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08/01/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionA GL's' DA PARK COMMITTEE CITY OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 7 :30 P.M. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2, Approval of Minutes 3. a Report from Council Meeting Pilot Knob Park 'urchase -Paul Haube b. Special rresentation- horthview Nature Study Area- i'.T.A. c ApP*a t i - FfeMtc s'e Day - Gardner ,Miller 5. a° fe;P A8 o$ Northview Purchase -John Voss b, Review Blac; hawk Fark Concept -Eldon Huclelen -Bob Rosene 0. Review Pilot Knob raric Concert d. Review Bond Fund Budget -John Voss e, Water Fountain Specs. -Bob Rosene 6 • 1as i'itrianiqu r s ire 9 a reg Franzen b. CAA Representatives c. fiend -Eagan Representatives d. Spring and Summer Projects and Equipment Needs e. Turf :danabe.aent and other courses 7. Development Committee Business a. Report on ,Tour of 'Westview Community Center b, Discuss possible corstructiJn for Evergreen Park, Wilderness Run or Qaz Chase 8. Recreation Committee Business a. Program Reco.n.aendatins b. Request from Ind. Dist. 197 for shared cost of brochure c. Request from Ind, Dist, 197 for snared cost of Park Recreation krotiram 9. Administrative Business a. Civic Center Report -Dale Everson b. Suucner Employment c. Tree Omer 10. Finance Committee Business a. 1975 Bud6et Final Review b. Park Assessmeuta c, John Voss' a Hill d. February expenditures 11, Publicity Report 12. Old Business 13. New Business 14. Adjournment Special Meeting of the Eagan Park Committee Aug. 11, 1975 ;embers Absent: Carolyn Thurston, Dale Everson, Grant Lundberg Also Present: John Voss and Eldon Hugelon Eldon Hugelon and John Voss reviewed the bids for the current park construction contract. The bids for Pilot Knob Park seemed high in comparison to the estimated cost. Eldon explained that in his tours with the contractors prior to their submission of bids, they expressed concern about regulation of water levels, the holding capacity of the pond as well as the time needed for construction of the wooden bridges. The contractors also seemed unsure of how to repair the broken strom drain. Roger Martin moved that Pilot Knob Park be dropped from the current contract and that the bid for park construction in Oak Chase, Evergreen, Blackhawk and Rahn Park and the alternate for replacing the tennis fence at Evergreen Park be awarded to B Tu Mix company in the amount of *64,9 Faye Cooper seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Barb Schmidt moved that the Park Committee recommend that 'the:: council authorize Bob Rosene to gather estimates for repair of the broken storm sewer pipe from sewer and water contractors working in the area and that such repairs be paid by the sewer and water funds. It was further recommended that the °Park Department arrange for a teat fill after the repair of the sewer and the addition of a chemical sealant with the charges for the chemical and the water, if any, to be paid by Park Bond Funds. Neil Coates seconded the motion which was unanimously passed. John Voss explained that all invoices submitted by the contractor will be sent to the Park Committee for review before going; to the council for payment. Any major change order will also go to the Park Committee` for review with the exception of topsoil for Evergreen Park which is an anticipated add on and will be reviewed with the Park Director before approved. The contractor will submit an outline showinsi a payment schedule in the pre - construction conference which will show individual costs. Startin6 dates will also be determined but seeding will be completed by September 15, 1975, and the'total contract will be completed by November 15, 1975, Neil Goatee moved and Roger Martin seconded a motion:: to adjourn at 8:15 P.I. All members voted in favor. Respectfully submitted, l(yrel Lundsten, Secretary Eagan Park Committee