrison seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council that it direct a letter to the Metropolitan Airports Commission expressing its strong concern regarding potential safety problems within the air traffic corridors over the City of Eagan and that immediate steps be taken by the all air carriers to minimize the danger to the residents and property, using the two examples of engine problems during the past two weeks, and further, that copies of the letter be sent to the major airlines and also the National Transportation Safety Board. All voted yes. 1 Noise Committee Minutes March 14, 1985 NEXT MEETING It was recommended that Dave Braslow, the independent noise consultant, and also Dave Kelso be invited to the meeting on April 11, 1985 or as soon thereafter as possible. MPCA RULES - NPCI AND NPCII The Committee members reviewed proposed guidelines promulgated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency indicated as Minnesota Rules NPCI and NPCII and noted that comments will be received by the MPCA until April 19, 1985 regarding the proposed rules. The revised rules would amend the noise standards including new noise area classifications and methods of measurement for airports within the state of Minnesota. AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT PLAN Dave Kelso was contacted by John Hohenstein who stated that the Legislation has no enforcement power and that the report submitted by the MAC to the Legislature was unacceptable because of lack of adequate substantive proposals for action. The MPCA is requesting a more detailed response to the MAC. AIRPORT NOISE COMMITTEE GUESTS It was requested that Representative Wes Skogland of Minneapolis and Representative Art Seaberg be invited to a later meeting of the Committee to discuss current and proposed legislation. In addition, Tom Hedges will contact Representative Bill Frenzel for further comment and information. 180 DEGREE TURN RESOLUTION A proposed Resolution regarding a moratorium on the 180 degree turn submitted by City Attorney Paul Hauge was brought before the Committee and upon motion by Harrison, seconded Gustin, it was Resolved that the Resolution be approved and forwarded to the City Council for action. All members voted yes. GROUND RUN -UP RESOLUTION A resolution requested by the Committee at its last meeting regarding ground run -ups was submitted by Paul Hauge and reviewed by the committee members present. Several amendments to the Resolution were discussed, including the allowable ground run -up hours recommended to be permitted. Harrison moved, Gustin seconded the motion that the Resolution be adopted permitting ground run -up only between the hours of 7 :00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. weekdays, and between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. All members voted affirmatively. 2 Noise Committee Minutes March 14, 1985 MEETING WITH AIRLINE REPRESENTATIVES After discussion by the members present, Harrison moved, Gustin seconded the motion, all members voted in favor of a recommendation to the City Council that it review and proceed with a meeting including representatives of the City of Burnsville with representatives of Northwest Airlines and Republic Airlines management personnel to discuss and request that the airlines follow the preferential run -way pattern and take all steps necessary to reduce safety hazards within the area encompassed by the air traffic patterns, and further, take all steps necessary to reduce excessive noise in the area of the air traffic patterns. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the motion was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. All voted in favor. PHH 3 :.r.. a ':,':: . .. - ",:: . ..:. * ::..:. "C« city of aagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 BEA BLOMQUIST EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 Mayor PHONE: (612) 454 -8100 THOMAS EGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRY THOMAS THEODORE embers R March 29, 1985 Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Administrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk THE HONORABLE BILL FRENZEL - THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ROOM 445 8120 PENN AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MN 55431 Re: Airport Noise /City of Eagan Dear Mr. Frenzel: On behalf of the City of Eagan's Airport Noise Committee and our City Council, we are appreciative of your willingness to investigate the matter of increased air traffic noise over our community. The City of Eagan is convinced that the Metropolitan Airports Commission, the control tower, the FAA, the National Safety Board and the common carriers are ignoring an agreement that was approved in the early 1970's that would require 1) ground run -up testing to occur during specified hours (see attached resolution), and 2) that all landings and takeoffs at Wold- Chamberlain International Airport will be restricted to specified air traffic corridors. The airport is allowing ground run -up testing to occur in the early morning and late evening hours as well as weekends, and that noise is intolerable for residents in north Eagan. • Since deregulation, the number of departures and landings at the Inter- national Airport were increased dramatically and in order to accomodate the busy flight schedules, air traffic is taxying for landing or departure outside the air traffic corridors. The City of Eagan is concerned about the increasing noise air- craft is causing in residential areas as well as the potential safety problems caused by aircraft flying over residential areas. Prior to the deregulation and experiments that were conducted by the airport, aircraft was restricted to the Minnesota River corridor and Interstate network. The City of Eagan is concerned about this issue and would appreciate any assistance your office may be able to give our community. \ THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY --) Airport Noise /City of Eagan March 29, 1985 Page 2 Enclosed are copies of minutes from the Airport Noise Committee, action by our City Council and resolutions that were sent to the Metropolitan Airport Commission and Minnesota State Attorney General's Office. Your cooperation on this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, C\IkAM3-69\4 Thomas Hedges L. es g City Administrator TLH /jj cc: Honorable Mayor Bea Blomquist All members of the Eagan City Council Tom Baker, Chairman, Airport Noise Committee All members of the Airport Noise Committee Enclosure