3348 Donald Ave - Certificate of Occupancy(Urtifiratr of (Orrupaurg Citp of (Eagan arvartinmt of Butibiug mprru m Tbis Certificate issued Pursuant to tbt requirements of Sation 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in comPlianct with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction If use. For the following: SF Dwelling & Garage BiCt.Pom No 5102 Vee Cledfiratlm O-Fw 'row R=3rywC??III z?nwme R-1 Frank Murtinger,z? 1345 High Site Dr. Ow. atBNavit 3348 Donald Aver„ Eagan, MN 5512 BY, - we w . ea.se?wow e..ce