03/13/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA March 13, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan Park Committee was held on March 13, 1975 at 7 :30 p.m. at the City Hall. Those present were Gerber Hatteberg, Neil Coates, Barbara Schmidt, Myrel Lundsten, Carolyn Thurston, David Erb and Dale Everson. Also present were John Voss, Robert Rosene, Bill Branch, Greg Franzen, Ted Wachter, and Paul Haute. Those absent were Fay Cooper, Roger Martin and Charles Hall. ' MINUTES. After the Pledge of Allegiance and upon motion by Coates, seconded Thurston, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. NORTHVIEW PTA REPRESENTATIVE. Representatives from Northview PTA appeared and reviewed plans and progress covering the Northview Nature Center on the Northerly 20 acres of Northview school property. They indicated volunteer work had been used in developing the area, including paths, amphitheater, etc. John Voss explained the Park Committee plans and the fact that Ed Dunn had set aside 50 acres immediately North of the property for potential Eagan development, includ- ing athletic field which would be incorporated into the PUD agreement. MARTIN SHIELDS PARK ACQUISITION - TIMBERLINE PARK. The City Attorney indi- cated that the signed Purchase Agreement from Martin Shields had been received and that it is expected that the property will be closed by the end of April. GARDNER MILLER - 4-H CLUB PROJECT. Mr. Gardner Miller of the Valleyviewers 4 -H Club appeared and discussed a project of constructing bird houses for blue- birds and woodducks to be placed in Patrick Eagan Park in the Spring of 1975. He also recommended a bicycle day for Eagan be set aside during the Summer of 1975 and that streets and roads for bicycle traffic and hiking exclusively be desig- nated on a Sunday. He suggested three possible routes and the Park Trail Committee was asked to review the issue and make contacts with the Eagan Police Department. Upon motion by Thurston, seconded Everson, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the concept for a hiking - biking day be endorsed and reviewed by the Trail Committee with the objective of presenting the concept to the City Council. EAGAN PARK BOARD BUDGET. John Voss reviewed available money for park con- struction and development and proposed development in various parks. Residents in the area of Blackhawk Park were present and asked that a public meeting be held to review the plans for Blackhawk Park. The Park Committee set April 3rd at 7:30 p.m. to review plans of Blackhawk Park. In addition, the City Engineer dis- cussed the possible need to repair the pond at Timberline and to repair the man- hole to prevent leakage of the water from the pond. Residents in the area of Timberline appeared and discussed the development of that park. There was a suggestion that a wildlife biologist be engaged to make recommendations as to the use of the park. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Coates, all voting yes, it was RESOLVED that John Voss be authorized to contact a wildlife biologist to pre- pare recommendations at a cost of not to exceed $300.00 for preliminary concepts of Pilot Knob Park, and to report at the April 3, 1975 meeting at which time a review of the park proposals would take place. The Timberline residents suggested that the proposed ball- diamond be eliminated from the plan. WATER FOUNTAIN SPECIFICATIONS. The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for water fountains for parks. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Everson, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that one water fountain for Woodhaven Park be acquired separate from the 1975 Park Development Contract, to be installed by City employees. TANK TRUCK SPECIFICATIONS. Greg Franzen appeared and gave estimates for the proposed acquisition of a tank truck for use by the Park and Utilities De- partments, including street department, at an estimated cost of $24,000 — $28,000, in response to the Council request for information. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that more specific estimated cost estimates, including specifications, be submitted to the City Council for review and action. RA►HN PARK COPMUNITY CENTER BUILDING. The City Engineer discussed briefly the proposal for the Rahn Park Community Center building. No action was taken. CEDAR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION STORAGE RE9UEST. Members of the Cedar Athletic Association appeared and requested a building be constructed for storage and CAA use in Rahn Park, including office and meeting location. In addition, a MEND- Eagan representative requested storage space for M©ND -Eagan athletic facilities. Park Committee members indicated that a portion of the new utilities garage could be used for storage but stressed the need to limit the number of people with access to the garage storage area. The athletic associations were asked to cover the insurance for the equipment being stored. In addition, the Park Committee asked for a schedule for baseball for 1975 and requested cooperation regarding parking in the park areas for athletic events. A meeting was scheduled for March 24th to discuss scheduling of athletic events in the parks. TURF MANAGEMENT COURSE. The Park Committee authorized employees of the Park Department to attend the Turf Management course. SUMMER PROGRAM. Dale Everson reported regarding the proposed summer program of 1975 and recommended expanding the three former programs, including tumbling and dance, acrobatics, the summer park program and tennis. In addition, he indi- cated that plans are being made for a five year recreational program. DISTRICT X6197 BROCHURE COST. It was noted that District #197 had offered publication of all recreation information for the Eagan park system in its brochure and requested payment of $100.00 for such publicizing. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Thurston, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that $100.00 be auth- orized to be spent for such purpose. PILOT KNOB SCHOOL - SHARED RECREATION PROGRAM. Upon motion by Everson, seconded Erb, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the sum of $375.00 as -3- -1 • Eagan's share be paid for the shared cost of the park recreation program at Pilot Knob School. CIVIC CENTER REPORT. Dale Everson reviewed plans to date regarding a pro- posed multi-purpose civic center on Pilot Knob Road and indicated that it was the intention of the Park Committee to proceed to the Council with the recommendations. The proposed park development bond issue was also discussed, but it was recommended that the bond issue for a civic center and development program be separate. He submitted a rough draft of the civic center report which will be reviewed by the Park Committee at its next regular meeting. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FOR PARK EMPLOYEES. An attempt will be made by the Park Committee to acquire several government subsidized employees in 1975. 1975 BUDGET. Copies of the 1975 final budget will be distributed for comment by the Park Committee at its next meeting. ASSESSMENTS OF PARK PROPERTY. The proposals of the Council regarding pay- ment of assessments on park property will be reviewed at the next meeting. BILLS. A recent statement from John Voss was upon motion by Schmidt, seconded Thurston, all members voting yes, approved and ordered paid. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the meeting adjourn at 12:15 a.m. March 13, 1975 Myrel Lundsten - Council meetings in April.