02/12/1985 - Airport Relations Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN NOISE COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 12, 1985 The Eagan Noise Committee met at the City Hall on February 12, 1985 at 4:30 p.m. Those present were Chairman Tom Baker, Members Joe Harrison and John Gustin. Also present were City Administrator Thomas Hedges, Administrative Intern John Hohenstein, City Planner Dale Runkle, and City Attorney Paul Hauge. MEETING OPENING Chairman Baker convened the meeting and Tom Hedges reviewed the proposed agenda for the meeting. He indicated that there had been no response to the November 28, 1984 letter to Lawrence McCabe, the Chairman of the Metropolitan Airports Commission regarding the City Council's request for action in the general area of air noise over the City. After discussion, Mr. Gustin moved, Mr. Harrison seconded the motion to request that the Committee recommend to the City Council that the Administrator forward a letter to Mr. McCabe requesting that action be taken based upon the Administrator's November 28, 1984 letter. All members voted yes. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Paul Hauge, the City Attorney, reported on his contact with representative Art Seiben, concerning proposed legislation before the 1985 Minnesota Legislature. He indicated that no specific legislation had been drafted and submitted at the present time, but that Mr. Seiben would be receptive to reviewing such legislation if recommended by the Committee and the City Council. Areas suggested for review included recommending that legislation be adopted requiring that standards of flight noise be implemented by the respective agencies. This would include the right to cite violations against airlines, that the Cities would have the right to do so, or individuals who have been damaged, be offered the opportunity to do so. Areas here included excessive noise from overflights, violation of traffic patterns, including preferential runway, the respect for nighttime hours and runups. JOINT NOISE COMMITTEE It had been recommended by the Eagan City Council that Mendota Heights and Burnsville representatives be invited to assist the Eagan Noise Committee in formulating a multi - community committee dealing with air noise in the northern Dakota County area. It was therefore recommended that the three chairpersons of each of the City's meet, together with staff people and prepare a list of suggestions, primarily for submission to the 1985 legislature. It was suggested that a meeting be held at 12:00 noon on February 26, 1985 and the City Administrator be requested to organize the meeting. 1 Noise Committee Minutes February 12, 1985 MASAC'S 2 -YEAR EXPERIMENT There was considerable discussion relating to the effect of the two -year experiment implemented by the FAA and MAC concerning diverting flights from over the Eagan /Burnsville /Mendota Heights areas, and it was noted that MASAC is now studying the experiment and at its next meeting, there will be further findings regarding the project. The staff was requested to acquire as much information concerning the background, the findings of MASAC regarding the two -year experiment, the recommendation of MAC, whether an EIS is necessary to continue the experiment, and whether hearings will be held regarding its continuance. GENERAL It was suggested that Congressman Frenzel be contacted and invited to a committee meeting to discuss any existing or potential Federal legislation and assistance from the federal level that could be acquired for alleviating the noise over Eagan. In addition, Representative Wes Skogland from Minneapolis, should be contacted regarding air noise in the Minneapolis area, and any legislation or other information that would be helpful to the Eagan committee. AIRPORT RUN -UPS Committee members discussed the infractions of the rules that were supposedly implemented by MAC and MASAC regarding reducing run -up noise, including berms and baffles. Serious violations had taken place according to Committee members. 1985 LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS After lengthy discussion, Gustin moved, Harrison seconded the motion that the Committee recommend to the City Council that it study and draft and submit legislation to the 1985 legislature regarding air noise, covering the following topics: 1. Legislation to require that specific measures be taken to reduce the impact from run -up noise, including berms and other noise reduction devices, and further, that other steps be taken to reduce run -up noise, including use of run -up pads 24 hours a day and that such legislation provide for fines and penalties for violations. 2. Restructuring of MASAC into a Wold - Chamberlain Noise Authority (WCHNA) to provide for representatives from the surrounding Cities, citizens from each of the communities, agencies, including MAC, PCA, MnDOT, and Metro Council, etc., but that no airline representatives be included, with enforcement either by the Noise Authority or the Pollution Control Administration. 3. A two -year experiment or moratorium be implemented extending the two - year diversionary flight experiment to determine whether any adverse environment impact has been created during the past two years, and further that the airlines be required to follow the 180 degree departure heading from Runway 22 until a final decision as to whether the experiment should be 0 Noise Committee Minutes February 12, 1985 4. Legislation that all aircraft be required to follow the prescribed preferential runway pattern for departures and landings over Mendota Heights and Eagan. 5. The Council should invite direct input from Representative Frenzel and other Minnesota Congressmen and Senators to assist in implementing strict adherence to noise guidelines within the general area. All members voted in favor. NOISE CORRIDORS Mr. Gustin moved, and Mr. Harrison seconded the motion to recommend to the City Council that all necessary steps be taken to require that aircraft utilizing 11L and 11R arrivals and departures, stay within the noise corridors pursuant to the agreed upon traffic pattern along the general I -494 corridor for a distance of 5 miles from the end of the runway, and that no turns be permitted beyond the 105 degree heading, with the understanding the MAC will be responsible for enforcement of such restrictions. All members voted yes. NEXT MEETING The net meeting was scheduled for February 28, 1985 at 4:30 p.m. at the City Hall. PHH l 3