10/10/1985 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT NOISE COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 10, 1985 A regular meeting of the Eagan Airport Noise Committee was held at the Eagan Municipal Center at 4:30 p.m. at which the following were present: Chairman Tom Baker, John Gustin, Joe Harrison, Carolyn Braun; Mayor Bea Blomquist, and City Councilman Tom Egan; and guest - Otto Leightner. Also present were City Administrative Intern John Hohenstein, City Administrator Tom Hedges and City Attorney Paul Hauge. MINUTES Gustin moved, Harrison seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of September 19, 1985. All voted yes. CAROLYN BRAUN City Council has approved the appointment of Carolyn Braun as a member of the Eagan Airport Noise Committee and it was noted that the ADHOC Committee has unspecified lengths of terms. MAC PART 150 STUDY A letter from the City Administrator to Walter Rockenstein, the Chairman of the MASAC dated September 20, 1985 responding to the request for recommendation for the Part 150 Study was reviewed. Three recommendations were made and it was understood that no specific action had been taken. STAGE III INCENTIVES - METRO TAX The recommendation of Jan DelCalzo for a metropolitan area tax to provide air carriers with incentives to purchase Stage III aircraft in the amount of $100,000,000.00 was discussed. The issue stirred significant metro -wide debate and no action is expected to be taken on the recommendation. There had been opposition to the proposal to add monetary supplements to airlines. Noise Committee Meeting October 10, 1985 NORTH EAGAN SUBDIVISIONS The concept providing targeted relief to the residential subdivisions in northern Eagan was proposed at the Airport Noise Committee meeting on June 27, 1985. In particular, the McKee Addition is an additional recipient of a substantial amount of airport noise and a suggestion was made by one resident that the City Council should encourage the conversion of residential properties in the area to residential use. One alternate would be to provide tax increment financing. It was noted that the City Council may not be favorable toward that approach and Joe Harrison suggested a broker be engaged by the property owners or by the City to consider the sale of all the residential parcels for industrial use on a private basis. After discussion, Harrison moved, Gustin seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council that the staff be directed to review alternates for the sale of residential parcels and conversion to higher density uses, such as industrial, and to submit the findings to the City Council and the Airport Noise Committee. It was noted that the proposal would allow a clear corridor for traffic from the parallel runways but there was concern that carriers would not comply with the 105 degree corridor pattern. It was suggested, however, that pressure be continued to be placed on all applicable agencies to follow the corridor and to explore the alternates, including tax increment financing, private brokerage acquisition and to further determine which owners would be interested in selling property for ultimate conversion to industrial use. All voted yes. REQUEST FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION Gustin moved, Harrison seconded the motion to direct the staff to review all correspondence relating to requests of the Committee for legislative and agency action and submit the information to the City Council for further action. All voted yea. JOINT METRO AREA NOISE COMMISSION The members of the Committee discussed the issue of a joint Metro Area Noise Committee and recommended that the City Council strongly encourage such an organization to be formulated along the lines proposed by Mayor Blomquist at the October 4, 1985 Noise Committee meeting. MAC INITIATIVES TO REDUCE OPERATIONS The Metropolitan Airports Commission went on record at its September meeting supporting the introduction of regulatory curbs on operations and the Committee discussed recent news articles concerning MAC initiatives to reinstitute a form of regulation to reduce the volume of airport traffic. Members expressed concern that a reduction of flights does not address the issue of keeping all flights within approved corridors. No official action was taken. 2 Noise Committee Meeting October 10, 1985 180 DEGREE HEADING STATUS Chairman Baker and Administrative Assistant Hohenstein reported on the status of the 180 degree heading procedure recommendation. Chairman Baker indicated that the recommendation had been forwarded by MAC to the FAA and that the FAA will begin review in the near future. Mr. Hohenstein reported that Burnsville Mayor Morrison's proposal for a 180 degree heading diverting traffic along the Minnesota River Valley was reported unfavorably from MASAC's operations committee and would not be proposed as part of the procedure. RUN -UP SUPPRESSOR Administrative Assistant Hohenstein reported that the MAC has authorized a report be prepared to indicate the lack of need for run -up suppressor. There was brief discussion concerning the issue, and the Committee members were concerned about bringing the issue to public notice. CONTINUATION Harrison moved, Gustin seconded the motion, all members voted yes, to continue the Agenda items on Noise Monitoring Equipment until the next regular meeting. All voted yes. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the motion was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. All voted in favor. PHH Secretary 3