06/12/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA June 12, 1975 A regular of the Eagan Park Committee was held:on June 12, 1975 at the City Hall at 7 :35 p.m. Dale Everson, Chairman, presided, Those members present were Eversoni Schmidt, Thurston, Cooper, Ratteberg, Llandsten, Martin and Coates. Also present were Wachter, Hugelen and Hauge. MINUTES. Upon motion by Schmidt, seconded Thurston, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved. COUNCIL MEETING REPORT. Barbara Schmidt reported on the last Council and APC meeting and indicated that John Voss was requested to review and submit further information to the APC concerning park donations from industrial and commercial developers. It was indicated that a Tree Inspector had been hired and other maintenance and summer park employees had been authorized for hiring k cue Council. BLACKHAAWK HILLS ADDITION. Wayne Winsor appeared and discussed, dedication of park property from the 92 acre parcel of Blackhawk Hills and further discussed the credit for ponding. He requested that 10.2 acres be dedicated and that the balance of the obligation be in the form of cash. It was noted that there were drainage problems in the ponding area. Ten lots had been platted and 15 additional lots will be platted in the next subdivision. A decision concerning the dedica- tion will be made at the next park committee regular meeting in July. MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROPOSAL. Curt Laughinghouse of Detrick Land Company and Don Prettyman appeared regarding a proposal for the acquisition by the City of land North of Lone Oak Road, East of Highway #13 and West of Pilot Knob Road consisting of approximately 40 acres dispersed within the residential area for a 9 hole municipal golf course. It was suggested that back lots of many residential homes sites could be used as a portion of the golf course and that a 7 acre residentially zoned parcel on Highway #13 handled by Derrick Land Company be included. Several owners in the area affected were present and generally favored the preliminary proposal. Upon motion by Cooper, seconded Lundsten, it was RESOLVED to refer the proposal to the Park Development Committee for further review and study and recommendation to the Park Board. The proponents of the plan were asked to meet and discuss the matter further and to come up with information concerning projected costs of land acquisition, etc. PROS ARCHITECTURAL CONTRACT FOR 1975 PARK IMPROVEMENTS. Eldon Hugeleu of Urban Planning and Design submitted a proposal for services by his firm for preparation of plans and specifications and supervision of construction for the 1975 park improvements. He submitted a time table for construction to the con- sultants fees for plans, administration and supervision. Upon motion by Lundstea seconded Martin, it was RESOLVED to defer the natter to the Park Administrative Committee and that a recommendation be made to the Council concerning the Urban Planning proposal at the next regular Council meeting. KAHN SCHOOL WALL PROPOSAL, Eldon Hugelen discussed the proposed plan for a retaining wall for Rahn School at an estimated cost including wood and slide of $3,600.00. No action was taken on the matter. He also discussed proposed surfac- ing for jogging trails including a 314 recycled rubber product over an asphalt walk. The reaction was not favorable from the Park Committee because of the coat. ICE ARENA PROPOSAL. Mr. Ed Studer of Metro Metals, Inc. appeared and dis- cussed the possibility of Metro Metals constricting an ice arena for the City to be leased to the City on a long term basis. He suggested a 120' x 240' x 16' building with 12 months ice and with minimum facilities. There was a question about competitive bids for leaee Arrangements and also the committee discussed whether Eagan land could be used with a private building constructed on it. The Park Committee informally determined that more study would be desirable. OAT{ CHASE ThImi. There was discussion by the City Attorney concerning acquisition of a lot in Oak Chase Addition for park purposes to be included in -2- the 1975 improvements schedule. The Park Committee determined that the assessment procedure whereby property owners dedicating land which included assessments for improvements by the City would be paid by the dedicator, according to the Park Assessment Policy. SOUTH OARS PARK, An offer from residents in the area of South Oaks Park to improve the park for ballfield purposes and to maintain the park at no cost to the City was received and accepted by the Park Committee and it was recommended that permission be granted to the residents in the area. BIKE TOUR PROPOSAL. A written proposal from David Erb regarding a proposed bicycle tour day in the City during the Summer of 1975 was reviewed.. He indicated that it did not appear practical to have such a bicycle day tour scheduled in 1975 because of lack of adequate bike paths and potential liability problems. He recommended that a Park Day to expose residents to park progress be scheduled during 1975. Thurston moved and Coates seconded a motion that there be no Bicycle Day in 1975 because of safety reasons but that there would be further review in the future. Schmidt moved and Thurston seconded the motion to endorse the concept of a park Day to be scheduled after completion of. work of the 1975 improvements. NORM IE"W FIELD. Myrel Lundsten reported on recent developments concerning the joint powers agreement with the Rosemount School District regarding improve- ments and maintenance of the Northview School field for ball playing purposes. No agreement from the school district had been received at the present time and it was indicated that Eagan does not plan to do maintenance on the field in 1975. RAHN PARK SHELTER ARCHITECT AGREEMENT. A standard AIA Agreement from Lind- bergh- Pierce, Inc. for the Rahn Park shelter building for $3,600.00 was received. Upon motion by Schmidt, seconded Thurston, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the architectural contract be recommended for approval by the Council. FOURTH OF JULY SPEAKER. Dale Everson was requested to speak on behalf of the Park Committee at the 4th of July celebration in Eagan. EVERGREEN PARR IMPROVEMENTS. There was discussion concerning comparable costs for an overlay on the existing Evergreen Park tennis courts as opposed to the contract for reconstruction of the tennis courts. No action was taken. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PARK COMMIrriE. A special meeting of the Park Committee will be held on June 26, 1975 at 7 :00 p.m. to review plans and specifications for the proposed park in the 1975 contract. OUTDOOR RECREATION SEOS10N. Upon motion by Thurston, seconded Lundsten, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Barbara Schmidt ba-autberised to attend the outdoor recreation seminar on July 2nd sponsored by the State Planning Agency at park committee's expense. SUMMER RECREATIONAL PROGRAM. Schedules for the summer recreational program were distributed to the Park Committee members present. URBAN FANG ' S . A statement in the sum of $1,113.54 from Urban Planning and Design was upon motion duly made and seconded, authorized to be paid from current budget and bond issue funds as provided in the statement. PARK SATELATES. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that one satellite in McKee Park and one satellite in Carnelian Park be authorized for the balance of the summer. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. June 12, 1975 S .. (Xi►.v.so1,,../