07/10/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2)MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN PARR C0NMITTEE RAGAN, MINNESOTA July 10, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan Park Committee was held at the City pall. on July 10, 1975 at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Barbara Schmidt, Vice Chairperson; Hatteberg, Lundberg, Lundsten, Martin and Coates. Also present were Waciter, Voss, Hugelen and Hauge. Upon motion duly made by Lundberg and seconded by Lundsten, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting of the June 12th meeting be approved as distributed. BLACKHAWK HILLS ADDITION PARK. Dave Johnson and Wayne Winsor appeared on behalf of Associated Families, the owners of a subdivision proposed to be platted in Blackhawk Hills Addition. They submitted a memo dated July 10, 1975 addressed to the Park Board concerning a proposed park cited in the minutes of December a, 1969 relating to approval of the preliminary plat of Blackhawk Hills Addition and future dedication for park purposes. Their suggestion was that the pond area to the North consisting of about 10 acres, be dedicated and be held in a natural state, Under the current park ponding policy, slightly less than 12 acres would be require for dedication. It had been agreed by the owners that the area around Blackhawk Lake and adjacent to it not to be fenced off according to the understanding ori- ginally reached at the time of development of the original plat. Park Committee members suggested that 10 acres be dedicated on the North and further that a defined ten foot walking trail easement around Blackhawk Lake be dedicated at this time to fulfill park requirements. There was a question as to the level of the lake in the future which may affect the trail. Associated Fanilies was requested to review the issue and return to the August Park Committee meeting. GABBERT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Dave Gabbert and Wally Gabbert appeared informally requesting the Park Committee's opinion as to the possible dedication of a portion of a pond on the East side of Pilot Knob Road as a part of the proposed development of 70 acres owned by Robert Tilsen near the Northeast corner of Pilot Knob Road which would be essentially single family with about 10 acres of multiple along Cliff Road. The area would be used for ponding and park purposes with approximately 4.5 acres of ponding and 2.5 acres of peninsula that would be reached by a 16.5 foot easement owned by Arnold Carlson to the peninsula on the North line of the property. The Park Board will review what will be developed nom. the well site to the South and the potential use of the ponding to the North, part of which pond is privately owned. Upon motion by Lundberg, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the matter be referred to the Development Committee for review and report. 1975 PARK IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT. Eldon Hugelen and John Voss appeared together with Robert Gottsacker, Engineer and submitted plans and specifications for the proposed 1975 Park Improvement contract. A list of all park improvements including estimated costs was submitted with a total estimated cost of $141,000 including architectural and engineering fees. The proposed improvements for Rahn Park will be reviewed with Bob Rosene and in addition the proposals for Woodhaven Park with some deletions were suggested with an alternate for play equipment, ten food- fence for tennis, ag -lime to be spread by Eagan and storm sewer revisions suggested to be paid by City of Eagan from the storm sewer fund. After detailed review, upon motion by Lundsten, seconded by Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications be recommended for approval to the City Council to include the provisions noted above and those which will be submitted to the Council at its next meeting. LAWCON FUNDS & STATE NATURAL DNR FUNDS. Mr„ John Voss appeared with two proposals as potential grants from Lawcon and DNR for park improvements including a two mile trail along the power line easement from Rahn Park to Thomas Lake at an estimated cost of $52,800 including 507. Lawcon contribution, 257. DNR contribution and a 25% Eagan contribution, or 50% DNR and 50% Eagan contribution. Thh second project would include the acquisition of 50 acres in the Northview area from Ed Dunn at the cost of about $250,000. After review and upon motion by Schmidt, seconded Lundberg, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the City Council that preapplications pursuant to both recommendations be made by the City Planner to the Metro Council and State Planning agency. URBAN PLANNING STATEMENTS. Two statements from Urban Planning were submitted and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that they be ordered paid. CEDAR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, A detailed report from Cedar Athletic Association was submitted by President Bob Seurer, Vice President Larry Haugen and Treasurer Bruce Smith. Included in the recommendations was that the CAA program be turned over to the City of Eagan, that one full time recreational director be hired for athletic purposes for the entire city, that maintenance schedules be set up formally and the activities of the athletic association be taken over by the Park Committee. The matter was reviewed in detail and it will be reported ou a later meeting. RAHN SHELTER BUILDING. The architects for the shelter building had returned an estimated cost of $46,000 for a building of slightly over 15,000 square feet. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Lundberg, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVER: that the architect be authorized to proceed with plans and that the authorized funds to be spent for the building be increased from $40,000 to $46,000 as an estimated cost for budget purposes. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 12 :30 P.M. July 10, 1975 Myrel Lundsten - August Council Meetings